Anna Frank - biography, photo, personal life, "Diary Anna Frank", book, death



Anna Frank History received publicity after the publication of the documentary, and later the artistic version of the girl's diary. Anna became the most famous symbol of the victims of the Nazi regime. After the wedding, the parents of the Girl Otto (German Businessman of Jewish Origin) and Edith (also had Jewish roots) settled in Frankfurt, Germany. Soon they had children: Margo - in 1926 and Anna - in 1929.

Anna Frank

These first years, the family enjoyed happiness, but the economic crisis overshadowed the life of francs. In 1933 Adolf Hitler headed the German government. Otto and Edith was disturbed by political regulations. The persecution of the Jews and the economic crisis has caused serious problems, the spouses were looking for a way to escape from the country.

Childhood and youth

Anna Frank and her older sister Margot were born in Frankfurt am Main, in West Germany, where the happy childhood of girls passed. The daughters were close to their parents and were friends with other children next door. In the early 1930s, the influence of the economic crisis was even stronger, and the political situation worsened as the influence of the anti-Semitic sentiments of the Nazis came to power.

Anna Frank with mom and sister

Edith Frank with trepidation was waiting for margot, older sister Anna. The first child of Franks (Edith, Bettina) died in infancy. Three years after the birth of Margo, June 12, 1929, the younger sister was born - Annelis Marie, famous to the world as Anna or Ann. Edith writes in the children's book memories of Ann that Margo first saw the sister on June 14 and sincerely worried.

Family lived on Marbahveg, in Frankfurt. Anna and Margo had fun here. In the surrounding area there were many children with which Margo was playing. Anna played in the sandbox, in the garden. She was too small to walk to play with the sister and other children for the courtyard. Margo Parents allowed to leave the garden, and she played on the street with friends. As soon as Anna learned to walk, she joined her sister. Anne Hilda Staab's childhood friend remembered that her mother and Edith loved to look through the windows or from the balcony, as children play, and they liked that the girls were so fun together.

House where Anna Frank was born

Children in the neighborhood belonged to different layers of society. Some of them are Catholics, others - Protestants or Jews. Anna and her friends were curious about the festivities and traditions of each other. Therefore, Margot and Anna was invited to the Hilde Pass Party, and when Franks celebrated Hanukkah, they offered local children to join them. Franks were sent by liberal Jews - not strict believers, but the following Jewish traditions. Family members of Otto considered themselves the Germans. Reading and studying was important for Otto and his two daughters. In addition, he was fond of photography and photographed Anna and Margo playing with neighboring children. These photos are now stored in the archives.

Ann and Margo loved her father very much. Together with the mother, the girls nicknamed him pim. When Otto laid daughters to bed, he told the girls a fairy tale for the night, which invented himself.

In 1931, Otto, Edith, Margot and Ann moved from Marburgweg on Ganghohoferstraße. They had to change place of residence, because the family lacked money. Constor Franca, where Otto worked, carried losses, and Otto's income was rapidly declining. In addition, the homeowner of the house on Marburgveg was a member of the Anti-Semitic National Socialist German Workers Party. Hilde's neighbor suspected that Franks moved because of the complex relationship with the homeowner. However, the son of the owner of the house spoke later that his father was forced to join the party, because otherwise he would lose work, and not because of the antipathy to the Jews.

Ann and Margo supported the relationship with children from the old quarter, even after moving the family to Marbahveg on Ganferstraße in 1931. Former neighbor Gertrud Naumann missed francs strongly. Daughters Frank easily made friends with children and in a new area.

The new house of francs was located near the school of Ludwig Richter, and there on March 6, 1932, Margo went to learn. A young teacher worked at school, and classes were sometimes held on the street. Pupils were suggested to learn independently and build friendly relations with teachers.

The Frankiv family lived on Gangeshtraße for two years, and then for financial reasons was forced to move to Grandma, Mother Otto. Margo's school was far from the new house, so she moved to another. Otto and Edith hoped that Margo had no problems because of Jewish origin, but, unfortunately, they arose.


In May 1940, fascist Germany attacked the Netherlands, and at the same time in Europe, the persecution of Jews began. From 1938 to 1941, Otto had troubled on emigration permission to the United States. Get visa Family did not have time - Germany officially announced the US War.

