Neil Geima - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



Some believe that the age of eminent writers is dried, and that in the era of post-industrial society, finding the author of works is really difficult. Of course, the world presented to humanity talented writers whose names passed through time and became immortal. These include Mikhail Bulgakov, Anton Chekhov, Ernest Hemingway, Jack London, Arthur Conan Doyle, Franz Kafka and other talented personalities.

Writer Neil Geymna

But you should not forget that I enroll in the bookstore, and on the modern shelf you can find something interesting and fascinating, not all writers are boring stories to the court with the use of beaten cliché.

For example, Joan Rowling wrote "Harry Potter", Boris Akunin came up with the novel of the new format "Azazel", and Neil Geiman not only composed remarkable works ("Star dust", "American gods", "Scandinavian gods", "Ocean at the end of the road" ), but also became the author of comics and serials.

Childhood and youth

Neil Gayman was born on November 10, 1960. The Motherland of the writer is the city of Portsmouth, which is a Unitary Unit of Hampshire County (United Kingdom). This terrain is rich in its sights, for example, there is a house in which Charles Dickens was born. Neil Ros and brought up in the family of Jewish origin. Grandfather Gamean was a businessman, he became the owner of his own network of grocery stores, where his son worked and the father of Nile - David.

By the way, the parents of the writer were not close to creativity, but they had a rather interesting passion - the study of the pseudo-native movement of Scientology. Nile's sister has achieved success on this field and works in the Scientology Center Los Angeles. Neil recognized that this is a movement invented by Ron Hubbard, his family religion. However, about his faith, he said the following:

"I think God exists in the DC Universe. I would not prove it: the likelihood of its existence in this universe is 50 to 50, but it doesn't matter for me. " But noted: "The writer must believe that he writes. When I wrote the "American gods", I believed in the American gods. "

Neil began to read from four years old: instead of playing in toys, a little boy swallowed books. When Gamean was tenth, the work of Mystic Dennis Whitley, who had a tremendous influence on him, got into his hands. John Tolkien was among the favorite authors: the child was glad to know the magic world, where the brave hobbit and the Gandalf magicians live.

Neil Geima in youth

Among other things, the boy met with the talking lion, the sorcerer and children who fell into an adventure with the help of a wardrobe ("Chronicles of Narnia", Clive Staiplz Lewis), and also plunged into the imaginary world in which the White Rabbit and Cheshire Cat ("Adventures" Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll). Becoming older, he began to read Arkady and Boris Strugatsky and Masters and Margarita.

It was the love for reading that the Nile would be almost the best student in the classroom. The fact is that when school textbooks were issued, the inquisitive Neil read everything from the crust to the crust, so he knew in advance what would be in the curriculum. But at the end of the school, the young man did not associate his fate with the university, and immediately settled the correspondent to the British edition.


The works read as a child deposited in the memory of the gamean. Therefore, it is not surprising that Neil began to work in a fantasy genre, however, like Stephen King, addicted to horrors. It is worth saying that Neil is a diverse writer. In the piggy bank of the gamean as many awards that they certainly are assembled on one shelf. There are more than ten signs of the NIL on the center of the Nile, among which - the Bram Stocker, "Carnegie Medal", "John Newbury Medal", "Locus" and so on.

Books Nile Gamean

Few people know that the biography of the British group of Duran Duran, which was completed in 1984, became the debut of Gamean. But initially Gean announced itself as a screenwriter comic and other graphic novels. He worked on one of the parts of the "hellish spoon", and also invented a "sand man." This series, published in 10 volumes in a soft binding, received the World Fantasy Award.

The first major Roman Gamean became the book "Good Jam", published in 1990. This humorous fantasy is written together with Terry Pratchette, who himself suggested cooperation, after reading the drafts of the Nile. The book tells readers in a joking form about angel and a demon trying to prevent the apocalypse.

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In 1996, Neil Geiman became the author of the Urban Fantasy "Poison" ("Nikogde"). The plot tells about the London employee of Richard Mayhu, who, under random circumstances, meets with an unusual girl who arrived from the parallel world.

Further, in 1991-1997, Nile composed a fairy tale called "Star dust" (1998), in which there is everything that the fan of supernatural: Goblins, elves, ghosts, unicorns and other fabulous creatures. In 1999, the book received a prestigious Mythopoeic Award award, and in 2007, directed by Matthew Won, he moved the plot of gamean to the TV screens. The main roles were performed by Charlie Cox and Claire Danes.

