Nikita Kukushkin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Filmography, Anna Nazarova 2021



Pupil Kirill Serebrennikova, a lead actor "Gogol Center" and the star of Hipster Moscow, Nikita Kukushkin participates in the scandalous projects and is not afraid to be unlike all. If you know the details of his biography (at school, he broke his fingers in his hands in his hands to two classmates), not surprising. And on the other hand, there are many teenagers who wondered about the feasibility of changing the world.

Childhood and youth

Nikita was born on November 14, 1990 in Moscow, on the sign of the zodiac - Scorpio. A mother was engaged in raising the future star, he had never seen her father. A restless boy after grade 1 transferred to school with a theater bias, since there was a lot of opportunities for energy output. But here Kukushkin mocked the usual hierarchy, denied the values ​​that the teachers tried to instill, and constantly fond.

As a result, he was sent to home learning, and the 11th class Nikita ended the external in the usual school, in which the head took a bribe with washing machines.

With the third attempt, the guy entered the MHAT studio school. On Listening to Nikita, then still with long hair, sang the song of the Radiohead group. "This is an actor of a new type," said Seremenov Kirill SEMENOVICH and accepted Cukushkina for training. The course organized the "Seventh Studio", the basis of the "Gogol Center" troupe.

Theater and films

The audience came to the theater to look at Kukushkina in the performances "(M) student" (nominee for the "Gold Mask") and "Sleeping Night", in which he went to the scene nude. The hall was complete when they put the "brothers" (the main role) and "Metamorphosis", "Christmas tree at Ivanovy" and "Awakening Spring", "Hunting for Snark" and "Spanners". The main thing, says the actor, not how you look, but how to pass the idea laid in the work. Apparently, this principle of Nikita was guided by removing in the Clip of the Cream Soda group at the company Alexander Gudkov, Valentina Mazunina and Alexander Bashirov.

On the screen, the actor debuted long before the movie "no more parties" - flashed in the episode of mystical detective "Full moon" and the TV series "Cadet". Then there were the roles of the barrel in the films of "Porifutball" and "dive".

The brilliant future of Cukushkina began to burst after the premiere of the drama "Correction Class", in which he played a young man, unrequited in love with the main heroine, chained to a wheelchair. This image brought Nikita Special Prize Jury Festival "Amur Autumn".

In 2015, the artist's filmography was replenished with paintings "Protection", "Butterflies" and "Eternal Cold". In a psychological thriller, "This is not me", the hero of Cukushkin, he imagined himself as a killer. And the attempt to understand internal contradictions pushed a guy for real crimes. The criminal series "Method" allowed Nikita's character to observe how such problems allow Paulina Andreeva and Konstantin Khabensky.

Fedor Bondarchuk's film "Attraction" talks about how humanity is ready to contact alien races. In the tape, in which the main roles got Irina Star'shenbaum, Rinal Muhametov and Alexander Petrov, Kukushkin reincarnated into the guy named Ruslan.

The youth drama "Native", in which Nikita played the brother of the main character, was not intended for commercial rental. According to producers, the member of the campaign fees did not receive. It is rather a movie existential, festival, love and forgiveness.

In 2017, Kukushkin appealed to the classics - starred in the adaptation of the novel, Alexei Tolstoy "Walking on the Flocks".

In 2019, Nikita took up the direissury - put the "Gogol Center" the play "God" about forest beasts living in human laws. The formulation is saturated with metaphors. For example, a portrait of a mouse on the wall - a veiled president. In the kitten, someone from the audience saw Alexei Navalny.

"Art if and can help a person, then only in unraveling the tangle, in which each of us is located. It helps pull for string, finding himself a real, being cherry on the cake inverted by us. Any art feeds the system against which it fights. "

Cukushkin's civil position expressed, joining Alexander Polax, Arthur Smolyaninov, Pavel Derevyko and writing a video in defending Pavel Ustinov, unfairly accused of attacking the Rosgvardeysian during protest actions in Moscow.

Nikita hero in "Fuel" in search of fuel for the car invents a new source of energy. A short tape in the genre of steampunk critics was compared in the philosophical saturation with the paintings by Andrei Tarkovsky and at the Festival "Kinotavr" presented a prize in a special nomination "For the beauty of high temperature".

In June 2018, the musical team of the direction of Hip-Hop "Redin Musta" presented a clip about Kukushkin.

