Yuri Orlov - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



Yuri Petrovich Orlov - Soviet and Ukrainian actor and movie theater. The man was assigned the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Fame to Orlova came after filming in such films, as "shadows disappear at noon" and "Belorussian station".

Yuri Orlov in youth

In the small town of Uman, which was located in the Cherkasy region of the Ukrainian SSR, on October 14, 1945, the long-awaited event occurred in the Orlov family - the son of Yuri was born. In the official biography of Yuri Petrovich, there is no information about parents.

It is known that the acting abilities of Orlov junior showed even in early childhood, so no one was surprised when a young man went to go to Gitis. Lunacharsky, who finished successfully.


The talented young man got the leadership of the Tallinn Russian Theater. The director invited Yuri Petrovich in the troupe in 1973. The artist answered consent. The first roles in the movie appeared several years before the start of theatrical life.

In 1970, Yuri Orlov played the role of seeds in the film "City of First Love". The director of the project was Manos Zakharias. In the tape, such grants of domestic cinema were also filmed as Stanislav Sadalsky (Vladik), Leonid Filatov (Boris), Boris Galkin (Philipp), Natalia Gvozdikova (Tanya Preobrazhenskaya), Olga Ostrumova (Nyura) and Lev Durov (Commissioner).

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The film represented three separate stories that tell about the romantic relations of residents of the city of Tsaritsyn-Stalingrad-Volgograd. The authors of the project showed different temporary segments, including civil war, 1929 and 1942.

1971 brought fame among the Soviet society to the actor. On the territory of the USSR, the film "Belorussky Station" demonstrated. The beginning of the actor was offered the role of Volodya Matveev - Son Valentina Petrovich and Lydia Andreevna (Raisa Kurkin).

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The picture told the audience about the life of the former fellow soldiers, which are now working as accountants, journalists, locksmiths, heads of the plant. The guys were last seen in the summer of 1945 in the Belarusian station. Years at the birthday of Valentina Matveyev, the fellow soldiers are going together, but the cause is sad - the death of a friend.

The main characters of the picture will have to overcome various difficulties and problems, again feed the help of the help of a comrade, find something new in itself. The author of the project decided to reflect on how different the young generation and people who passed a terrible war appear.

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In the same year, the Soviet viewer was offered to look at the new work of Yuri Orlov - "The shadows disappear at noon." The mini-series was adopted with the success of the country's residents. Orlova was invited to the role of Andrei Lukina, who appears to her husband Natalia Menshikova (Lyudmila Davydova). Hero Yuri Petrovich did not return home from the war. Interestingly, in the book, on which the picture was filmed, a man traveled to his beloved family.

The smuggler, and in combination the head of production played Yuri Orlov in the film "Smuggling", which was first shown in 1972. The man worked at the plant of high-precision devices. It suddenly it turns out that the details, as part of the platinum, were stolen. With strange circumstances, stolen elements are detected. Now KGB staff will have to understand who is behind this crime. For the investigation, the young operatives of Zvelrev (Vladimir Pavlov) is responsible.

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For a short career of film actor, Yuri Orlov managed to play in the film telling about the years of the Great Patriotic War. The director of the painting "Following its course" Vadim Lysenko entrusted the young man the role of the captain of the ship named Alexei Gontarev.

The action in the tape is unfolded in the summer of 1942. Representatives of the Black Sea Fleet helped to provide Sevastopol weapons and ammunition. Now the crews of two destroyers, among whom Orlov attended, to again break through the barriers. A new campaign turned out to be tragic for the destroyer's destroyer, which was ruled by the hero of Yuri Petrovich.

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The last work of Yuri Orlov in the Soviet cinema was the picture "where you were, Odyssey". The creators of the film offered the actor the role of the SS Obristurmführer. The plot is based on the story "Road to Zeus", written by Alexey Azarov. In Ribe, we are talking about Soviet intelligence, which worked during the Great Patriotic War.

Personal life

Yuri Orlov once failed. The wife of the actor considered Soviet artist named Svetlana Nikolaevna Orlov. The son of Denis was born in the family. Long marriage did not existe. Divorce reflected on the health of the ex-wife. Shortly after the paperwork, Orlov reported the death of Svetlana Nikolaevna.

Yuri Orlov with his wife and son

Son Yuri Petrovich married. Now the actor appears by the father and grandfather Grandma George. The Orlov family lives in the Russian city of Volgograd. But the actor does not communicate with relatives. This is due to the fact that at 33 years old have diagnosed schizophrenia.

Honored Artist of the USSR found himself in a boarding school for psycho-cells. Iri Petrovich could not be filmed in films. This was the reason that Svetlana Nikolaevna filed for a divorce, he took his son and left Volgograd.

Yuri Orlov Now

In early 1990, the actor is located in the psychoneurological boarding school, which is located in the city of Zolotonosha in Ukraine. Until now, Yuri Orlov lives in this institution. The last time the photo and video with the artist was seen during the program on the first channel "Let them say".

Andrei Malakhov, a leading project, in November 2013 invited the star of Soviet cinema, relatives of Orlov and colleagues actor.


  • 1970 - "City of First Love"
  • 1971 - "Belorussky Station"
  • 1971 - "The shadows disappear at noon"
  • 1972 - "Ivanov Boat"
  • 1974 - "Smuggling"
  • 1974 - "Following your course"
  • 1975 - "Ivan and Colombin"
  • 1977 - "Three merry shifts"
  • 1978 - "Where were you, Odyssey"

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