Stephen Cweig - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Books, Death



Stefan Collegu - Austrian writer, author of the novel "24 hours from the life of a woman" and "Letter of Strangers". The owner of the Textile Factory in Vienna Moriza Collegue in November 1881 was born a heir to be called Stefan. The mother named Ida Brettauer was engaged in the education of the child. The woman came from a banker family. The period of childhood is practically not studied by the Biographs Stephen Collega.

The author of books and poems argued that children's memories that should be shared, no. Children's years for Stephen were held in the same way as for other children born in the families of the European intelligentsia. At the 19th age, the guy received a diploma of the end of the gymnasium.

Portrait of Stephen Collegia

After that, in the biography of Collega, a new life stage has come. The talented young man was at the University of Vienna. Philosophy captured Stephen, so the writer after 4 years of study received a doctoral degree.

At the same time, young dating creates a collection of poems, which called "silver strings". The influence on the work of Stefan Collega during this period was provided by Hugo Background Hoffmanstal and Rainer Maria Rilke. With the poet Rilke, Stefan had a friendly correspondence. Men exchanged their own essays and wrote reviews on work.

Stefan Cweig in youth

Studying at the University of Vienna approached the end, a great journey of Stephen Collega began. For 13 years, the author of "Letters of the Stranger" visited London and Paris, Italy and Spain, the USA and Cuba, India and Indochina, Panama and Switzerland. The young poet chose Salzburg permanent residence.

After graduating from Vienna University, Collega went to London and Paris (1905), then traveled in Italy and Spain (1906), visited India, Indochytay, USA, Cuba, Panama (1912). The last years of the First World War lived in Switzerland (1917-1918), and after the war settled near Salzburg.


After moving to Salzburg Stefan Collega sat for the establishment of Novella called "Letter of Stranger". This work impressed readers and critics of that time. The author tells an amazing story of a stranger and writer. The girl sent a letter in which he told about all-consuming love and the fate of fate, the intersections of the tracks of the main characters.

The first meeting of the writer and stranger occurred when the girl was 13 years old. The novelist lived next door. Soon the relocation happened, because of which the teenage girl had to suffer in proud loneliness, without seeing a loved one. The long-awaited return to Vienna allowed the stranger to plunge into the romantic world.

Writer Stefan Cweig

Suddenly, Lady learns about pregnancy, but the child is unknown about this important event. Another meeting with the beloved occurred after 11 years, but the writer did not recognize the only one, the novel with which she lasted three days. The stranger decided to write a letter to the only man, about which the lady thought all his life, after the death of the child. The heartfelt story, who bears, for the soul of the most worn person, was based on the film.

Collegu has incredible skill, which is revealed gradually. But the peak of the career came to the Newlyl of the "Amok", "confusion of feelings", "Mendel-Bukinist", "Chess Novel", "Star Watch of Humanity", that is, for the period from 1922 to 1941. What is in the words and sentences of the author such that thousands of people in pre-war times with pleasure leafy of the Tomiki with the works of Cweig?

Everything, without exception, believed that the unusualness of the plots make it possible to reflect, think about what was happening, over what kind of unfair fate was happening in relation to ordinary people. Stefan believed that the human heart could not be protected, but it was able to make the feats.

Books Stephen Collegia

Svelig novels differed from the works of contemporaries. For many years Stefan worked on his own model of the work. As a basis, the author took the journey, which became tedious, then adventure, then dangerous.

The incidents with the heroes of Celia did not happen on the road, but during stops. According to Stephen, the days and months are not needed for the fateful moment, just a few minutes or hours.

To write the novels, Tsweig did not like, because I did not understand the genre and was not able to fit into the event in the spatial narration. But among the works of the writer there are books performed in this style. This is the "impatience of the heart" and the "polishing". The last thing the author did not finish due to death. For the first time this creation was seen in 1982, and transferred to Russian only in 1985.

Books Stephen Collegia

From time to time Stefan Collega preferred to give all the creation of biographies of contemporaries and historical heroes. Among them, Joseph Fushe, Maria Stewart, Fernan Magellan, Erasmus Rotterdam. These works were of interest to literators, as Collegia for the plot took official papers, but sometimes the author had to include fantasy and psychological thinking.