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In 2001, Neil Geiman was surprised by literary critics and booklers, issuing its key product "American gods". This book contains the concepts of all previous works of the Nile. The book introduces the reader with an outsider named Shadow. The main hero of the manuscript is exempt from prison and learns the terrible news - his wife Laura and friend Robbie died as a result of an accident.

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An isolated on the side of life, the shadow is trying to start life from pure sheet and communicates with Mr. Wednesday, which is the embodiment of God Odin. Ultimately, the protagonist learns that America is inhabited by the gods of the old world, but since people do not believe in them, they have lost their former power. The main goal of Odin is to collect all the "old" gods in order to fight with "new" - Internet, mass media and other manifestations of technologies. It is noteworthy that for this book Nile Geiman received the Hugo (2002) and "Neule" (2002).

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In 2002, a children's story "Coralina" was published, based on which the cash cartoon "Coraline in the country of nightmares" was released (director Henry Selik).

After six years, Neil Geyman wrote another children's book ("History with the cemetery"), without losing his highlight: the genius of literature reiterated his character with the original name, this time the boy appeared to the readers, whose name is Nobody Owens. Parents of the main character are killed, and the boy remains one: no one escaped, because they will shove in the cemetery and hid from criminals.

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But the family of bringing those living near the grave could not remain indifferent to the fate of the baby, so the ghosts of Mr. and Mrs. Owens took Nict to custody. Also about the child was cared for an extravagant vampire named Sales. By the way, this idea came to Nile Gamean spontaneously: once he thought that he could write something similar to the "Jungle Book", moving the place of action to the Earth's Eternal Keeping.

Neil Geiman released collections of the "smoke and mirrors" stories (1998), "fragile things" (2006), worked by the screenwriter of the famous TV shows. He became the author of the two episodes of the Multiserful film "Doctor Who", and also wrote a script for the films "Beowulf" (2007) and "Mirror Mask" (2005).

Personal life

Neil does not like to share details of personal life with journalists, according to information in the media, a wizard wizard was married twice. About the first marriage with Mary Makgrat says little, but it is known that the writer has three children from the writer.

The second chief of the Nile became the singer and poetess Amanda Palmer, who participated in the music team "The Dreesden Dolls". Lovers signed in the winter of 2011, and in 2015 gave birth to the firstborn - the son of Anthony.

Neil Gayman with his wife

It is known that Neil Geymna is a big fan of the Twitter social network: in its official microblog, the Nile is divided by the last news and suits the conference, answering subscribers.

In addition, Neal is friendly with the singer Tori Aimos. The writer became the godfather of her daughter and devoted the girl a poem, which entered the illustrated book.

Neil Geiman now

The world of cinema was pleased with the fans of an eccentric writer, as in 2017 the premiere of the series "American gods" took place.

Developers were Brian Fuller and Michael Green, and the main roles got Ricky Whittle, Emily Browning, Crispin Glover, Bruce Langley and Ian McShin. According to rumors, in the near future, Neil Geiman will speak the screenwriter at least five more film stakes.


The wise way to start a joint life with a young man is not to quarrel with his mother. Do not think that they will be happy if they go to another place, and then it turns out: wherever you move, you take yourself with yourself. All people do one and also. It may seem to them that they sin are unique, but for the most part there are nothing original in their small packets. You have to kill more difficult than people, but in the end, they can be killed. The city without a bookstore and not the city at all, if you want to know my opinion . He can call himself as much as a city, but if there is no book in it, he himself knows that he does not deceive him like a living soul. Neighborhoods of coward - they never go one one, but they are going to the flocks and attack all the cats - The same useless occupation, how to call the hurricane. In most books about the witchcraft, it is written that the witches work Nagish. It is because most of the books about the witchcraft wrote men.


  • 1990 - "Good Signs"
  • 1996 - "Nikogde", or "Loan"
  • 1998 - "Star dust"
  • 1998 - "Smoke and Mirrors"
  • 2001 - "American gods"
  • 2002 - "Coraline"
  • 2005 - "Sons of Anancy", or "Children of Anancy"
  • 2006 - "Fragile Things"
  • 2007 - "M means magic"
  • 2008 - "Story C Cemetery"
  • 2009 - "ODD and ice giants"
  • 2013 - "Ocean at the end of the road"
  • 2013 - "But milk, fortunately"
  • 2016 - "Caution, Triggers"
  • 2017 - "Scandinavian gods"

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