Sophie Kotson - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Though the world cinema and is a relatively young art type, but not one generation of actors and directories has changed at his field. The fact that the other one comes to change - the phenomenon is natural, as well as the fact that representatives of each generation are trying to bring something their own to the world.

Actress Sophie Luiza L. Kuskon was born in the small town of Heivort-Hit, located in Sussex County in the south-east of England. It happened on May 15, 1990.

Actress Sophie Kukson

Already at an early age, the parents of the girl - Colin and Maria Louise Kukson - noted the creative abilities of their child, so they gave the daughter first to academic singing courses, and then to the local musical theater. In it, in addition to acting skills, young Sophie taught some gymnastic exercises, dance and theatrical furry.

Together with theatrical troupe, the girl traveled Europe and Asia (I really liked to perform in Japan). However, returning from the next touring tour, the girl decided to continue his studies and entered the dramatic university, located in Oxford. His Sophie graduated in 2013.


In the same year, Kukson first appeared on the screen, starring in the adaptation of the novel John Folkner Falkner "Munflit". The director of this mini-series was made by Andy Di Emmony ("Return", "Court of God", "Virbs, beware"), and in addition to Sofi itself, such actors like Ray Winston, Anairin Barnard and Anthony of Offezhuba entered the caster. The painting tells about the confrontation of smugglers and representatives of the law in the port city of Munflit in the second half of the eighteenth century.

Sophie Kukson

The following project, in which the young actress was attended, was also a television - they became the soap opera "Rosamund Pilher", which began to go out in 1993 and continues to go out and so on. Sophie Kukson spent on the shooting area of ​​the first half of 2014. The second half of the year was held on the work on the telefilm of Jales Phoster "Unknown Hearts", which is the branch "Rosamuda Pilher".

Sophie Kukson and Taron Edgerton

The real fame of the young actress brought part in the film "Kingsman: Secret Service", shot by Matthew Voon ("Puff pastry", "Star dust", "Pipetz", "X-Men: First class"). In addition to Kukson, Taron Edgerton, Colin Firth, Samuel L. Jackson, Mark Strict, Michael Kane and Sofia Butell, starred in the film. The film's plot was founded on the line of the eponymous comics created by the British Dave Gibbons and Scottish Mark Millar.

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The success of the tape "Kingsman: The Secret Service" gave the green light franchise, which was continued in 2017. In the break between several parts of the comic screening, Sophie Kukson managed to be held in two films and one series.

In 2016, the Sykvel "Snow White and Hunter" came to the screens, delivered by the newcomer Sedrik Nicolas Troyan. Colleagues actresses on the set became Chris Hemsworth, Nicholas Frost, Charlize Theron, Jessica Chestain and Emily Blante.

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At the beginning of 2017, Sophie returned to TV, starring in the TV series "Roma" released by the Netflix streaming service. The series tells about the ambitant Jean Halloweway - a woman working as a psychotherapist in New York. The creation of the series was attended by a film crew, which previously worked on the screen "50 shades of black". The main role in the series was performed by Naomi Watts, and Kukson played Barist Sidney.

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Although the series and received positive feedback from critics, but was closed because of unreasonably low ratings. This was reported to Sophie with sadness on his official page on Twitter.

The next job of the girl in the movie became the main role in the Anglo-Romanian horror "Crucifix", published in the Russian box office called "Clearance. Our days". The solution of localizers about changing the name was based on the fact that the producers at the ribbon are the same as the "Curse of Annabel" and "Clearance 2". But such a move of the horse did not meet himself, and the picture still failed at the box office, although he received rare positive feedback.

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On September 20, 2017, the premiere of the second part of Kingsman, which received a subtitle "Golden Ring" took place. This picture also removed Matthew Von. In addition to the actors who performed the main roles in the first film, Holly Berry, Julianna Moore, Jeff Bridges, Channing Tatum and Pedro Pascal starred in the second. Also in the picture Elton John lit up.

As in the case of the first part, "Kingsman: The Golden Ring" the audience took warmth, so Sophie did not regret it for a second that he had relieved the role of Roxy from Emma Watson. By the way, for participation in "Kingsman: Secret Service" Sophie Kukson was nominated for the "Empire" Award in the "Best Debut" category - it happened in London on March 29, 2015 during the 20th Empire Ceremony.

Personal life

About the personal life of the girl is not known, although after the release of the film "Kingsman: The Secret Service" rumors about the novel with a partner on the shooting area by Taron Ejerton.

Sophie Kukson now

Currently, the post-production of the film "Emperor", filmed by the director Lee Takamaori ("on the verge", "and the spider came," "Melci, but not now"). The picture tells about the girl who decided to take revenge on the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire Karl Fifth Gabsburg for the death of his father. The main roles in the film were performed by Adrian Brody and Sophie Kukson.

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On September 7, 2017, in Twitter, the girl rolled down the post in which her involvement in the work on another project was mentioned - "Red Joan" (in the domestic rental, probably change the name). The events of the picture are spinning around the Melith Norwood - a British spy that the KGB agents were able to reveal only when Meliste turned 87 years old.

Sophie Kukson in 2017

Free time, the girl is spent on the study of foreign languages, reading books, hiking with friends and in the gym - the latter of hobbies allows her to keep the figure in a tone (weight 58 kg, height 1.61 m). Sophie loves to chat with fans - mainly in the comments under their photos in "Instagram".


  • 2013 - "Munflit"
  • 2014 - "Rosamund Pilher"
  • 2014 - "Unknown Hearts"
  • 2015 - "Kingsman: Secret Service"
  • 2016 - "Snow White and Hunter 2"
  • 2017 - "Gypsy"
  • 2017 - "Sold. Our days"
  • 2017 - "Kingsman: Golden Ring"

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