Adam Brodi - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



The Sunny State of California is not wonderful is considered the place of concentration of people creative, because it is here that the "Dream factory" called Hollywood is located. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that the locals do not strive to get a monopoly in Mainstream cinema. An example is a bright example - actor Adam Jared Brodi.

Childhood and youth

Adam was born in the city of San Diego, located on the shore of the Pacific Ocean. It happened on December 15, 1979. It is known that by nationality Actor is a Jew.

The boy became the first child in the family of Mark Brody and Valerie Zifman. Later, he had brothers, Gemini Matt and Sean.

The initial classes Adam graduated in the Wangenheim Jewish School, and the average - in Scripp Ranch. As a child, sitting in the lessons at the desk and listen to the teacher, he did not like, so the boy often flew to the beach with friends and drove on the chalkboard for surfing, than heavily frustrated his parents.

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According to Brody himself, if the acting career was not set, he would definitely become a professional surfer.

In his youth, during college training, Adam got a job on working on video cassette. Like Quentin Tarantino, Brody managed to see a lot of film. Unlike Quentin, he, inspired by the films seen, decided to become an actor, not the director. In 1997, the young man left the college and moved to Hollywood to try her happiness.

Personal life

From 2003 to 2006, Adam met with the actress Rachel Bilson. The details of his personal life of the couple preferred not to disclose, therefore, for what reason the rupture of the relationship took place, the press did not specify.

In 2013, Brody won with Leighton Mister, known by Blair Waldorf in the Gossip Romanov series. And in 2014 their wedding took place. In August 2015, the first child was born, the daughter of Arlo Day Brodi.

In the first half of September 2020, it became known that the spouses had a second child. The Brody's wife will soon have to give birth to Western media even in January, but neither Adam, nor Leighton confirmed this information.

But now the actors are happy parents of two children, daughters and son. Many noted that the age of spouses is not suitable for paternity and motherhood.

Brodie has a page in Twitter, and fans publish in the "instagram" in the "Instagram". There are also pictures of the actor with a naked torso, they are clearly visible at the sports figure of Adam. With an increase in 180 cm its weight is 74 kg. Once in the magazine Elle Girl, the artist hit the 9th place in the list of "The Hottest Guys".

The network often arises disputes about Brody's appearance, some respond about him with sympathy, others consider the appearance of the actor too sloppy. Sometimes he walks with a beard, but more often prefers to appear in public with a smoothly shaved face.


To live in interruptions between campaigns by castings, Adam had to work out by any possible ways, starting with the parking security guard and ending with the underwear seller. He managed to light up on the screen for the first time in 1997, when Brody got the episodic role of the buyer in the TV series "City guys" Frank Bonner. Adam's debut took place in two years later in Ribe Drew Bella ("Show freaks", "Zombies of Silver Lake") and Jefferson Langley ("Disappearance", "Random Act of Violence").

In 1999, a 20-year-old actor began to be filmed in the "Faculty" youth series, followed by work in other projects: "Fair Amy", "Family Law", "Again and again", "Shaw Amanda" and, of course, " Gilmore girls.

In Gilmore Girls, Adam noticed the producers of the series "Secrets of Smallville" and lured to their project. So Brody and turned out to be on one set with Tom Welling, Christine Circle and Michael Rosenbaum.

In 2001, the actor lit up in an episodic role in the comedy "American Pie - 2" James B. Rogers. In the same year, Brody first happened to fulfill the main role, it happened in the TV series "Factory of Desires". Then he appeared in the episode in the cult harrore Mount Verbesto "Call".

Next year, Adam came to the acting series "Lonely Hearts", which brought him fame (and relations with a colleague on the set). Also in 2003, Brody decided to try on the role of the screenwriter and producer. The result of this experiment was the short film of Sean K. Lambert "Home Guard". Adam was involved in the project and as an actor.

After that, the role in the adventure comedy of Casey La Rocks "Skateboarders" followed. 2004 was held by Adam at the "single hearts" sites. Later followed the role in the comedy "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" Dag Laiman. On the set of this tape, Brody had a chance to cooperate with Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Vince Vol.

In 2005, another famous film with the participation of the actor "smoke here" Jason Raitman was published. In this film, Adam made Aaron Eckhart, Maria Bello, Robert Duval, Katie Holmes and J. K. Simmons.

In 2006, Brode could be seen in the film "In the Women's Country". The director of the tape spoke John Caezdan, and in the list of actors, Kristen Stewart, Meg Ryan, Mackenzie Vega, Elena Anaya and Jinnifer Goodwin.