In January 2020, Nikita starred in advertising of household appliances from "M-Video". Actor appeared in a snowy-white coat and fresh pie in the image of a happy young father.

In February 2020, Kukushkin became a guest of the transfer of Tatiana Ustinova "My hero". In an interview, the actor spoke about his mother, about the importance of male friendship and learning acting. In March of the same year, the premiere of the mystical thriller "Call Center" took place. The story of 12 colleagues who came to work and found themselves in a hopeless situation.

In July, Nikita, together with Alexander Pale, released 1 series of the humorous show "Morning Transfer". The actors are virtuosically reincarnated in different heroes, Kukushkina can be seen with her hair, mustache, which incredibly transforms his appearance.

At the end of 2019, Nikita congratulated Russians on the New Year. Appealing-parody of Nevildamira Neputin came out on the Rain TV channel, the video scored more than 80 thousand likes. The tragicomic story about the twins of the president and the loss of its original was looked at about 1.5 million people.

In January 2021, Ksenia Sobchak met with corn for conversation. The TV host was amazed when Nikita admitted that there was provocative photos to friends. And warned him about possible problems, if the pictures fall into extraneous hands.

At the beginning of the year, the actor took part in the rally in support of Alexei Navalny. The oppositionist also made a blogger Yuri Dwell, Standap-comedian Danill transverse, actor Semyon Trescunov and other public persons.

In early February 2021, Renata Litvinova "North Wind" was released at Renata. The picture is the screening of the theater play of the actress, with her she made his debut on the MHT stage as a playwright and director. There is no slender plot in the tape, this is a charming phantasmagoria, a "black hole", according to Nikita, who performed one of the roles. Renata Litvinova played the main heroine. Only Sophia Ernst, Cyril Trubetskoy, Ulyana Glushkov and Rimma Korostelev, appeared from the acting MHT in the tape. Music for the film wrote Zemfira.

Personal life

Kukushkin - a man is not the very Bogatyan physique (growth - 169 cm, weight - 65 kg). However, the girls were always soul of his sensual lips and an expressive look. Alas, alone ladies remain only to dream about his attention - Nikita arranged a personal life with a colleague on the workshop, Anna Nazarova. Anya graduated from Schukinsky School.

The actor knew the future wife in childhood - studied at the same school. The first feelings were faded to graduation, but the lovers agreed to meet in 10 years. This union is smalking for the hospital stereotype that the people of creative professions are prone to treason and change partners as gloves.

In the Griboedovsky registry office, Nikita confused passports. After the ceremony, he flew to shoot. Arriving at the airport with a wife's document, he still persuaded the border guards to skip it on board. An amusing history of the actor later outlined in the comments in the photo in "Instagram". Anna and Anna shared the news about creating a family with Follovers.

After a couple of months after the celebration, the wife gave her daughter sophia to Cucushkin. Girl Parents is called an exceptionally full name, "No Sony." According to Nazarov, her husband is a crazy father, crystal, fair and kind.

These qualities are manifested in male actions. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia awarded the star of the screen and the scenes for the help of flood victims. In the "Gogol Center" Nikita came up with a "good box" campaign, where everyone can put gifts for wards of boarding schools and orphanages. In addition, he developed a mobile application for charity, which serves the bridge between the needy and those who want to help. The main personnel of the project became the elderly with infrequent illnesses, especially vulnerable during the coronavirus pandemic. The project "Help" was introduced in December 2020. The idea came Nikita after he saw a pensioner fleeing in a landfill.

Nikita Kukushkin now

In the experimental theater in Moscow in 2021, the play "Dead Souls" was shifted. According to viewers, this is one of the best performances in Gogol Center.

In the same year, the production of Ikaria's anti-nightopia about immortality and a complex moral choice, as well as the adventure fantasy "Carable".


  • 2013 - Oklofootball
  • 2013 - "Dive"
  • 2014 - "Correction Class"
  • 2015 - "Protection"
  • 2015 - "Butterflies"
  • 2015 - "Eternal Cold"
  • 2016 - "This is not me"
  • 2016 - "Duelist"
  • 2017 - "Attraction"
  • 2017 - "Emid"
  • 2019 - "Fuel"
  • 2020 - Zakon I Besporyadok
  • 2020 - "Alice"
  • 2020 - "Fucking"
  • 2021 - "North Wind"

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