Ramon Mercider - biography, photo, personal life, grave



Georges Charles Dantes, Fanny Kaplan, Mark Chepman, Lee Harvey Oswald - to enter the world history, this people needed only to kill another person - more famous. Spaniard Khaima Ramon Mercider Del Rio did not invent a bike and went through the same way.

Childhood and youth

Ramon was born in the Spanish city of Barcelona, ​​in the family of Catalan Paou Merkader, the owner of the textile factory and railway magnate, and his wife Cuba Karidad Del Rio. This event occurred on February 7, 1913. Five years later, another child appeared in the family - the daughter of Mary, who later became the actress and wife of the director Vittorio Domiriki de Sika.

Ramon Mercider in youth

For a long time, the family lived in the capital of France, however, after divorcing Ramon and Pau in 1925, Ramon, together with his mother and sister, moved back to Barcelona, ​​where he continued his studies. In student years, young mercadener was a member of the leadership of the Barcelona Communist Organization, consisting mainly of young people. Later, the guy was convicted of this - the punishment was a three-month imprisonment in Valencia.

Almost immediately after the release of Ramon, Ramon Volunteer entered the ranks of Republicans involved in the World Civil War in Spain (1936-1939). He was the Commissioner of the twenty-seventh brigade who fought on the Aragon Front. He was injured and was hospitalized.

Service in the NKVD

Immediately after Ramon recovered after the injury, they were engaged in the employees of the People's Commissariat of the internal affairs of the USSR. They have long been watching the guy, considering it a potential acquisition. Help to recruit Merkader his mother Caridad, who even before the birth of the son became the Soviet agent abroad.

Ramon Mercider

In 1937, Ramon Merkder (also known as Ramon Ivanovich Lopez) has already appeared in the internal documentation of state security and commissioning commissariat.

Passing the "course of a young fighter" Merkader began to prepare for his first task - to eliminate the revolutionary Lion Trotsky, who, as the leadership of the Communist Party believed, was a traitor to Marxism and the worst enemy of the Soviet people.

Killing Trotsky

Lieba Bronstein, a better known as Lev Davidovich Trotsky, from an early years led active revolutionary activities, for which more than once subjected to links. In 1917, Trotsky even was acting leader of the Bolsheviks, while Vladimir Lenin was hiding in Finland. In fact, Lev Davidovich was the head of the October Revolution.

Lion Trotsky

In 1918, Trotsky becomes the People's Commissars of Foreign Affairs, and then begins to actively turn into power - the peak of this activity falls at the beginning of the Civil War. Due to the techniques used by Lvom Davidovich, he caresses his enemies in the face of Gregory Zinoviev, Lionames Kamenev and Joseph Stalin.

After the death of Lenin, the end of the intravaluctive struggle and coming to the post of head of state Stalin, Trotsky has to leave the USSR. If it were not for the release in 1936 the books of the "loyal revolution", then it would be all limited, but the book was published, and the Gosbea Guide received an order to eliminate Trotsky.

Joseph Stalin, Alexey Rykov, Lev Kamenev and Grigory Zinoviev

The first attempt committed by the group under the leadership of the artist José Sicairos was unsuccessful, therefore, the NKVD leadership approached the question of the preparation of the next Merkader.

Ramon's curator made Major General Naum Eitigon himself. Having worked for a thoroughly, Mercider under the name of the Canadian merchant Frank Jackson goes to the United States. In New York, under the new name, Jacques Monrard Ramon comes out on Silvia Aleoshoff - approximate Trotsky.

In October 1939, Jacques allegedly moved to Mexico on work affairs, where Trotsky lives at this time. Soon, Monrar invites Silvia to himself, saying that she misses the girl. Thanks to Ageloff in March 1940, Merkader Montrar still comes out on direct contact with Trotsky. Ramona manages to convince Lion Davidovich in his commitment to the views of Trotskyism, as well as the readiness of financially to help implement plans.

