Lazar Kaganovich - biography, photo, personal life, revolution



Lazar Moiseevich Kaganovich occupied a special place among the significant figures of the Stalinist era. The "steel" drug addict is wonderful in that it turned out to be one of the two or three Jews of the highest link, who survived and survived Generalissimus during the rampant of anti-Semitism. Historians converge in the opinion that Kaganovich renounced relatives and friends, which saved his life.

Childhood and youth

The companion of Joseph Vissarionovich was born in 1893 in the village of Kabana Kyiv province, in many children (13 children) a Jewish family. Until the 18th anniversary, 7 siblings of Moses Gershkovich Kaganovich lived.

Lazar Kaganovich in youth

Lazar Kaganovich assured that he was born and grew up in a poor family, in adapted under the housing Saraj, where seven children "slept in the same room on the shops." Father worked at the Smolyan Plant, earning a penny. But the historian Roy Medvedev assures that the flame revolutionary Lukavit. According to his information, Kaganovich-Sr. scooped cattle, sold to Kiev slaughters and was a wealthy person.

Historian disagrees Isabella Allen Feldman. She claims that the Father, Taganrog Kommersant, led to Moses Gershkovich, at that time the merchant of the first guild. According to unconfirmed information, the father of the "steel" addict broke up at the beginning of the First World War due to unsuccessful deals with military supplies.

Parents of Lazar Kaganovich

Lazar Kaganovich's education received a modest: graduating from 2 school classes in the boars, went to depart in the neighboring village. But at age 14, the young man worked in Kiev. He worked at the factories, then settled on a shoe factory, from where he passed into the shoe workshops. From the last work - Lazar was a loader on a mill - he was fired with ten colleagues for incitement to the protest action.

In 1905, the Senior Spring of Kaganovichi entered the ranks of Bolsheviks - Mikhail. After 6 years, Lazar Kaganovich became a member of the party.

The revolution

In 2014, a young shoemaker became a member of the Committee of the Bolshevik Party in Kiev, the youth agitated and formed cells. Under the Curtain of 1917 in Yuzovka (Donetsk), Kaganovich was elected by the chairman of the local party committee and entrusted to replace the head of the Yuzovsky Council of Workers' Deputies.

Lazar Kaganovich in youth

In the same 1917 Lazarus Kaganovich mobilized. An excellent agitator and fiery speaker became a noticeable person in Saratov. He was arrested, but Lazar ranked in the front-line Gomel, heading the Woodland Bolshevik Committee. In Gomel, the 24-year-old revolutionary met October events.

Lazar Kaganovich raised an armed uprising, which was crowned with success. From Gomel Kaganovich moved to Petrograd, where he was elected secretary of the Central Committee of the RCP (b).

In 1925, after the death of Lenin and the incredible intrapartling struggle, Lazar was joined to Joseph Stalin, "thanked" faithful comrades to the appointment of the Gensen Central Committee of the CP (b) of Ukraine. Three years, Kaganovich was the party leader of the republic and rigidly led the Stalinist policy from two components: Ukrainization and the fight against "petty-bourgeois nationalism."

Lazar Kaganovich and Joseph Stalin

Because of the beggars - Lazarus Kaganovich was accused of taking too hard measures to combat nationalism - Stalin's associate in 1928 in 1928 he was taken to Moscow.

In the capital of the Secretary General to whom Kaganovich liked, helped the associate to head the city committee of the party and receive membership in the Central Committee of Politburo. Lazaru Kaganovich entrusted a wide range of powers: except for the agrarian industry and collectivization, he oversaw work on the reconstruction of the capital.

"Merit" Kaganovich call the destruction of the christ of Christ the Savior. According to another version, Lazar Moiseevich promoted the construction of the House of Soviets is not on the site of the temple, but on the sparrow mountains.

Bolshevik Lazar Kaganovich

The merits of the secret "curator" of the capital call the construction of the metro. Lazar Kaganovich led the works, for which the subway is 20 years old called him name.

The Big Terror of the 1930s, to which Lazar Kaganovich is involved, the dark stain lay down on a biography. His signature is under the hundreds of "focusing" lists, which did not deny the "cleaner" of the party ranks. Kaganovich acknowledged that the "beggars" happened, but pointed out at the time and situation.

The older brother of the "Steel" commissioner - Mikhail Kaganovich, the Narca of the Aviation Industry and the NarcA. He did not wait for his arrest - shot himself.

