Andrei Dementiev - biography, photo, personal life, news, poems, cause of death



Andrei Dementiev is the Russian poet, in the past - the editor of the legendary journal "Youth", leading on television, the author of the transfer, which has been published for many years to "Radio Russia". The verses of Andrei Dmitrievich do not leave indifferent, get to the most hidden strings of the soul. And they are also distinguished by incredible musicality, so dozens of works from under the poet's feather turned into popular songs.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Dmitrievich comes from Tver. Father - a leaving of the poor peasants of the village of Old Graveyard, a simple person with a difficult fate, as the son-poet calls him. He managed to rise to good heights in life: worked as a hairdresser and makeup in the theater, and after the birth of Andrei graduated with honors from the Timiryazev Academy in Moscow and worked as a researcher in an experimental station. Even before the war, he released a book in the specialty, published in the "Rural Life" newspaper.

Poet Andrei Dementiev

The peasant, who became an intelligent, for impartial statements to the authorities fell under suspicion and was accused of the 58th article. Behind the shoulders of the Father - five years of the Gulag and three years of defeat in the rights - a ban on life in large cities and work in the specialty. In the camp, the father of Dmitry Nikitich and four brothers, two of whom did not survive.

The Dementian family, while his father was sitting, barely reduced the ends with the ends. Mother Maria Grigorievna spinning alone, as she could, no money was missing. The poet remembers which delight caused a presented fawn hat - the limit of dreams.

Andrei Dementiev in childhood and youth

The head of the family who returned the head of the family built a sharpening machine and took orders from shops and hairdressers for sharpening knives and scissors. In the financial plan, it became easier, but the father had to hide in the basement from the district police, because in Kalinin (such a name was tver in Soviet times) it was forbidden to live.

In childhood and youth, the future poet loved the sport, the set of hobbies included gymnastics, rowing, swimming. The biography of loved ones retained by repressions made itself felt. After school, Andrei Dmitrievich was going to enter the Military Medical Academy. I wanted to ease the life of the family and myself, because students of the educational institution were in full state security. But the young man did not accept.

Family of Andrey Dementiev

Conducted to enter the Institute of International Relations. The guy decided to pick up the documents, frightened by rumors about the contribution of the pentolot student, in whose biography information about Grandma-White Guardkeeke surfaced. I had to replenish the ranks of the pupils of the Pedium Institute in their hometown, and after the fourth course, on the recommendation of the poets Mikhail Lukonin and Sergey Narovchatov, Andrei was listed by a student of the literary institute. Gorky in the capital.


Literary debut Andrei Dementiev took place before entering the institute. Gorky. In September 1948, the pages of the Prelletar Pravda newspaper published a poem "Student". Now the poet boasts a literary heritage, which is more than 50 poetic collections.

Dementieva's work is filled with romance and compassion. From under his feather, the lines appear to remember the first teacher ("do not dare to forget the teachers"), let out of the growing children ("do not be offended by children"), to adequately meet old age ("Being an old man is not a simple thing"). One of the famous works "Never regret the distance", born in 1977, raises questions of missed opportunities. Andrei Dmitrievich piercely wrote about love - rows kilometers are devoted to gentle feelings for a woman.

Andrei Dementeyev's books

Common circulation of books exceeded 300 thousand copies. The most famous were the collections of poems "I live openly", "no women of unloved", "Lyrics", "Virages of Time", "Poem". And for the book lyrics "Azart" Dementiev received the USSR State Prize. In the piggy bank of the poet's literary awards is also a bonus. Alexander Nevsky "Russia Faithful Sons" and the Buninskaya Prize.

Even if the name of the poet does not say anything about anyone, every Russian is still familiar with Andrei Dementiev. Dozens of popular songs have been created on his poems: "Father's house" performed by Sofia Rotaru, "Apples on the snow" from the repertoire of Mikhail Muromov, and Valentina Tolkunov called for: "Fathers, do not leave sons."

Compositions of the Soviet era of the "Ballad of Mother", "Swan loyalty", "Alenushka" were widely known. Andrei Dmitrievich collaborated with the famous composers - Evgenia Doga, Nikita theological, Raymond Pauls.

Andrei Dementiev wrote and prose. In 2009, on the pages of the book "I don't regret the larger" the writer remembered those with whom the roads of life - Mikhail Sholokhov, Mstislav Rostropovich, Chingiza Aitmatov, Mirere Mathieu and many other famous personalities.

Work in the press, on television and radio

After the end of the Litin Institute, Andrei Dementiev worked for many years in newspapers and magazines. At first, the young man returned home, where he settled in the "Kalininskaya truth" with a literary employee, he managed the department of Komsomol life in the newspaper "Change", was the editor of the regional committee on broadcasting and even the editor of the book publishing house.

