Fedor Ushakov - biography, photo, personal life, service



The Russian fleet did not know the more victorious admiral than Fedor Ushakov. Under the command of a talented strategist, the Crimea was conquered and the French were expelled from the Mediterranean. For the whole career, the fleet did not suffer a single defeat and did not lose any ship.

Childhood and youth

Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov was born on February 13, 1745 in the village of Burnakovo (now the Rybinsky district of the Yaroslavl region). Father Strateg, Fedor Ignatievich served as Sergeant of the Life Guard of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, until he received a resignation, and Parashen Nikitichna's mother was engaged in homemade household.

Portrait of Fedor Ushakova

His uncle Feodor Sanaksarsky and Old Man Singleman, who served in the Petrovsky fleet, was engaged in the upbringing of the future Admiral. Ushakov from childhood got dream about the sea, as the land fun seemed to him boring.

Strategist with young years loved sails and water, there was no lessons for him, than cut toy ships from the tree. Together, fellow villages were often kept in the house to Ushakov to admire the creation of a talented needlewoman.

Once a local hunter Prokhor suggested Fyodor to go to the bear with him, and the boy, whoever hesitates a second, said the man that would go to the beast, only if he meets him on the water.

Monument Fyodor Ushakov

At the age of 16, parents brought the hot Favorite Chojo to St. Petersburg. In the northern capital, the strong village young man entered the sea cadet corps. It is worth noting that at that time, young nobles from noble families went in the fleet reluctantly, mostly the children of the Odnodvords studied in this institution.

Ushakov compiled science stubbornly, before the night, naughty over teaching aids, and in 1766, after five years of study, he graduated from the corps with honors, having received the Chin Michman. The future admiral at the beginning of his career was swimming in the Baltic Sea, and on the eve of the Russian-Turkish war, the talented officer was transferred to the Azov flotilla, where he for months during a couple of months and was served.

Military service

With the beginning of the war, the future invincible fleet receives the first chance to distinguish itself and uses it. So, commanding a sixteen-centurous ship, his crew successfully reflects the attacks of the Turks, landed in Balaclava, after which no one doubted his strategic solutions.

It is known that the young officer trusted to translate into the Black Sea Baltic Military Courts disguised under trade. Also Fedor delivered ship forest to the St. Petersburg shipyard, entering into the desperate patterns with unclean on hand contractors.

Flotodets Fedor Ushakov

After that, Ushakov was appointed captain of the imperial yacht. However, the proximity to the imperial person did not attract an ambitious sea officer, and Fyodor achieved a transfer to a linear ship, on which he regularly walked as part of the squadron hiking in the Mediterranean Sea. Later, the fleet organized the construction of the Base of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol.

Soon the captain of the first rank of Ushakov receives the appointment by the ship by the commander, which has just begun to build on Kherson shipyard. The sailors did not have time to get into operation (at that time they participated in building a vessel on a par with the shippers), as the plague epidemic broke out in Kherson.

Ushakov brought his team for the city. There the sailors built rs, lit bonfire from all sides and in preventive purposes began to wipe through vinegar and crushed herbs. Thanks to the operationality of Fedor Fedorovich, none of the crew members infected with a deadly disease. As a result, the construction of the ship was still completed.

Monument Fyodor Ushakov

Upon returning to the Motherland, the admiral was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir. It is worth noting that Ushakov was awarded not for military merit, not for victory, but for the on time shown and resourcefulness.

Then the strategist set a new task - by all means to make sailors of his ship the most experienced team of the Russian combat fleet. Ushakov developed a unique method of training: an instrument was installed on swinging swings, and the crew members needed to get into the sail, fixed on the raft near the ship.

Thanks to this course, Ushakov achieved that his sailors perfectly mastered the art of conducting massive fire. On the occasion of the appearance of a new force capable of competing with the Ottoman Empire for power on the Black and Mediterranean Seas, Empress Ekaterina II arranged a reception of foreign delegations in Simferopol.

Contemporaries in the century of high technologies do not understand how difficult it was to navigate the sea at that time. Then sailors to manage the ship, not leaving the specified course, paid attention to the strength and direction of the wind, and also observed over the course. During the battles of Ushakov, not only followed the number of ammunition, but also controlled the actions of each crew member.

It is worth noting that Fyodor Fedorovich first violated all laws of sea fight. Then there was a unlawful Code of the battle, which said that before the fight, opponents should approach each other at the distance of the pistol shot, settle down and only then attack.

Ushakov stated that it was an empty, irrational spending time and that the emphasis should be done on the main ship, first of all destroying it. This tactic helped Fyodor Fedorovich to win the battle with the Ottoman fleet. Then the admiral of the numerical superiority of the enemy contrasted the new strategy - and was not mistaken. Russian fleet, rebuilding on the go, compartment the main ships of the Turks, which they were not ready.

Admiral Fyodor Ushakov

Enemies in a panic began to raise anchors and chop ropes. Thus, destroying the enemy command, Ushakov's fleet one by one broke the entire Turkish squadron.

After this victory, General - Field Marshal, Prince Grigory Potemkin became the patron saint of the famous admiral and in the letter Empress praised his brave protégé. In the 1790th Potemkin, with the approval of Catherine II, commissioned Ushakov leadership of the entire Black Sea Fleet, and Fyodor Fedorovich, raising the flag on the ship "Saint Paul", went with the fleet to the shores of Turkey. There he bombarded Sinop, destroyed 26 enemy ships, and then reflected the attack of the Turks from the Kerch Strait.