Lazar Kaganovich in the podium

From 1935 to 1944 (with breaks) Lazar Kaganovich held the post of addict of communication paths. To be in the Stalin's times of the "Lord of Roads" was akin to suicide: the developing industry required working, like a clock, railway communication.

But Kaganovich had a non-Ravy Organizing Talent and managed to fulfill and exceed the brought reduced plans. In Moscow Kratodo, the People's Commissar organized for children the world's first railway, which is valid today.

The test for the addict was the Great Patriotic War. Chaos and confusion of the first military years touched and the ways of communication. The evacuation of enterprises in the rear, east, was successful, and this is the merit of Kaganovich Lazarus. Therefore, the displacement from the posts in the spring of 1942 was recognized by hasty, and Kaganovich continued to manage the industry.

Lazar Kaganovich and Nikita Khrushchev

In the winter of 1943, the companion of Generalissimus was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, but then for Lazarus Kaganovich began a sunset of a career. Former favorite went to the shadows, Stalin did not see him among successors. But in 1953, in the life of Kaganovich, the next time the rise was happening: he became the first deputy chairman of the Council. Such a gift was presented to him Nikita Khrushchev and Georgy Malenkov for the union against the Lavrentia Beria.

But in 1957, Khrushchev put a point in Kaganovich's career: I rang the defeat of the "Anti-Party group of Molotova-Malenkov-Kaganovich". But the times have changed, the oppositionists were not shot, but sent to peace. In 1961 Nikita Sergeevich achieved an exception to the opponent from the party.

Lazar Kaganovich is the last witness of the Stalinist era. He lived to the restructuring, but his name regularly "rushed" in the press, calling the satrapy companion and accusing in repression. Kaganovich avoided communicating with journalists, did not allow an interview and did not justify. For the past 30 years of life, the previously aligning drug addicts was closed and wrote a book of memoirs.

Lazarus Kaganovich in the party did not restore, but the personal pension was not selected. The old communist did not regret the made and left the ideals of youth.

Personal life

The wife of Lazarus Kaganovich was his wife, and a companion. Maria Markovna Lelovskaya joined the ranks of the RSDLP in 1909. She worked in the trade unions, he was elected to Mosovet's deputy, led by children's homes.

The triuro met with Lazar Moiseevich, when he worked as an agitator. They got married and lived together to the death of Mary in 1961. Outlooking in 68 years old, Kaganovich no longer married.

Lazar Kaganovich with his wife and daughter

The spouses were born Maya's daughter, who prepared for a press 6 years after the death of his father's book, named "Memorable Notes".

In the family of Kaganovich, the adopted son Yuri has grown out, which some researchers of the life of Stalin call him an extramarital son, born the niece of Lazar Kaganovich - Rachel Rose.


After retirement, the Stalinsky companion lived in the house on Frunzen Embankment.

Lazar Kaganovich died in 97 years. He did not live for the collapse of the USSR for 5 months - died on July 25, 1991. He was buried on the 1st plot of the metropolitan reserved cemetery, next to the wife of Maria Kaganovich.

In 2017, the documentary cycle of films about seven figures of the country's leadership of the Soviets from 1917 to 1953 came to the screens. They remembered the tape and Lazar Kaganovich.


  • In 1938, Kaganovich's name was called the Kaganovic region of the Pavlodar region, but after 1957 he was renamed Ermakovsky.
  • The famous Military Transport Academy was named after Lazarus Kaganovich.
  • In 1938-1943, the city of Popasna Lugansk region was called L. M. Kaganovich.
  • In the Kiev region, the Ukrainian SSRs were settlements, named Kaganovichi first (in 1934) the modern name of Polesskoe), and Kaganovichi second (the place of birth of Lazarus Kaganovich).
  • In the Oktyabrsky district of the Amur region, there is a district center of the village of Ekaterinoslavka, a previous station "Kaganovichi".
  • The name L. M. Kaganovich was in 1935-1955, the Moscow Metro, the bookmark and the construction of the first stage of which Kaganovich oversaw as the first secretary of the Moscow Committee of the WCP (b).
  • In Novosibirsk, Kaganovichsky was now called the railway area of ​​the city.
  • In Dnepropetrovsk, the Institute of Rail Transport Engineers was named L. M. Kaganovich.
  • In 1957, the name Kaganovich was removed from all objects named in his honor.

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