The following year, Adam was involved in the comedy David Wayne "Ten Commandments". Also, Paul Radd, John Hamm and Winon Rider lit up in the tape.

2008 for the actor was marked by the role in the film "Death in Love" Boas Yakina. Together with Brody in the film played Josh Lucas, Jacqueline Bisset and Lucas Haas.

Then the "Body Jennifer" tape was published on the screens, the main roles in which Megan Fox was performed, Amanda Seyfried, Chris Prett, Johnny Simmons and J. K. Simmons. The director was Karin Kusama.

In 2010, Adam Brodi starred from the producer of "Life Behind the Grand" and "Temporarily pregnant" Gatt Nyterhoffer in the film "Romance". Together with the artist, Katie Holmes appeared on the screen, Anna Pakuin, Malin Akerman and Josh Duhamel.

Also this year, Brody played with Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan in the Comedy "Double Copper" Kevin Smith.

A year later, Adam lit up in the 4th part of the UES Cravien franchise ("Nightmare on Elm Street", "Hills have eyes," "People under the stairs") "Creek". The film was played by Niv Campbell, Courtney Cox, Emma Roberts, David Arquette and Rory Kalkin.

In addition, Brodie starred together with Steve Karell, Kira Knightley, Robr Cordry and Martin Tire in Lorin Spafary's film "I am looking for a friend at the end of the world." In 2012, together with Jean-Claude Van Damme played in the comedy "Welcome to the jungle".

After a year, Adam filed a role in the film "Lavleis", based on the biographies of the porn actress Landa Lavleis, famous after the release of the film "Deep Harness". In this picture, the celebrity once again happened to be filmed with Amanda Seyfried.

In 2015, Brody lit up in the next comedy Kevin Smith "Yoganutoy", where you could also see Vanessas Paradise, Johnny Depp, Tyler Position and Justin Long. Then Adam was involved in the set of the series "Startup" as a performer of one of the main roles on a par with Edid Gatga, Otmarao Marrero and Martin Friman. After the success of the 1st season, the project extended.

In the spring of 2017, the premiere of the comedy fighter of the scenario and the director Dack Shepard "California Road Patrol", created on the basis of the eponymous series, took place in the United States. Together with Michael Penai, Dames Shepard and Jessica McNemi played the main character.

The plot unfolds around two police officers who patrol the streets on the motorcycles. Once they find themselves at the scene of the incident where the inhabitants of the city are required from a dangerous intruder. It would seem that their work of Rutinna and the same name, but the opposite of characters makes the partners in different ways to look at the same situations and get into ridiculous comical situations because of this.

2019 also brought a couple of new projects to the artist. At first, Adam appeared in the American comedy film "Shazam!", Where the alter Ego Freddie Freeman appeared in the image. The premiere was held on March 15 in Toronto, and in a full-fledged rental, the picture came only on April 5. In general, she received positive feedback from critics, especially highly appreciated the comedic component of ribbons and directing work. Since world rolled products, the creators of the comedy managed to collect $ 366 million.

The next job appeared in Brody filmography in the summer of the same year. It was the horror movie "I'm going to look for", where Adam starred in the lead role with Samara Wiving and Andy McDowell. Pictures took place in the fall of 2018, as the main location chose Toronto and its surroundings. The film received predominantly positive feedback and completely beat off the budget expended.

Adam Brody now

Adam and now continues to delight fans with new projects. At the end of January 2020, the premiere of the thriller "Girl, Suppressing Hope" with his participation took place. In the center of the plot is a beautiful, intelligent and suggestive student of an elite university. It seems that its future is already predetermined. But suddenly the life of the heroine is changing due to one tragic event. This forces it to drive a double life and fully immerse themselves in the thought of revenge.

Another mini-series with Adam Brod came out on April 15 at the Hulu service. In the drama "Miss America", the artist got an episodic character.


  • 1997 - "City guys"
  • 1999 - "Faculty"
  • 2000 - Gilmore Girls
  • 2001 - "Mystery of Smallville"
  • 2002 - "Call"
  • 2003 - "Lonely Hearts"
  • 2005 - "Mr. and Mrs. Smith"
  • 2005 - "smoke here"
  • 2007 - "Ten Commandments"
  • 2009 - "Body Jennifer"
  • 2011 - Creek 4
  • 2013 - "Lovelace"
  • 2015 - "Yoganut"
  • 2016 - "Startup"
  • 2017 - "California Road Patrol"
  • 2018 - "Isabel"
  • 2019 - "Shazam!"
  • 2019 - "I'm going to look for"
  • 2020 - "Girl, Suppressing Hope"
  • 2020 - "Miss America"

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