Malvina - biography, image and character, interesting facts


Character History

There is hardly a child who does not know the plot of fairy tale about Pinocchio and the golden key. Malvina became a memorable face of the narration. Beautiful girl, doll with blue hair, conquers the hearts of little readers. This character has an outstanding character, a curious appearance and a rich biography. Her appearance in a fairy tale is not at all by chance.

History of creation

The literary basis for the work of Alexei Tolstoy, written in 1923, served the Italian fiaba "Adventures Pinocchio" Carlo Collodi. The authentic plot about Pinocchio was known in Europe 50 years before he was heard in Russia.

Alexey Tolstoy

At first, Tolstoy thought over literary techniques, which would allow to make a narrative not dry retelling of the plot, but a curious legend. The author had to stop working and take a break to find inspiration. In 1934, the fairy tale was finalized in a new vein. Tolstoy added the history of the spirit of adventurism, and the heroes - Zador.

The fairy tale was published in 1936 as an independent work, which used the motives of collodes. Domestic readers enthusiastically took the story of Buratino, because the essay had a traditional moralistic component, attracted interest to a non-standard plot and a description of specific heroes. To create the image of Malvina, the author required to combine the description of the forest fairies with azure hair from the fairy tale and the features of the character of the Italian comedy del Arte - Colombina.

Colombin and blue fairy

The character of Malvina unites the skill of the Collodice Fairy to find a common language with representatives of flora and fauna, the beauty and kindness of both fictional characters. The appearance of the girl makes it a special, antivating association with the world of magic and fiction, in which having blue hair is normal.

The name of the heroine also received not by chance. Tolstoy, amateur romantic poetry, chose him, based on the traditions of this literary direction. The name was used by Pushkin and Zhukovsky, Celtic Bard Ossian and poets of the 18-19th centuries. Translated from the ancient Germansky, it means "weak, gentle", which is logical for a touching character described by Tolstoy. In the alternative version of Malvina is deciphered as "fair" and refers to associations with the flowers of Malva plants.

Image and plot

Malvina - doll. She actresses theater to whom the Senor Karabas-Barabas leads. The audience is delighted with her talent and image. Hairstyle attracts universal attention to the unusual blue hair color, forcing the penetration of sympathy. Malvina - the owner of blue eyes, long eyelashes and neat spout, porcelain face adorns a pleasant blush. Torchish doll nabito cotton.

Malvina and Poodle Artya

The heroine is distinguished by impeccable education and a thin soulful organization. It is impossible to endure the mockery of Karabas Barabas, so the doll runs away from the theater and settles in a house on the forest edge under the guard of the poodle on the nickname.

The main characters, as well as the audience, nourish the sympathy for Malvina. Her kindness, meekness and understanding conquer the hearts. Forest residents supply a doll with everything necessary, and Pierrot's fan is ready to put everything to her legs. The prototype of Cavaller Malvina served as a character of the French Fair Theater with a similar name.

Malvina and Piero

The corresponding features can be found at the Hero of Comedy Del Arte - Pedrolino. In the Italian comedy masks, the hero suffers from the coldness of the colombina. Being unrequited in love with the girl, he cries from the fact that Herlequin manages to captivate her.

Tolstoy modified a classic love triangle. The heroes of fairy tales are too brought up, and Malvina, unlike the Colombina, demonstrates a greater sincere depth. The girl takes care, but can not evaluate the feelings of Pierrot. Pinocchio, replacing Harlequino, does not interest the blue-haired doll.

Malvina and Buratino

It is passionate about the maintenance of purity and order in the house and wardrobe. Despite the economic activity and the lack of a tendency to the spiritual impulses, Malvina is able to take care of neighboring. Her interest in the surrounding surrounding is rather superficial, but all the attention takes compliance with the rules of etiquette and maintain the proper level of pupil.


In 1975, television studio "Belarusfilm" released a cult shielding of Alexei Tolstoy's fairy tales, and Malvina gained a screen embodiment. Two-particle tape described in detail the adventures of Pinocchio and the heroes of the work. A pretty girl who performed the role of porcelain dolls, called Tatiana Prosvenko.

She fell on the set by chance. The choice of the performer influenced the acquaintance with the director's assistant. The talent of the actress was difficult not to note, because it passed difficult samples under the closer attention of the director Leonid Nechayev. The public was surprised at how old the artist was, - at the time of filming she was eight.

Tatyana Protsenko as Malvina

The girl had to face a nuisance during filming - her dairy teeth fell out. The perfect smile of Malvina was entrusted by a dentist who made similar dangles. For Tatiana, the role became a bright debut.

Later under it they wrote the script of the "Red Caps", but the girl fell into the hospital with a concussion. In the future she did not have to be filmed in the cinema. Today Tatyana Protsenko - a film and a member of the International Federation of Journalists.

Interesting Facts

It is curious that the image of Malvina had a continuation not only on the screen, but also in other areas. For example, in psychology, the term "Malvina Complex" is used, which describes a specific feature of the nature of the girl prone to constant teaching. She leads the behavior of loved ones, friends and others. Psychologists seriously use the definition, characterizing their wards.

Complex Malvina

In the era of the popularity of unusual names of newborn girls was often called Malvin. Collections characterizing names report that such girls are calculating and smart, prefer leadership positions and permanent labor. Girls wearing this name are surrounded by loved ones and relatives and are the embodiment of the qualities concomitant, which was invented by Alexey Tolstoy.

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