Anna Frank book

In 1942, the franc family through the older daughter was presented to the agenda to the Gestapo demanding to go to the concentration camp. Then Otto decided to relocate the family in the shelter, which provided him, where Frank worked. Then the family lived in Amsterdam. The company's office on Princenght, 263 was located in a place where many other companies are located.

Refuge to Princenght, 263 was relatively spacious. There was a lot of space for two families. At that time, shelter was close rooms in wet basements or dusty attic. People hiding in the countryside sometimes went outside, but only if there were no danger of detection.

Father Anna Frank

The entrance to the secret shelter was hidden behind the mobile bookcase. Anna on August 21, 1942 described in his diary, then seven people were hidden in the shelter. Dentist Fritz Pfeffer joins them later, November 16, 1942.

In the shelter, Frank live two years. In the shelter, they observed silence, were frightened and spent time together, as they could. Prisoners helped office workers Johannes Klemann, Viktor Kugler, MIP and Jan Gis and manager of Johannes wallad. These people brought food, clothing, books and helped contact prisoners with the outside world.

Arrest and deportation

After two years of concealing, the franc family was discovered and deported to the concentration camp. Anna's father, Otto Frank, turned out to be the only one of those who survived.

Anna Frank

On August 4, 1944, people found in shelter arrested with assistants. The family was transferred from the headquarters of the security service to the Westerbork camp, and then deported to Auschwitz. Two helpers went to the Amersfort camp. Johannes Magnaya was freed soon after arrest, and after six months, Victor Kugler managed to escape. Immediately after the arrests, the MIP GIS and Bep Etrica saved the Diary of Anna, who remained in secret shelter. Despite studies, it was not possible to find out how refuge was found.

The death of Anna Frank

Otto Frank is the only one of the eight people who survived in that war. In the process of deportation from the Netherlands, he learned that Edith died. But it was not able to get Westa about the daughters of Otto and hoped to find girls. In early July, he returned to Amsterdam and went to the MP and Jan Gis, where he spent seven years.

Anna Frank's grave

Otto Frank tried to find daughters, but in July received news of death: the girls died as a result of diseases and deprivities in Bergen-Belzene. Then the MIP GIS gave Otto the Diary of Anna. Otto read the diary.

Diary Anna Frank

After the death of Anna, she became world famous thanks to the diary she wrote, hiding in the shelter. Shortly before the family was forced to hide, Anna got a diary as a birthday gift. She started recording immediately, and during life in the shelter, the girl wrote about all the events. In addition, Anna wrote short stories and collected quotes of other writers in their "book of excellent offers."

Copy of Anna Frank Diary

When the Minister of Education of the Netherlands appealed to the British radio asking people about the conduct of military diaries, Anna decided to change the diary and create a novel called "Secret Refuge." The girl began to rewrite the diary, but at that time the family was discovered and arrested.

Anna Frank Museum

Anna wrote in his diary that he wants to become a writer or journalist in the future and hopes to publish a diary like a novel. Friends convinced Otto Frank that the diary carries a high artistic value, and on June 25, 1947, "The Secret Annexe" released 3000 copies. Then followed many more publications and translations, play and film.

People around the world found out the story of Anna Frank. For 10 years, Otto Frank answered thousands of letters of people who have read his daughter's diary. In 1960, Anna Frank House became a museum.


Otto Frank in an interview has repeatedly talked about what is proud of his daughter. Anna Frank's diary is, in fact, the history of faith, hope and love in the face of hatred. For two years, Anna Frank hid from the Nazis with his family in secret refuge, in Amsterdam, and wrote daily notes in the diary to pass the time. Some records are sharply transmitted by the depth of despair, into which the girl sometimes fell.

"I reached the fact that I don't care, I live or dying," Anna wrote on February 3, 1944. "The world will continue without me, and I can't do anything to change the events."
Monument Anna Frank

However, the presence of a diary allowed Anne to keep sanity and cheerful mood.

"When I write, I can get rid of all worries," she wrote on April 5, 1944.

Anna Frank's diary years after the tragic death of the girl was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and a museum was created in the house where the family was hiding. In memory of a courageous girl, her name is called Street in one of the cities of Israel and even an asteroid.

In the period from the middle of the twentieth century, and to the present, five films were filmed, talking about the biography of Anna Frank and her diary. And on the basis of the records of the girl in 2010, a book called "Asylum" was published. Diary in letters. "

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