Fedor Dvinyatin - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Fyodor Nikitich Dvinyatin - Philologist-Russist, participant of the project "What? Where? When?". The man received wide fame after the guys from Moscow created the KVN team and called her "Fyodor Dvinyatin".

The official biography of Fedor Nikitich Dvinyatina began on October 28, 1968 in Leningrad. The man was born in the educated family. Fedor's mother worked with metallurgist, and his father was radio engineering. The expert told that the peasants were present in the nature of Dvinyatini, and the priests and merchants were in the genealogical tree.

Fedor Dvynyatin

In 1986, Dvinyatin entered the St. Petersburg State University. Here Fedor Nikitich studied philological sciences. From the educational institution, the young man came out with a diploma of Philologist-Russist.

Looking at the young man, you might think that this Dvinyatin was heard during the years of study "Botany." But people who know the young man will say the opposite. Fedor Nikitich at the university played in the rock band.

Fedor Dvynyatin

The teacher's career Fyodor Nikitich began in 1992. Later, Dvinyatin entered the graduate school at the Department of Russian SPbSU. In 1996, a man defended his thesis, which was on the topic "Lingvopoethic analysis of the solemn words of St. Kirill Torovsky. "

Now, Fedor Dvinyatina has a large list of titles, including he is an associate professor of the Department of Russian SPbSU, interdisciplinary research in the field of languages ​​and literature. The connoissek is known as a specialist who studies Russian literature.

"What? Where? When?"

The knowledge and skills of Fyodor Dvinyatina were not ignored. For the first time on television screens in the program "What? Where? When?" The young scientist appeared in 1990. Fyodor Nikitich was invited to the team of Irina Gandelain. Of the 47 games in which Dvinyatin participated, the guys won 33.

Fedor Nikitich was recognized by the world champion in the sports version "What? Where? When?". This happened in 2002. Then the scientist represented the Trojard team. Among the awards of Dvynyatina there are four "Crystal owls". More birds are present only in Alexander Friend's piggy bank.

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Fyodor Nikitich twice won the red jacket of immortality. "What? Where? When?" Present in the life of Dvinyatina for 15 years: from 1990 to 2005. The latter for a person who gave the name of the KVN team, the game was held on December 24, 2005. Just at this time, the club celebrated the anniversary of 30 years.

On the same team, Sergey Vivatenko, Alexander Rubin, Rubin, Rubin, Rubin, Rubin, Rubin, Acena, Elena Orlova. Experts called the team Alexey Blinov team. Players could not achieve victory, lost viewers with a score of 3-6.

This game could replenish the collection of awards "Crystal Nest", which is awarded in case of winning six "crystal owls". But fate ordered otherwise. The participation of Dvinyatina in "What? Where? When?" Related not only with winnings. For a career on this TV project Fyodor Nikitich noticed in conflict with the constant leading program by Boris Hook. The discussion lasted for a long time, but the connoisseur won.

The conflict broke out due to the question of the TV viewer. The program called the girl who offered to guess what was located in a black box. At this point, a piece of meat appeared on the table of experts, a bowl with millet and a bicycle wheel. The hook agreed with the girl, recognizing the fact that words, at the end of which there is a syllable "CO", there is no more in Russian.

But Dvinyatin offered an option - Accessories for playing a game. TV presenter stated that this is the word of foreign origin, therefore not refers to the task. But the team of Fyodor Nikitich, including Mikhail Bushchevsky, stood on the side of the player. The proofs represented by the colleagues made it possible to win money from the TV viewer.

Personal life

About the personal life Fedor Dvinyatin does not apply. A man has long been happily married to a philologist. Wife is called Jamil Sadullaeva. In St. Petersburg scientific circles, this name is known. Joint photos of spouses appear on the Internet after official exits in the light.

The surrounding people consider Fyodor Nikitich and Jamil like in behavior. Wife and husband prefer to keep restarted, but at the same time friendly. The main thing for spouses is science and personal goals, reality is little interested in dotnic.

Fyodor Dvinyatin and his wife Jamil

Thanks to this, Fedor and Jamil attract attention to their people. Students say that the spouses are trying not to show feelings in humans, they even make the appearance that noble. But as soon as they go beyond the educational institution, as if reincarnated by the IMG.

The only time when Fyodor Nikitich shared happiness with the surrounding, fell on his daughter's birthday.

Fedor Dvinyatin now

Fyodor Dvinyatin continues to teach at the university, while not appearing on television.

Fedor Dvinyatin now

The only one is constantly mentioned by the name of the scientist - the game of the club cheerful and resourceful. The guys from Stupino called in honor of the connoisseur from "What? Where? When?" Team KVN.


  • 1994 - "Topic and binary structures in the solemn words of Kirill Torovsky (to the formulation of the problem)"
  • 1996 - "On the intertextual relations of a personal name in the" gift "Nabokov: Zina Merz and around"
  • 1997 - "The tricky structure, or the wisdom of a labyrinth. In the labyrinths of culture. International readings on theory, history and philosophy of culture "
  • 2000 - "Veronika and Valentina: (about the heroines of Kshyshto Keslevsky and Irene Jacob). Symbols, images, stereotypes: artistic and aesthetic experience. International readings on theory, history and philosophy of culture "
  • 2001 - "Five landscapes with Nodokovsky Lilac"
  • 2004 - "Types of author's explication of a symbol in the Spring Fragment of Kirill Torovsky"
  • 2005 - "Conspiracy, model of the world, narration. Correct text. Genesis and Structure "
  • 2008 - "The second culmination of the genetic poetics. Mayakovsky "
  • 2012 - "Winning-free in the poetic text P. Filonova: text structure and" flickering "of semantics"
  • 2013 - "From Lingvopoietic commentary to one Petersburg poem of Mandelstam"

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