Burito (Burito) - biography, personal life, photos, news, singer, Igor Bournshev 2021



In 2015, Burito broke through Russian radio stations and music TV channels, where he confidently occupied the leading positions in the charts. The soloist and the ideological inspirer of the team Igor Bunnyshev is a public sign on the previous project "Band'Sros". Now he continues to successfully develop his career, pleased with the new music fans.

Childhood and youth

Igor Yuryevich Bunnyshev was born on June 4, 1977 in Izhevsk in the family of workers. Parents worked at the factory: Father Yuri Konstantinovich - Motorman, mother Nadezhda Fedorovna - installer. In 1994, Igor graduated from Izhevsk School No. 49. In the educational institution, the young man gladly performed on stage and participated in school productions.

Thanks to the teacher of geography, the boy since childhood became interested in tourism and climbing, visited Altai and Tien Shan. In the eveners, gathering around the fire, Igor sang the guys songs. Hence his passion for music. He became writing to write poems in the 10th grade, but did not show anyone - he shy. And becoming an adult, Bournsyshev acquired a new passion - Break Dance.

As a child, Igor, like other boys of the Soviet Union, dreamed of becoming a cosmonaut and only at the end of the school, he was seriously determined with a future profession, choosing a director. The secondary vocational education of the young man received in the Udmurt Republican College of Culture, the specialty - director of the dramatic theater, but threw as he understood that he did not want to associate life with the theater.

In parallel with the study, the young man worked as a leading broadcast on the Raduga radio station. Having studied 2 courses, Igor went to Moscow. In 1996, he became a student of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. Evenings after studying the future artist taught Break Dance children at a local school. In 2001, Bournsyshev received a diploma of director theatrical ideas and show programs. A young man studied at the Soviet actor and director Vladimir Magnet.


A career of the musician Bournsyshev began with a DJ with work under the name DMSB. In 1999, Igor, Igor, tried to launch the Music project "Burito", but then did not work, the popular team did not. After the first unsuccessful attempt, the guy was looking for himself in other directions - he worked as a choreographer in the Extreme Show Urbans, director director, shot a video and even taught dance.

In the studio, Igor met the producer Alexander Dulov, and then with the other participants in the future band "Band'Sros". In 2005, he put the choreography for the first clip "Boom Senorite". From the second video, "do not regain" the group on the rights of a full-fledged soloist.

I barely having received the first fee for the concert, the musician began to exercise a long-standing dream - it was engaged in organizing his own studio. By 2012, she was ready, and Bournshev, together with Igor Pale, resumed work on the project "Burito".

At the same time, acquaintance of the guys with future producers of Lian Meladze (sister Valery and Konstantin Meladze) and Alena Mikhailova took place. Bunnyshev, or Garik, as his colleague nicknamed him, showed his future solo projects to the guys from "Band' Eros", and colleagues supported him, so the care of Igor in the 2015th of the group for the sake of development "Burito" did not have a surprise for them.

Group "Burito"

Burito became known to the general public after re-appearing in the Igor Bunnyshev team in 2012. Although the group was formed in January 2000 (on other sources, in 1999) on the initiative of the same Burnacev and his comrades Igor Pale (vocalist and guitarist), Andrei Shcheglov (bass guitar) and Sergey Zakharov (drummer). Igor then operated in parallel in "Band'Sos" and did not have the opportunity to give all the forces of "Burito". He fully joined the team only in June 2012, where he took over the role of vocalist and the author.

The name of the group belongs to the author's Peru Burnishev, and, as it turned out, Burito is not at all the name of the Mexican cornpople with filling, but three Japanese hieroglyphs: "bu" - warrior, "Ri" - Truth, "That" - Sword, Fight For Justice . Initially, the name was chosen precisely from the Spanish Burrito, which is translated as "sharp", and when the singer was carried away by the Japanese martial art of Jaido, then came to the true meaning of the team name.

In 2000 (according to other sources, in 2001), the first musical composition of the team was published, but the audience did not receive support. Instead of the expected concert halls, the guys had to confine themselves to rare performances in the clubs of Moscow.

The second birth of the group was marked by the release of the joint work "Burito" and the trees called "You Know" in 2015. Nevertheless, no less successful compositions "Mom" were followed (she is also known as "Take me, take me") and "while the city is sleeping", and in 2016 the fans heard the single "you are always waiting for me." The songs "Burito" combines a unique style that participants are characterized as RAP-Core.