In the work entitled "Triumph and Tragedy of Erasmus Rotterdam" the writer showed his feelings and emotions close to his "I". The author liked the position of Erasmus about the citizen of the world. The described scientist preferred to live ordinary life. The man was alien to high positions and other privileges. Rotterdamsky did not like secular life. The main purpose of the life of the scientist turned out to be independence.

Stefan Tsweig showed Erasmus as a root of ignorant and fanatics. A representative of the Renaissance opposed the enemy of the Reta burners between people. Europe has turned into a bloody side effect on the background of an increasing interethnic and interclasses. But Collega chose to show events on the other hand.

Stefan Collegu in military uniform

The concept of Stephen was attended by the idea that Erasmus felt the inner tragedy because of the impossibility of preventing what was happening. Collegu supported Rotterdam and believed that the First World War was only a misunderstanding that would never happen again. Stephen with Henri Barbus and Romena Rollyn tried to achieve this, but they failed to save the world from the war. During the creation of a book about Erasomon in the House of Writer, a search was held, followed by the German authorities.

About the book "Maria Stewart", which was written in 1935, Stefan stated as a novel biography. Collega studied numerous letters written by Maria Stewart to the English Queen. Hatred at a distance - so you can describe the relationship of two crowned persons.

Novel "24 hours from the life of a woman" appeared in 1927. Four years later, the book was shielded director Robert Land. Modern filmmakers rated the novel and presented their own option. The new film was released on the screens in 2002.

Stephen Tsweig

Stefan Celieg met Russian literature in the gymnasium. The writer fell in love at first glance in the works of classics. The main achievement by the author of the novel and Romanov considers the translation of the composition of the writings into Russian.

Maxim Gorky considered Collega to be a first-class artist, among whose talents there is a gift of thinker. The Russian writer stated that Stefan could transfer the entire gamut of the experiences of an ordinary person.

For the first time, Tsweig was visited by the Soviet Union in 1928. The visit was associated with the celebration of 100 years since the birth of Leo Tolstoy. Stefan met Vladimir Lidin and Konstantin Fedin. Soon, the opinion of Cweig about the Soviet Union changed. The discontent expressed the writer Romena Rollan. The author of Novel compared the raster veterans of the revolution with mad dogs. According to Stephen, such an appeal with people is unacceptable.

Personal life

The first wife Stephen Collega became Fritrik Maria von Winternitz. The marriage of young people took place in 1920.

Stephen Cweig and his wife

After 18 years, Marriage Friedrik and Stephen issued a divorce. A new stamp appeared in the writer's passport a new stamp on the conclusion of the Union with the secretarist Charlotte Altman.


Back in 1934, Collega is forced to leave Austria because of the arrival of Hitler. New house Stefan has been equipped in London. After 6 years, Collegu and his wife went to New York. For a long time to stop in the city of Skyscrapers, the writer did not plan. Young people went to Petropolis, which is located in the suburb of Rio de Janeiro.

Life away the homeland and the lack of peace all over the world plunged Stephen Collega to depression. Disappointment led the writer to suicide. With his wife, the author of the novel took the deadly dose of drugs. Spouses found dead. They held hands.

Later in the house, where the death of Stephen Tsweig was organized, organized a museum. And in Austria by the century-old anniversary, a postage stamp appeared in honor of the writer.


There is nothing more terrible than loneliness among people. He feels the meaning and purpose of his own life, only when it is realized that it is necessary for others. The heart can forget easily and quickly, if he wants to forget. If we all knew all that they say about all of us, nobody would talk to anyone. Who once gained himself, he can't lose anything on this light. And who once understood a person in themselves, he understands all people.


  • 1901 - "Silver strings"
  • 1911 - "Governess"
  • 1912 - "House by the Sea"
  • 1919 - "Three Masters: Dickens, Balzac, Dostoevsky"
  • 1922 - "Amok"
  • 1922 - "Letter of Stranger"
  • 1926 - "Invisible Collection"
  • 1927 - "24 hours from the life of a woman"
  • 1942 - "Chess Novel"

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