Alexandra Sokolovskaya - biography, photo, personal life of Trotsky's wife



Alexandra Sokolovskaya divided the unenviable fate of many revolutionaries. Behind the shoulders of the fragile women - prisons and links, she survived daughters, but did not refuse political beliefs. Soon with the milestones of the life of the wife of Leo Trotsky, the Russian viewer will get acquainted in the Troatsky multi-sieuled film. The picture, created to the 100th anniversary of the revolution, will be released on the "First Channel".

Childhood and youth

Shura was born in 1872, in the Ukrainian outback of the Dnipropetrovsk region. The Sokolovsky family was poor, educated parents above the material values ​​put morality, high ideals and books. Rising six children - Alexander, Ilya, Grigory, Maria, Olga and Emmanuil, - Father tried to instill a desire to serve the people. Everyone in his youth joined different revolutionary trends.

Alexandra Sokolovskaya and Lion Trotsky

Alexandra graduated from the obstetric courses in Odessa. During his studies, he got acquainted with revolutionary and finally decided on a guide star of life - he became Marxism.

The revolution

In the spring of 1896 in Nikolaev, where Alexandra settled so long ago, a revolutionary circle was formed. Working young people and students gathered under the Seni of the Franz Schwig Garden Trees, Czech Socialist. The number of the circle grew like a snow whom thanks to several Nikolaev plants - eight thousand people worked at the enterprises. In a year, the first in the city of the Social Democratic Organization united 250 young girls and boys, they included Alexander and two of her brothers.

Alexandra Sokolovskaya

The authors of the mug first called their brainchild the People's University, later attached a losing name - "South-Russian Worker Union". The maintenance of one of the directions entrusted Shura Sokolovskaya, the girl proved the correctness of scientific socialism.

The convinced Marxist with the face of the Sistine Madonna bathed in male attention: historians say that most members of the mug were a little in love with the Shura. However, Alexander was chosen by the suggestion of the young revolutionary Lion Bronstein - the future Trotsky. Soon leva became the leader of the organization, and the city was flooded with proclamation and leaflets.

The wave of arrests overwhelmed Nikolaev in January 1898. Mass detentions were touched by more than 200 people, Alexander Sokolovskaya and Lvom Trotsky were in prison. The couple received four years of reference to Eastern Siberia.

Alexandra Sokolovskaya and Lion Trotsky in a group of exile on the way to Siberia

Exile, of course, did not change the views of the convinced socialist. Returning to Nikolaev, Alexander continued propaganda activities, although he was under the special control of the authorities. Corresponded with comrades in political views and husband, which escaped abroad. In 1906, he was again in prison, from where the woman was exacted in Olonets province. However, she managed to run.

Alexander Lvovna enriched the biography of participation in revolutionary events in Nikolaev, and after the final overthrow of the royal power moved to Petrograd. In the city on the Neva, the woman unfolded violent activities - he became one of the founders of St. Petersburg Komsomol and headed the Komsomol newspaper.

Sokolovskaya taught history in schools and even headed the learning part in Petrisul. Work in the Narkom of Education near the revolutionary with the hope of Krupskaya. However, Alexander Lvovna belonged to the deep rows of Trotskyists, corresponded with her husband and comrades and could be arrested on any day. What happened in 1934.

Personal life

The State Archive of the Nikolaev area is kept a curious document - a petition letter addressed to the Governor of Irkutsk. The parents of Lion Trotsky are asked not to send the Son in the link along with Sokolovsky - a Great Lady, older than the heir for six years. Like, the girl knocked down a child with the right path and wants to marry to be close in exile and promote full moral death. Bronstees are confident that the Son without the Maiden Sokolovskaya will quickly correct and become a useful society.

The letter came with a delay - in the metropolitan forward prison, the couple was combined with marriage, and Alexander Lvovna followed the rights of legal spouse in the link together with her husband. Sokolovskaya until the very death will remain the official wife of Leo Trotsky, although the revolutionary in France will meet Natalia Sedov, which will call the second spouse.

Natalia Sedova and Leo Trotsky

The personal life of Alexandra Sokolovskaya was tragic, largely due to the fact that the woman brought himself to sacrifice socialist ideals. The link born two daughters - Zina and Nina. Four years after the birth of Zinaida, with the support of Spouse Trotsky fled from his native country to London. In the autobiography "My Life" Lev Davidovich wrote:

"Life in Siberian conditions was not easy. My escape was to impose a double burden on Alexander Lvovna. But she assigned this question in one word: it is necessary. The revolutionary debt covered all other considerations for her, and first of all personal. Then we found only episodically. Life dispelled us, retaining impartially ideological and friendship. "

In the future, Alexander was waiting for another link. Girls brought up her husband's parents, they finally reunited with her mother in 1917. Living in Petrograd, sometimes seen with his father returned to his homeland. On the preserved family photos next to Trotsky, the eldest daughter Zina is often posing.

Lion Trotsky with his daughter Zina

The daughters went at the footsteps of the parents, joining revolutionary activities. And the husbands were chosen to become. Nina married to the left oppositionist Mana Nevelson, gave birth to two children, but in 1928 he died from CHAGTOP, and without waiting for his spouse from the reference. Toddler took a grandmother to upbringing.

The husband of the eldest daughter Plato Wolves is also a reference opposition. Two children were born in marriage. Zina visited arrest twice, the girl did not differ in heroic health, often sick, even moved operations on the lungs. In 1931, Zinaida, taking a little son, and leaving his daughter at the care of her grandmother, went for the treatment to his father, to Germany.

Nina, younger daughter Alexandra Sokolovskaya and Leo Trotsky

A year later, Joseph Stalin deprived the members of the family of Trotsky Soviet citizenship. The psyche of Zina could not stand - the woman committed suicide, opening gas in the apartment.


After reference to Kolyma Alexander Sokolovskaya got the stage in Moscow, where he was expected to solve the USSR Supreme Court of the Supreme Court. On April 29, 1938, a sentence was told about the highest punishment, the woman immediately shot.

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