Monument Fyodor Ushakov

It is noteworthy that the defeated enemies often asked Ushakov about mercy, sending parliamentaries and offering money. Human fate Admiral never ruined, but enemy ships did not gem.

The captain understood that the conclusion of the world is possible only after all the ships of the Turkish fleet will be broken. The battle that made his name is immortal, took place on July 31, 1791, in the Black Sea, at Cape Kaliakra (Northern Bulgaria). Then the commander-in-chief of the Turks said that he would take Ushakov, without guessing that his entire fleet would fall.

Ottomans were waiting for Russian ships near the shore, which was installed battery. Fedr Fedorovich, famous for the fact that before the battle often conducted intelligence, knew about the location of the enemy and on the installation. As a result, he walked around the Turk, passing between the shore and their ships, caught the passing wind and defeated the enemy fleet.

Temple Fedor Ushakov

The peace treaty concluded with Turkey, he secured all the Northern Black Sea region for Russia, including the Crimea. While Alexander Suvorov won a victory on land, Ushakov argued the world that Russia is a full mistress of the sea.

In August 1798, Paul I sent the Black Sea Squadron of Ushakov to Ionian Islands (the French were dominated at the shores) so that he secure the Russian presence in the Mediterranean. This time on the side of Fedor Fedorovich was a recent rival - the Ottoman Empire.

True, this time the admiral demonstrated incredible resourcefulness. According to the legend, Ushakov shifted his girlfriends to the ladies' outfits, and when the French saw the ladies sitting on the shore with the guns, they said that they were not treated with representatives of the weak half of humanity and raised the white flag. Going closer, the soldiers understood that they were deceived.

Stella Fedor Ushakov on Corfu Island

Then followed the capture of the Fortress of Corfu (facing fellow in one day), after which the release of the Ionic Islands was completed from the French presence. For this operation, Fyodor Fedorovich was built into the rank of Admiral, and Turkish Sultan presented the strategist Sobatu coat and the diamond feather.

The founder of the Russian fleet is Peter I, but after the death of the reformer, the work of his whole life was experiencing not better than the best times, and when Europe has improved its sea art, Russia underestimated the strength and importance of the marine army. It went on until Fyodor Ushakov got behind the steering wheel of the fleet, who brought many victories to his country.

Personal life

The personal life of the Flotomodka was not as successful as his career. It is relifically known that Fyodor Fedorovich was not married and did not have children. Strategist devoted himself to the service of Fatherland and never regretted it.


The last place of the Earth's Life Admiral Ushakov became a quiet village of Alekseyevka in the Temnovsky district, near the Sanaksar Christmas-Virgin Monastery. It is known that during the Patriotic War of 1812, Fyodor Fedorovich was elected head of the militia of the Tambov province, but due to the illness, he refused his position, dedicating himself to prayers.

Grave Fedor Ushakova

Flotodets died on October 2, 1817 in his estate, in the village of Alekseevka. Oven the righteous warrior in the Savior Transfiguration Church of the city of Temnikov. When the coffin with the body of the deceased admiral, with a large coherence of the people, was put on his hands from the city, he wanted to put it on the fodder, but the people continued to carry it to the very Sanaksar abode, where the admiral was buried.

In 1953, director Mikhail Romm removed the films "Admiral Ushakov" and "Ships storm bastions", which is based on the plot of the talented strategist.


After the 1917 revolution, the Sanaksarsky monastery was closed, and the chapel, built over the grave of the admiral, was destroyed.

Order of Fedor Ushakova

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin established the Order of Ushakov in 1943, but an image of Fedor Fedorovich was required to create award. None of the biographers and artists knew how to reliably portray Admiral, and, as you know, the use of an inaccurate image in the state symbolism is unacceptable.

Therefore, in 1944, a state expedition to the Sanaksar Monastery was held, in which the admiral was discovered. Subsequently, the appearance of the Skull was restored the appearance of Ushakov, and the grave of the famous admiral, together with the remnants of the monastery complex, was taken under state protection.

Icons Fedor Ushakova

In August 2001, the Russian Orthodox Church erected Theodore Ushakov to the rank of saints. Now the icons depicting a talented fleet are stored in the temples and monasteries.


  • The name of the fleece is called the bay in the southeastern part of the Barents Sea and Cape on the North Coast of the Okhotsk Sea
  • In Temnov, there is a local history museum named after Ushakov
  • In Moscow, there are Admiral Ushakov Boulevard and the metro station of the same name
  • In St. Petersburg, the name of Admiral Ushakov is named the embankment and the bridge, a monument is established
  • In October 2002, in Greece, a monument to Admiral Fedor Ushakov was established on Corfu Island
  • In Kerch on April 11, 2009, a monument to Admiral was installed on the day of liberation of the city from the German fascist invaders
  • In Kaliningrad, the Naval Institute named the name of Admiral
  • In 2015, a monument to Admiral F. F. Ushakov was opened in Tambov, at the intersection of Soviet and Lermontovskaya streets
  • In the city of Rybinsk, in the vicinity of which is Motherland Admiral, its bust is installed. April 29, 2016 His name received Boulevard. Museum is also open.

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