Alexander Alomov - biography, photos, personal life, news, "KVN" 2021



Club of merry and resourceful under the leadership of Wise Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov often acts as a springboard for future showmen. It is KVN who brought to the stage of the Russian show business Mikhail Galustan, Alexander Revu, Garika Martirosyan, Garik Harlamov, Dmitry Khrustaleva, Pavel Will, Slepakov Seeds, Sergey Svetlakov and others. Alexander Alomov became an upward star, which grew up on the scene of KVN.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Alomov was born in Chelyabinsk on June 5, 1983. About the biography of the future humorist is almost nothing known. Basic education Alexander received in the Chelyabinsk secondary school number 1. With a future profession, the young man decided not immediately: first, Alomov entered the Shadrinsky Financial and Economic College.

Alexander Alomov in childhood

Disappointed in the received specialty, Alexander entered the Zaralsky College of Physical Culture and Health, located in the city of Shadrinsk (Kurgan Region). A higher education diploma was presented in 2005 in the Shadrin State Pedagogical Institute. Having become a graduate teacher of informatics, Alexander did not work in the specialty.

Humor and creativity

Still in the student, Alexander, thanks to the excellent sense of humor and Natural Charism, became a member of the KVN "Mol" team, where he met Cyril Kokovkin. However, it did not work on the scene of the club cheerful and resourceful of the guys.

Alexander Alomov in KVN

In 2011, the "Mole" team from Shadrinsk united with the Harvard team from Tyumen. The new team of the guys called "Union". The composition includes two people from "Moli" (Alexander and Kirill) and six people from Harvard. The main reason for the combination of teams was the ambitions of their participants: the guys believed that, uniting, would definitely succeed and will come to the final of the highest league.

The new team turned out to be musical, each room of the guys includes Karapuli - short humorous songs. But Alexander himself does not sing on stage, the young man got the role of drunkard. Although showman out of the image and does not object to high-quality alcohol, but the young man is far from dependence.

Humor Team Union is tough, so the editors part of the jokes are cut out from the television version of the CUN issues. Success came to the guys almost immediately after the team's unification: in 2011, the Soyuz became the champion of the Central Ural KVN League. Already a year later, the team went to the Premier League and became the vice-champion, at the same time the guys received second place at the Annual Music Festival in Jurmala.

In 2013, the Soyuz in Jurmala received only a consolation "presidential kiwin". But already in 2014, the team took the first place at the Festival of KVN in Jurmala and took home "Big Kiwin in Gold". The main achievement of the "Union" team was the conquest of the title of champion in the High League of the KVN in 2014. This brought the All-Russian Glory to the guys and opened great prospects in terms of creativity and careers.

Alexander Alomov in the Soyuz team

Alexander Alomov tried herself as director in the film "Video Victory" on the CTC television channel: the plots "Copyright" 74 "", "Train Arrival", "Strange World". Two videos filmed by Alimov became among the best in the opinion of viewers and members of the jury. In addition, leaving the scene of KVN, Alexander could not part with the club, so he became the editor and the author of jokes for teams in need of help.

Personal life

Alexander Alomov early entered into marriage, rather as needed than at will. The first wife of Showman became Natalia Krasnova. Young people united love for humor - they met on the stage of the club cheerful and resourceful. Natalia performed in the office of the city of Chelyabinsk.

From the wedding celebration of newlyweds abstained, they simply signed in the registry office. A month later, Natasha gave birth to two boys - Timur and Arthur. The problems arising in the young family in 2012 were the cause of divorce.

Then Alexander met ingin Tibelius. The girl immediately examined in Alomov a relative soul - there was so much in common with them. But for a long time, young people communicated only as friends. When Alexander and Inga realized that he was loved by each other, a wedding was held (July 26, 2017).

Alexander Alomov and his wife and children

Now Alimov and Tibelius have a big family - three sons and daughter. The binding hobby was the passion of Alexander and Ingi to travel. But the differences in professions and work does not interfere with family relations. If Alexander is a creative man, director, screenwriter, showman, then his wife is a business woman. Together with the mother Nelly Tibelius, the girl owns the fabric store "Lady Prima". In addition, Inga is the director of the online store of balanced nutrition.

Alexander Alomov Now

Having finished his career to KVN, Alexander Alomov became a creative producer of the Television Show "Studio Soyuz". According to Showman, the project "Union" he hasnden for 10 years, until finally, did not find it possible to realize him. According to Alimov, he plays well on the guitar, although there is no musical education, is familiar with cello, twin and spoons, so the musical direction of the show is explained.

Alexander Alomov and Studio Soyuz

"Studio Soyuz" is a unique comedy-musical show. All what is happening on televisers is a solid improvisation of participants, the script is not available. The show enters the air weekly on the TNT channel on Thursdays. Six regular leading invite the stars and offer them a number of comic musical tests for the joy of the public. Alexander Alomov performs the responsibilities of not only the creative director of the show, but also an audiovisual musical artist under the pseudonym DVJ Alom.

Alexander Alomov in 2017

At least "Studio Soyuz" and takes all the time Alimov, the showman has time to perform on the scene of the "Comedy Club" show. All the life of Alexander is devoted to work and scene, even a photo on his page in "Instagram" - workers, and no personal life. Only on the May holidays, Alomov allowed himself to relax and relax with his family in one of the Turkish hotels of the highest class on the Mediterranean coast in Alanya.


  • 2005 - "KVN"
  • 2009 - "Visobatva"
  • 2017 - "Studio Soyuz"

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