Andrei Dementiev and Boris Field

In 1967, Dementiev moved to Moscow, and five years later, as the deputy chief editor, joined the team of the team of literary and artistic publication "Youth", whose new number was looking forward to almost every Soviet House. In 1981, Andrei Dmitrievich changed Boris Polevoy, who headed the magazine.

The poet was a talented editor, managed to bring the circulation of "adolescence" to an unprecedented size - 3.3 million copies. With it, new asterisks of literature were lit, Arkady Arkanov, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Leonid Filatov, Bella Ahmadulin were printed.

Andrei Dementiev and Evgeny Yevtushenko

Andrei Dementiev and on television were welcomed by Andrei: in the late 80s, the "Family Channel" Club, "Good evening, Moscow", led to the transfer of the "New Evening". And the new millennium met in Israel - as a bureau of the Russian television bureau in the Middle East.

Returning to his homeland, Dementiev showed himself to "Radio Russia", where he was listed by a political observer, and once a week met with listeners in the author's program "Drag of time". Archival black and white photos from the bright life of the poet can be seen on his official website.

Personal life

Andrei Dmitrievich had a stormy personal life, behind the shoulders - four marriages and three children. For the first time married 19 years old on Odnoklassnitsa Alis. This union poet does not consider a full marriage, because young spouses almost did not live together - three months after the design of Dementiev's relationship went to Moscow.

At the age of 26, the writer fell in love with a young student, the daughter of Marina appeared in the family. The third time the poet was married in adulthood, in 30 years. Natalia's daughter launched Natalia, and in 1969 the son of Dmitry was born in a couple.

Andrei Dmitrievich lived with the third wife of Andrei, but he left, taking only a razor and a toothbrush, to the literary employee of the journal "Youth" Anna Pugach. With her and divided life until the end of life. The man was older than his wife for 30 years, the difference in the age did not confuse: the poet confessed that they perfectly coincide in spiritual warehouse, interests and attitude to life.

In 1996, Andrei Dmitrievich survived the terrible tragedy - the only son of Dima shot himself. The young man left after herself the heir, today Andrei Dementiev, the grandson of the poet, is the famous actor and movie actor.

The writer in nature is a homemade man, loved the comfort and warm family atmosphere. The soul is very superstitious, it was confident that everything is predetermined. Andrei Dmitrievich adored accuracy in appearance, believed that a person should dress well. And this rule himself did not change, always looked impressive.

In the circle of interests of the poet, there was classical music, he was glad to listen to the works of Peter Tchaikovsky and Frederick Chopin. Love for the classic ballet led to many years of friendship with Maya Plisetskaya.


In 2018, Andrei Dmitrievich would celebrate the 90th year of birth, but even in such an old age, the poet did not sit without a case. I led the broadcast of the "Virages of Time", challenged the world with creative meetings, every year she held an honorable guest at the celebration of the birthday of the "home of the poetry of Andrei Dementiev", which takes place in his hometown. The festival collects poets, writers and artists.

Andrei Dementiev in 2017

Andrei Dmitrievich pleased readers and new works. In 2016, the light saw the collections "Morning begins with love", "Favorite poems in one volume" and "Swan loyalty".

June 26, 2018 it became known that Andrei Demethev died in Moscow. The poet died in the first town hospital, where he fell after a long sickness. Until its 90th anniversary, Andrei Dmitrievich did not live less than a month.


  • 1955 - "Lyrical poems"
  • 1958 - "native"
  • 1960 - "Road in Tomorrow: Poem about Valentina Gaganova"
  • 1962 - "Eyes of Love"
  • 1963 - "Pro Girl Marina and a Funny Bird"
  • 1964 - "Sun in the house"
  • 1965 - "Alone with conscience"
  • 1973 - "Pain and joy"
  • 1973 - "First student: Story about M. I. Kalinin"
  • 1976 - "Near you and love"
  • 1978 - "Birth of the Day"
  • 1982 - "Letter to Tashkent"
  • 1983 - "Azart"
  • 1985 - "Poem"
  • 1986 - "Character"
  • 1993 - "Snow in Jerusalem. Book lyrics »
  • 2002 - "The fate of mine on the edge"
  • 2004 - "Virages of Time"
  • 2006 - "No women of unloved"
  • 2007 - "Lyrics"
  • 2008 - "Putting to the Land of the Promised"
  • 2008 - "And everything is fully here with his name"
  • 2008 - "Everything begins with love"
  • 2009 - "I do not regret in anything"
  • 2010 - "next year, in Jerusalem"
  • 2010 - "I read the ruble newspaper, as if I got into a luxurious carriage"
  • 2011 - "Year of Love and Peace Days"
  • 2012 - "While I feel someone else's pain ..."
  • 2013 - "All in the world is fixable ..."
  • 2014 - "Thank you for being"
  • 2014 - "Russia - a country of poets"
  • 2015 - "I continue to fall in love with you ..."
  • 2016 - "Swan loyalty"
  • 2016 - "Favorite poems in one volume"
  • 2016 - "Morning begins with love"

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