Andrey White - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Books, Poems



Poet, a bright representative of Russian symbolism, prose, literary critic and philosopher Andrei White - Son of an amazing cultural era, called "Silver Century". Little-known contemporaries The author is interesting in the invention and discoveries, in many respects determined the appearance of the literature of the beginning of the twentieth century.

Portrait of Andrey White Portrait

Seeing some kind of splitting around the world, the writer and philosopher White concluded that the source of social shocks lies in the confrontation of the two ideological elements - the East and the West. The connoisseurs of his work are confident that Andrei White Best of all contemporaries portrayed such a complex phenomenon as a turning point.

Childhood and youth

The future star of the Silver Century was born in late autumn of 1880 in the capital, in the intelligent family of indigenous Muscovites. Boris Bugaev Ros and brought up in the atmosphere of two opposing elements - mathematicians and music, which later wonderedly affected his poetry.

Mom - Alexander Egorova - introduced the Son into the world of music and instilled a love for the works of ingenious composers of Russia and Europe. Father - famous mathematician, worked as Dean Moscow University. Nikolay Bugaev anticipated many of the ideas of "cosmists" and Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, founded a mathematical school.

Nikolai Bugaev, father Andrei White

In 1891, Boris Bugaev became a student of a private gymnasium L. I. Polivanova, where he studied until 1899. In the gymnasium, Bugaev Jr. became interested in the Buddhist religion and the secrets of the occult. From the writers and philosophers, his interest attracted the work of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Henrika Ibsen and Friedrich Nietzsche. Balmont poems were poems of poetry for young people, Valery Brysov and Dmitry Merezhkovsky.

In the walls of the men's gymnasium on the Prechistenka, the future poet symbolist made friends with Sergey Solovyov. The creative alias "Andrei White" appeared thanks to the Father Sergey: the home of Solovyov became the second native home for the writer. Brother Sergey - Philosopher Vladimir Soloviev - influenced the formation of the worldview Andrei White.

Andrey White in childhood

After the end of the polivan gymnasium, Andrei White became a student of Moscow University, where he taught his father. Nikolay Bugaev insisted the Son to choose the Physics and Mathematics Faculty. After his ending, the White in 1904 was secondaryly became a university student and took up studying history and philology, but after 2 years he left the university and went to Europe.


In 1901, Andrei White - University student - published the first work. "Symphony (2nd, dramatic)" demonstrated connoisseurs of poetry the birth of the genre of the literary "Symphony", the creator of which is considered to be Andrey White. In the early 1900s, the light saw "Northern Symphony (1st, Heroic)", "Return" and "Flash Cup". These poetic writings are an amazing synthesis of words and music, they are called a rhythmic prose.

Andrey White in youth

At the beginning of the 19th century, Andrei White met the Moscow symbols, which were grouped around the publishing house "Gryp" and "Scorpio". Then Moskvich came under the influence of the St. Petersburg poets and writers of Dmitry Merezhkovsky and Zinaida Hippius, publishers of the magazine "New Way" by writing several philosophical articles.

At the beginning of 1903, Andrei White fell asleep with Alexander Blok: the writers were rewriting. A personal acquaintance that has grown into the dramatic or friendship, whether the hostility took place next year. In the same year, a poet mystic with like-minded people organized the "Argonauts" circle. In 1904, the first poetic collection "Gold to Lazuri" was published, which included the "Sun" poem.

Andrey White and Sergey Solovyov

At the beginning of 1905, Andrei White arrived at Merezhkovsky and Hippius to St. Petersburg and saw the first revolutionary events that took enthusiastically, but remained aside from what was happening. The end of autumn and the beginning of the winter 1906 Writer lived in Munich, then moved to Paris, where he remained until 1907. In 1907, Andrei White returned to Moscow, where he worked in the magazine "Scales" and collaborate with the publication "Golden Fleece".

At the end of the first decade of the 1900s, the writers presented the collections of poems "ashes" and "urn". The first poem is the poem "Rus". The next decade was marked by the output of the novels "Silver Pigeon" and "Petersburg".