The composition "While the city is sleeping" was remembered by fans of the group's creativity in an interesting animation clip. The directed rollers "Burito" and some other Russian pop stars are personally engaged in Igor Bunnyshev.

In May 2015, the first concerts of the group and even tour in Belarus took place. A year later, the team released the dance track "Megahit".

The beginning of 2017 was marked by the broadcast of the new lyrical song "Burito" "on the waves". Instead of the traditional rap-bark, fans with surprise heard the genre Pop performed by the beloved singer. He presented the composition on the Evening Urgant show. Later, the official remix was released.

On November 19, 2017, Burito presented to fans the new "white album" in the Moscow Hall Moskovsky Club. One of the disk compositions - "strokes" - was especially evaluated by fans. Also, the collection entered the song "Non-acceptable", recorded together with the ligaliz.

Cooperation with the singer Yolkova did not end with one song "You know." Colleagues created a joint advertising video for MegaFon with the title "begins with you".

In addition to his own career, Bournsishev promotes his wife Oksana Ustinov and works on the clips for other artists (Christmas tree, Irakli and others). In 2017, the joint work was published "Burito" and Ustinova "Init Fire".

On September 7, 2018, the musician presented a new song "Pun", and a year later with the group Filatov & Karas, he recorded the composition "Take my heart." He also released a track with Vladimir Presnyakov "Zurbagan 2.0".

Personal life

Igor Bunnyshev is an attractive and statutory man. He has a courageous features of the face, beard, a sports figure. Therefore, he was not deprived of female attention.

The musician does not make secrets from his biography, although personal life does not advertise. In his youth, the singer was seen in the romantic relationship with the "manufacturer" of Irina Tonoyne, but then the young people broke up. Three years of Bunnyshev lived in a civil marriage with the singer Oksana Ustinova, and in August 2014 they got married.

Igor's wife in early 2000 sang in the group "Arrows", then became the soloist "Girls Einstein". Young people met during a charitable event in an orphanage. Then Oksana, and Igor was in a relationship, but in a month they lived together.

From the magnificent wedding of Burneyshev and Ustinova, they refused immediately, so, silent, flew up on tour in Sochi. Spouses live in Moscow, in their apartment, they have formed their traditions and signs.

According to Oksana, as soon as she posts on social networks joint photos, the couple immediately swears, therefore there are no family photos on the network.

Oksana instilled her husband's love for yoga, and Igor took over the spinning of the new USTINOVA musical project, since the group of "Einstein's Girl" did not achieve popularity.

On February 17, 2017, it became known that Oksana gave birth to the firstborn. The boy called Luke. About this joyful event, the spouses reported in "Instagram". The news was a complete surprise for the fans of the musician, since earlier he did not give any hints that he would soon become a father.

Igor Bunnyshev now

In 2020, the musician actively worked on his discography, caught by her new hits. He had such solo tracks as "dreams in reality", "Lost Paradise", "Heaven of Suriname", "Nirvana", "We will return home." Also, Igor recorded several duets: "Aquarium" with Kamanchi, "Capacan" with Larisa Valley, "You're far" with Strezzskills, "Strike-2020" with Uma2Rman.

The last track caused a number of laudatory feedback from fans. It is a remake known to many "say goodbye" songs, which was released by the Uma2RMan group at the beginning of zero and entered the album "in the city N". Igor completely reddished the melody of the hit and wrote new words for couplets. Only chorus remained from the old composition.

In addition, the artist released several clips. Rollers came out on the composition "where the dawn", "dreams in reality", "Nirvana".

The merits of the artist on the musical field did not remain unnoticed. On November 12, on the stage of VTB Arena, in the framework of the Golden Gramophone Prize, he received a reward for the track "Take my heart", which was recorded in conjunction with the Filatov & Karas project. This figurine has become the fifth in the collection of Igor Bunnyshev.

In one of the interviews, the musician said that the coronavirus infection pandemic was greatly affected his life and the life of his acquaintances, forcing the development of new professions. For example, DJ Group Burito began to work as a courier, as living concerts were canceled, and the bass guitarist in his free time took up the construction of the house. Igor himself began to give cover concerts in small bars.


  • 2000 - Funky Life
  • 2015 - BU RI To
  • 2017 - "White Album"
  • 2019 - Samskara.

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