Sophia Egorova - biography, photo, personal life, news, "Battle of psychics" 2021



In September 2017, a new, 18th of the mystical project "Battle of Psychics" started on the TNT channel. Among hundreds of dozens of magicians, sorcerers and psychics who came to the casting immediately stood out the urban witch Sophia Egorova, which in the second qualifying test found a person in the trunk in two minutes.

Childhood and youth

Sophia Egorova was born on August 17, 1989 in the city of great opportunities - Moscow. It so happened that the biography of the participants of the show of such a "battle of psychics" is usually covered with a halo of mystery, so representatives of the "yellow" press or simply unfair journalists have to invent the history of the new star on the go.

Sofya Egorova

So, the media write that the girl from an early age came about the profession of actress and therefore, being a teenager, entered the model school Vyacheslav Zaitsev. It really is so, but the witch did not want to associate his life with modeling or acting profession.

In fact, in childhood, Sonya loved artistic literature and Russian, so in the future wanted to devote the lives of teaching activities. Later, her thoughts were also visited to become a doctor and ballerina.

Sophia Egorova in childhood

True, the lifests of the ambitious young lady have matured, and she entered the Production Faculty of Gitis. Having become a certified specialist and having received a diploma, Egorova came to magical practices.

It is known that Mom Sophia strongly supports her daughter, considering the path chosen by it - right. Moreover, the parent participant's participant watching the "battle of psychics" and often discusses with Sonya or another test.

Sofya Egorova

Father Yegorova died when the future sorcerer was barely five years old. It is known that the head of the family also possessed paranormal abilities and it was in his generic branch that were sorcerers and shamans. At the moment, Egorova lives in Moscow along with his pet, the terrier of Arkasha, whom the lady at one time saved from death, picking up an unfortunate animal on the street.

Psychic abilities

Sophia was born four months before the deadline. Doctors said that the likelihood that the child would survive, extremely small. However, Egorova, contrary to disappointing forecasts, has dropped.

According to the witch, her gift was not acquired in the course of life, she was born with extrasensory abilities. So, in childhood, Sonya saw chakras and mindlessly wandering phantoms among living people.

Psychic Sophia Egorova

Then the witch thought her friends and relatives see the same, therefore did not attach importance to these entities. By 12 years, the hearing, smell, visual receptors and the intuition of the girls were stuck, and Sophia from the young sorduny turned into a regular teenager.

After the celebration of the majority of the extrasensory abilities, Yegorova again let them know. The force that woke up in an inexperienced witch was to scare it. The lady understood that what she sees and hears - abnormally. Sonya was afraid in the end just to go away.

Sophia Egorova - biography, photo, personal life, news,

Fortunately, a woman met on her life path (the name of the mentor Egorova did not disclose), who passed his knowledge of his knowledge. Thanks to this assistance, Sofya accepted itself and its strength. Then the girl for a couple of years studied ritual and rune magic.

Now Egorova continues to grow as extrasens. The lady reads specialized literature, adopt experience from more experienced colleagues, and often meditates.

"The fight of extrasensories"

The idea is to pass the qualifying tests of the 18th season of the "battle of psychics", appeared in the girl's head after she suffered a heavy operation. Sonya has repeatedly recognized that at that moment literally felt the approaching death. According to the clairvoyant, the resulting changed its attitude towards life.

The urban witch, which is often compared with the girl Alexander Sheppa - Marilyn Kerro, came to the battle, as soon as she realized that she could use her strength and would be used for good. In their rites, the lady is used not only by traditional specialized objects and artifacts, but also things that modern person often uses in everyday life.

Sophia Egorova and Marilyn Kerro

At the qualifying stages of the "battle of psychics", Sonya was able to cope with the task in 2 minutes. She deliberately determined the car, in the trunk of which was hidden by a person. However, already coming to the car, suddenly stumbled.

When Sergey Safronov had almost opened the trunk lid, Sonya suddenly changed the solution sharply. As a result, she pointed to the next car, in which there was no one. After the failure, the witch stated that at the time of choice the invisible force pushed her from the desired car.

The audience present on the tests associated the failure with the fact that before Sonya the test passed the extrasens of Maxim Nikitin. Leaving, a man put a strong invisible "defense", which a dense veil fell into the eyes of rivals, knocking them with a sense. Despite the mistake, Egorov took in the show.

The participant has repeatedly proved that the project organizers were not mistaken with the choice. Sophia struck the singer Yulia Samoilov, who was Mr. X in one of the tests. The urban witch, being in a black light-proof mask, told many exact moments from the life of the artist.

The sorceress, for a while deprived of view, saw that Mr. X is a girl with a strongly developed throat chakra. Also, the young lady noticed that the woman sitting opposite her is the singer already held.

Sophia Egorova - biography, photo, personal life, news,

The audience was remembered and the test in which Egorova had to find a person in an abandoned hospital. The young lady unmistakably defined the room in which the girl was, but, unfortunately, confused the door, opening a warehouse room instead of the chamber, in which no one was.

However, the film crew and the television audience impressed not this. Extremely rapid and shocking was the beginning of the test. Then Sonya smeared his hands with the blood of the lady, which was looking for, and left bloody traces on the whole path to the goal. As a result, the jury admitted that Egorova really has a strong magical gift. At the very least, the witch's impetus can only be envied.

Personal life

There is very little information in the network regarding the personal life of the witch. During online broadcasts, Sonya ignores the questions of fans trying to find out if their idiot has a young man or not.

Sophia Egorova and Konstantin Genzeati

It is noteworthy that after going into the light of the first editions of the "battle of psychics", the lady began to attribute a novel with a colleague according to Konstantin Genzati. The sorceress itself does not comment on this question, evasively saying that the construction of relations takes a lot of time.

According to the girl itself, her boyfriend, and in the future and the husband should be a man sincere and tell her only the truth, since the most in the life of Egorov hates false in the words of loved ones.

Sofya Egorova now

Despite the shooting of the 18th season of the "Battle of Psychics", Sophia in its tight chart is the time and for communicating with fans. Psychic height of 168 cm often goes to the "periscope", which answers the questions of fans and regularly posts pictures in the "Instagram".

Sofya Egorova in 2017

Among other things, Egorov, on his page "VKontakte", stated that after the filming of filming, she will lead to techniques, and anyone can sign up for advice.

Also, according to the witch, in adolescence, it, unfortunately, was not able to master foreign languages, so in the near future she plans to fill this gap by posting courses.

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