Donald Duck - character history, his family and friends, duck stories


Character History

Emotional spleen, whose perturbed chamber disassemble only close, is one of the oldest characters of Disney. But this fact does not spoil the madman Donald Daca. Everyone knows that the hero has a good heart and pure thoughts. Stretching-spray is easy to remove from myself, but at the first signs of danger, Donald rushes to revenue to friends, nephews and even strangers.

History of creation

According to rumors, the image of Donald Daka Walt Disney invented, inspired by the children's song, performed by Claremen Nash. The American actor had a specific "duck" voice. Later Nash will voice Donald Daca for 50 years.

Clarence Nash and Tony Anselmo

In 1986, this actor will replace Tony Anselmo, who is considered the official voice of the character to date. In one of the interviews, the owner of the Disney Studio expressed his own attitude towards the hero:

"One of the main advantages of our work here, in the studio, is a warm relationship in our cartoon family. Mickey, Pluto, Gufi - with the whole of this car it was very fun to work. But, as in many large families, we have a difficult child. You are right, it is Donald Duck. "

The elaboration of the appearance of a shebuty spleen was entrusted to the Animator Wild Landy. The initial option is almost no different from the modern Donald. The hero slightly rooted the beak and reduced the volume in the abdomen.

First image of Donald Daca

Donald Duck's debut became the cartoon "Little Wise Dryer", released on screens on June 9, 1934. The character instantly won the love of the audience, and soon the spleen acquired his own cartoon. An animated film was first shown on January 9, 1937 and wore the modest name "Donald Duck".

The peak of popularity of the spleen came on the period of World War II. The reason is simple - people looked for a reason to laugh, and Donald's parodies on German fascists are incredibly funny. One of these cartoons - "Der Feuhrer's Face" - received an Oscar.

Image and nature

Donald Fauntler Duck is a white spleen, preferring to dress in a blue sailor and a stale. His family is numerous. Donald's parents - Hydrangea and Kwakmor Daki. The hero has a twin sister, Baryshnya called Della Telma. The girl works as a cosmonaut, so the birth of children sisters - boys Billy, Willie and Dilly - Donald is engaged.

Donald Duck with nephews

His nephews are triples, which are distinguished by different color of clothes. Listen, how the spleen is sweding with the tiphers, can be infinite. Initially, Della Telma asked her brother to look after the children, while their father would not come out of the hospital. For unknown reasons, the son-in-law Donald has not yet been announced.

The most famous relative of the spleen - Scroogeak McDak. Millionaire from Glasgow has to Donald his native uncle, but the relationship of men stretched. An entrepreneurial Scrooge with neglect refers to a short-natal and nephew and often tears over the spleen. Although in difficult situations, Uncle still comes to the help of the youngest Daca.

Donald Duck and Scroarge McDuck

In the animated series "Duck stories", Donald goes to serve on the fleet, so nephews move to the time of McDaku. Actually, the participation of the spleen in a popular cartoon ends. Next, Donald does not participate in the education of Billy, Willie and Dilly, visoring on weekends and holidays.

Despite partial daltonism and flatfoot, the hero is admitted to the slender rows of the sea military ("Donald Duck goes to the army"). But the spleen does not achieve outstanding results, and excessive energy directs to friendly competition with Mickey Mouse.

Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse

Disney characters are first found in the cartoon "Charitable concert for orphans". Friends quickly find a common language and topics for conversations (apparently, Mickey is one of the few understanding Donald).

Cheerful communication is replaced by tensions. Ambitious Donald Duck applies maximum effort to surpass a charming mouse in all life areas. However, it does not interfere with friends sometimes forget about shortcoming and just have fun.

Walt Disney and his wife give a cake Donald Duck

Competition between heroes looks ridiculous. The creators of the characters themselves often laughed over fictional rivalry. On the 50th anniversary of Walt Disney gave a spleen cake with the words:

"He is even greater than the one that I gave Mickey Mouse."

Print Donald does not like holidays, especially Halloween. It all started in 1952. Shopeful not wanted to share sweets with nephews, for which he seriously received from the wallet or a cartoon "wallet or life"). Since then, the spleen prefers not to celebrate the day of all saints.

Covering attempts to become a military man, the hero took up agriculture. Having bought a farm, Donald breeds chickens and plant a crop. Such a business by the way - the prices for chicken eggs soared in price. Only collect and sell a profitable product. The spray cock hinders the brazen rooster (cartoon "Golden Eggs"). Fight with feathered is not on life, but to death.

Donald Duck, Chip and Dale

Not less than the troubles of Donald deliver Chip and Dale. Naughty chipmunks tear over the dissatisfied hero and often robberize the spore. After the next theft of the DAK declares the warheads of the war. Only to get out of the battle the winner of Donald does not work.

Realizing that the agricultural industry is not his element, Donald moves to the city of Dacburg. The adventures of the city spleen are detailed in the animated series "Kryak-Bryak". Donald is arranged to work on television, receives the position of the operator in the news program. The spleen takes the matured nephews to himself, not realizing that it was even more difficult to cope with adolescents than with the kids. The main characters often fall into incredible bindings, but the common efforts find a way out of confusing situations.

Donald Duck and Daisy Duck

In the personal life of the emotional spleen, too, there are difficulties. Donald has been found for a long time with Daisy Duck. The connection of young people wears a purely platonic character. In the relationship of the heroes constantly interfere with foreign: Donald's nephews and a neighbor-Mexican Donna, who wishes to pump Daisy. The girl rises a scene of jealousy, which does not prevent Donald to look at the temperamental Donna.

Interesting Facts

  • Donald Daca Birthday - March 13.
  • In 1978, the Finnish government banned comics with Donald Duck. The press dubbed the character "amoral duck without pants."
  • Internet users are concerned about the question: did not Cannibal Dank not Cannibal? Or how else to explain that on the day of thanksgiving on the holiday table the spleen is a dish with a baked duck.
  • The kinship of Schurge McDeak and Donald Dacha is confirmed in the cartoon "Christmas History Mickey", removed based on the work of Charles Dickens. The spleen fulfills the role of a peace-loving nephew, inviting uncle-eye on a festive dinner.
  • Donald Duck is an official symbol of sports teams of the Oregon University.


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