In October 1916, the creative biography of Andrei White was enriched with the new novel "Kitty flyev". The writer perceived the first world war, as the tragedy of Russia. In the summer of the same year, the writer called for military service, but in September they gave a delay. Andrey White lived in the suburbs, then in the royal village under Petrograd.

In the February Revolution, the White saw salvation, simulating the vision of what was happening in the poem "Christ" and the collection of poems "Star". After the end of the revolution, Andrei White worked in Soviet institutions. He was a lecturer and a teacher, led classes with novice writers in the "Fast", became publisher of the journal "Notes of the Dreamer".

Book Andrei White

The disappointment of the actions of the new government pushed Andrei White to emigration. In 1921, the writer and the philosopher went to Berlin, where he lived and worked for 3 years. At the end of 1923, the White returned to his homeland and lived in Russia until recent days.

Prosisais wrote novels "Moskovsky Chudak", "Moscow under the blow" and "masks", published memoirs about the block and trilogy about the revolutionary events (the novel "between two revolutions" is posthumously published). Contact with the authority Andrei White did not establish until the end of life, because of which the work of the brightest representative of the symbolists and the "silver century" was assessed only at the end of the twentieth century.

Personal life

Andrei White's love triangles with symbolist poets Valery Bryusov and Alexander Blok and their wives were reflected in creativity. Bruces described the romance of White with his wife Nina Petrovskaya in the "Fire Angela". In 1905, Petrovskaya shot a lover, and he dedicated to her a stitching of the poem "Friends".

Andrey White and Anna Turgenev

The painful relationship with the wife of the block - the love of Mendeleevoy - inspired Andrei White to create a novel "Petersburg". Lovers met on a removable apartment, but in the end, Mendeleev chose her husband, which was announced by white, demanding not to come into their home. Desperation pushed the poet to departure abroad.

Returning from Europe to Russia in the spring of 1909, Andrei White met with Anna Turgeneva, the niece of the classics. In the winter of the 1910th, the beloved accompanied the writer on the journey. The couple circled North Africa and the Middle East. In the spring of 1914, in Bern, white and Turgenev got married, but after 2 years the writer returned to his homeland. After 5 years he came to Germany to his wife, but the relationship was dried. Followed divorce.

Andrey White and his wife Claudia

In the fall of 1923, Andrei White met a woman with whom he lived the rest of his life. Claudia Vasilyeva, or cloud, as the beloved Andrei white called, in the summer of 1931, he answered consent to the proposal of his hand and heart.


Andrei White died on the hands of Claud on January 8, 1934 from the paralysis of the respiratory tract. Buried the poet at the Moscow Novodevichy Cemetery. Claudia Vasilyeva examined the work of the famous symbolist, writing about the book of memories.


A number of authoritative researchers and literary critics assure that without studying the creative heritage of Andrei White one cannot appreciate the aesthetic phenomenon of poetry of the late XIX - early XX centuries. Therefore, contemporaries interested in Russian poetry, certainly acquainted with the creativity of the theoretics of symbolism and anthroposofo-mystic.

Andrey White.

The poems of the White "Motherland", "despair", "from the window of the wagon" and "meditation" are the most famous and beloved connoisseurs of poetry "silver century". They often quote contemporaries, speaking of poets symbolists.

Up to 26 years old Andrei White lived in the house on Arbat. In the apartment where theoretics of symbolism passed theoretics, after his death, founded the museum. In the house of Bugaev was a lion Tolstoy.



  • "Silver pigeon. Tale in 7 chapters "
  • Petersburg
  • "Kitty flyev"
  • "Epiphany Chinese"
  • "Moscow Chudak"
  • "Moscow under the blow"
  • "Masks. Novel"


  • "Gold in Lazuri"
  • "Ash. Poems"
  • "Urn. Poem "
  • "Christ is risen. Poem"
  • "First date. Poem"
  • "Star. New poems "
  • "Royal and Knights. Fairy tales"
  • "Star. New poems "
  • "After separation"
  • "Glossyolia. Poem about sound "
  • "Poems about Russia"

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