The ice ax, which Ramon Mercider killed Lion Trotsky

On August 20, the same year, Merkaster comes to Villa Trotsky to give it to read his article and listen to the opinion of Leo Davidovich. According to the plan, the Ramon developed in the NKVD will have to stun the Trotsky hidden under the icecock coat (everything was planned to be made quietly - without the use of firearms), then stitched it and go to the speaker near the Villa Machine to hide from Mexico with his mother and Eitigon.

But everything went wrong when Trotsky did not lose consciousness after hitting the back of the head, but redefined. Merkder was confused, he knew himself and after a moment he was captured by guarding in the room. Ramona was beaten and called the police. Naum Eitigon realized that something went wrong, and the mother of Merkader took away. That night they left the country. Trotsky died the next day.

Ramon Mercider in prison

Merkader was judged. At the court, Ramon tried to bring to clean water, but he claimed that he was a Jacques Monrair - a lonely wrestler who decided to commit the fact of retaliation, killing Trotsky. He did not give up the truth even undergoing prison torture. As a result, the Mexican court sentenced the guy by 20 years of imprisonment, and Merkader was transferred to a prison institution with a softer regime. Real name Ramon Mexicans found out only 6 years later.

Merkder served in prison all time. On May 6, 1960, he was released. Soviet agents delivered Ramon first to Cuba, and then in the USSR.

Hero of the Soviet Union Ramon Mercider

On May 31, the same year he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, as well as the Order of Lenin and the "Golden Star" medal, which were waiting for him from June 6, 1941 (then Stalin signed the petition of Lavrenting Beria to award the participants of the successfully conducted operation to eliminate Trotsky). In addition, Ramon received a four-room apartment in Moscow at the Leningrad Prospect (not far from the Leningrad and Volokolamsk highway) and the cottage in PGT. Kratto.

Officially, Ramon was first observed by an employee of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism, and then the employee of the Russian state archive of socio-political history. There is an opinion that this cover, and in fact Mercider became an employee of the KGB.

Personal life

Ramon Mercider was married twice. The first wife - Elena Imbert, - did not wait for him from prison - died in Moscow in 1942.

Ramon Merkder and wife Mendoza Raquel

The second wife of Ramon became an Indian name named Raquel (Rachel) Mendoza, who worked as a nurse in prison, in which Mercider was sitting. The girl leaning him after the next torture and the relationship struned between them. When Ramon was released, he took her with him to the Soviet Union. In the USSR, Raquel became a speaker in the Spanish edition of Radio Moscow.


In the mid-seventies of the last century, Merkaster at the personal invitation of Fidel Castro moved to Cuba to fulfill the duties of the Advisor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Grave Ramon Merkadera

October 18, 1978 in Havana Ramon died from Sarcoma. His cremated, and the dust transported to Moscow and buried on the Kuntsevsky cemetery under the name of Ramon Ivanovich Lopez. A monument with a photo of Merkader was put on the grave.


The following ribbons were removed based on Ramon's life:

  • 1972 - "Killing Trotsky" Joseph Lowie with Alain Delon, Richard Burton and Romi Schneider.
  • 1993 - "Trotsky" Leonid Maryagin with Viktor Sergachev and Vyacheslav Razzhegayev.
  • 2002 - Frida Julie Taymore with Solma Hayek, Alfred Molina and Jeffrey Raster.
  • 2009 - Troatsky Jacob Tarnney with Lenan Balaban, as well as Jeide and Taylor Baruchel.
  • 2011 - "Fights: A woman under the vulture of the" Seriously "Algis Arlaususcas with Sapatero and Antonio Spacera and Antonio.
  • 2016 - "chosen" Antonio Chavarrias with Alfonso Errero, Khanna Murray and Julian Sands.
  • 2017 - "Trotsky" Alexander Kotta and Konstantin Statsky with Konstantin Khabensky, Evgeny Skykanyov and Sergey Garmash.

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