Maria Russian - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



Children's dreams about the career of the famous actress usually remain in childhood, and only the most talented and targeted people, an adult, continue to believe in a dream and go to the target target. In such a person, Maria Rushesky was and the young Russian actress of theater and cinema.

Childhood and youth

Maria Nikolaevna Russian was born in St. Petersburg on April 8, 1989. The biography of the actress is modest and interesting facts of fans do not indulge. While studying at school, Masha studied in parallel in the music school in the piano (graduated from eight classes). In addition, the girl since childhood was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics (later defended the title of Master of Sports) and Dances (Tango).

Actress Maria Russians

Mary is a versatile development, owns two foreign languages ​​- English (free) and French (a little worse). After graduating from school, Maria entered the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theatrical Art, to the acting department, which graduated in 2014. Theatrical director Gregory Mikhailovich Kozlov spoke by the head of the Machin. Having received a higher education, the Russians moved from the native St. Petersburg to Moscow, which gives much more opportunities of a beginner actress.


The bright manifestation of the talent and acting skills of Mary was the role of potions in the graduation play of Turandot, based on the opera of the Italian composer Giacomo Puccini. After the release, the starting actress remained working in the "workshop" under the leadership of Grigory Mikhailovich.

Maria Russians in the theater

The girl brilliantly played Daria Melekhov in the "quiet don" Sholokhov, a widow Douglas from Tom Sawer, Katerina Ivanovna Khokhlakov in the "Brothers of Karamazovy" Dostoevsky and several episodic roles in "Baby and Carlson" Astrid Lindgren and "lines and turns" director Evgenia Ibrahimova.

According to the actress, it was the role of Sholokhovskaya Darya Melichova that became the most difficult and at the same time the most beloved for a beginner actress. The girl had to seriously work out the way to understand Daria and become her. The role was seriously given Mary, because it became a beloved.


Career film actresses in Mary Russians developed in parallel with work on the stage of the theater. In 2008, the girl played the role of Leno Novozhilovoy in the television series Andrei Astrakhantsev, Igor Mushahina and Andrei Shcherbinin "Foundry, 4". The film is removed in the genre of a criminal detective, which imposed a certain imprint on the next roles of Masha in the series.

Maria Russian

The name of the picture echoes the address of the Special Department for the Investigation of particularly important crimes, which really exists in St. Petersburg. In the film, law enforcement officers will deal with the opposition of politicians and major officials, unexpectedly assistance comes from the popular heroes of the "streets of broken lanterns".

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In 2013, Maria appeared on the screen in the Alina Chebotareva melodrama "go to stay", in the image of a girl with a stable - Arina. By the way, the Russians were engaged in horse riding and keeps well in the saddle. The attractive appearance of the machine (its growth is 175 cm, and the weight - 62 kg) helped her get the role of the Baranova model in the criminal television series "Streets of broken lanterns".

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Already in 2014, a continuation of the film "Go to stay" in the form of a multi-sized drama called "Go to return". The actress again acted as Arina. In 2014, Masha also played a girl in a multi-sulfur criminal detective Georgy Danieliance, Vadim Saygaliyev and Peter Zabelin "Alien". In parallel, the Russians were filmed in the mini-series Natalia Mountainwood "Peace for Two", as Victoria.

Another role in the television series actress played in 2015. In the multi-melting melodrama, Elena Tspachkova, Denis Carro and Alexander Lamakina "Alien Nest" of Russians appeared on television scans in the image of Masha Resellers. This role of the actress calls his beloved, the girl impresses the character - the namesake of Masha, originally from the Soviet Union.

Personal life

About the personal life of the actress does not know anything: the girl does not publish a photo in "Instagram" and other social networks, paparazzi has never found her by surprise in a male compromising society.

Maria Russians now

The last time on the television scans, Maria appeared in 2016, in the fantastic drama of Alexander Cotta, Vladimir Cotta, Alexander Karpilovsky "Day to ...". The film tells how the inhabitants of the Earth would lead to the last day before the fatal space catastrophe.

2017 was outstanding for an actress saturated: the girl was filmed at once in two films - "Sea Devils. Northern frontiers "(played by Kirsti) and the Criminal Drama" Nevsky. Check for strength "(Role role). In the "sea devils" Alexander Katobohina and Maxim Brius Maria starred in the sixth series called "Changeable".

In 2018, fans will see Maria at once in two filmmakers - in the criminal detective "Militia Saga" (the role of Irina) and in the historical drama "Overtaking the time" (as the daughter of the Soviet shipbuilder Rostislav Alekseeva).

Maria Russians in 2017

In his free time, Mary's time with pleasure takes part in master classes, visits fashion shows, exhibitions and presentations. Thanks to external data, the actress performs a model for Body Art, is removed for calendars, catalogs and magazines. According to the media, Maria is not against even an erotic photo shoot. However, in the image of the model Mary looks simply amazing.


  • 2008 - "Foundry, 4"
  • 2013 - "Go to stay"
  • 2013 - "Streets of broken lanterns"
  • 2014 - "Go away to return"
  • 2014 - "Alien"
  • 2014 - "Peace for Two"
  • 2015 - "Alien nest"
  • 2016 - "Day to ..."

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