Amrish Puri - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



In the consciousness of the TV viewers, the stereotype was traditionally formed that the Indian cinema is a melodrama with a confusing plot, songs and dances. The foundations of modern Indian cinema were laid back in 1913. Since then, the traditions of Bollywood have changed much and improved, but the romance of dance and middle-aged attractive actors still remained in honor.

Childhood and youth

Amrish Lal Puri was born in Jalandhar (Punjab, British India) on June 22, 1932. Amrish's parents did not have a high weight. In the family, in addition to the future actor, four more children grew. The biography of the actor does not tell anything about their parents, but it is known that from the two senior brothers Amrisha, one also became an actor (Mada Puri), the rest of the children found themselves in other professions.

Actor Amrish Puri.

Parents since childhood noted the desire of the Son to sciences (especially the boy was interested in physics and chemistry) and creative abilities: Amrish was fond of the play on the flute, photography and theater. The Child Puri was also dreamed of becoming an actor, but the path to the scene was not close. In addition, the young man even before the end of the school joined the ranks of the Youth Party of India, which indicated an active social position.

After school, Puri studied at the Humanitarian College in the summer capital of British India, Shimla (Himachal-Pradesh), and received the Higher Education at the University of Political and Economics in the same city.

After the failure in the first casting on the shooting in the film, the young man decided that the career actor is only a children's dream, and got a job at the Ministry of Labor in Bombay, where he worked for 20 years.

But dreams of the stage did not give rest Amrich, so the young man went to study theatrical art to Chairman of the National School of Drama of New Delhi, director and actor Abrahim Alkazi. Having received a lot of knowledge and experience with Alkazi, Puri got a job at the Prithvi Theater in Mumbai, who then led Satiyadyev Dubai. During the period of work at the Amris Theater played many roles, including the plays of Moliere, Arthur Miller and others.

Considering the specifics of the Indian theater and cinema, in the already mature age of Puri had to continue their education at the Academy of Music, Dance and Drama. Soon, Amrish became a famous Indian actor theater, he was recognized even by voice. By the way, the male speeches on the scene combined with work on radio and television, filming in promotional videos.


Career Amrish Puri in cinema began late by the standards of Bollywood - a man was already 38 years old. In India, at this age, the actors already finish their career. But Amrish was an exception: in 1971, a man played a prominent role in the film "Solma and Shera", which brought him popularity. But the most successful role for the Indian actor was the feudal of Vis Pratap Singh in the film director Sattiraja Lakshmi Narayan (more famous as bappes) called "We are in a fist" in 1980.

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In 1986, at the third played role, Amrish received a prestigious Prize of Indian Cinema. It was the role of a second plan in Kinolent Subhash Ghai "Innocent Sacrifice." Awards and awards received Puri for played roles in Mr. India films and Mogambo.

For some reason, the director always chose Amrish on the role of the merrys and villains, and the actor invariably coped with these images. Bright examples of such works are the films "Shakti", "like three Musketeers", "love without words".

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By the way, the role of Senior Brother Amrisha Madana Puri also lay in the plane of negative heroes.

Given the solid age of the actor, from the mid-1990s, Puri played the role of the father of the family, who had a strict temper and conservative views on life ("deceived hopes" Subhash Ghai, "Rock Love" of Syama Beagle).

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In addition to traditional for Boliva, Melodramov, Amrish starred in an alternative author (arthaus) cinema, and the role of villains performed by the Indian actor did not remain unnoticed by Hollywood film director. That is how Puri received the main negative role in the film "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Fate" of the American cult director Stephen Spielberg.

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There is in the filmography of the actor and the joint Soviet-Indian project of directors Skid Mekhra and Latifa Abidovich Fayziev "according to the jungle law", implemented in 1991. Then the actor won the hearts of Russian girls-fans of Indian melodram, and his photo was hardly in every home.

In total, an actor, removing deep old age, about 300 films and 20 awards, including:

  • 4 awards for the best negative role;
  • 9 premiums for the best male role of the second plan;
  • State award of Maharashtra;
  • Best actor at the Sydney Film Festival;
  • The best actor at the film festival in Singapore;
  • Best theater actor.

Having been as an actor, Amrish Puri took the position of President of the Television Association of Artists of India, which confirms its high status in Indian Cinema.

Personal life

Amrish Puri married in rather mature by the standards of India of the middle of the twentieth century, in 25 years. His chosen was the Urmil Divekar. Given the caste system of Indian society, to the different layers of which owned lovers, parents and girls, and the actors sharply objected to their union, but the marriage was successful.

Amrish Puri with family

Although Amrish's wife was not connected with cinema, but the girl invariably supported the spouse. Urmila gave birth in marriage son Rady and daughter Namrat. Children did not follow in the footsteps of the famous Father: Rajiv became a sailor, and Namrat's doctor. Each of them created strong families, and as a result, the children gave Urmile and Amrish four grandchildren.

Death Amrish Puri

In 2003, Amrish Puri seriously took over the writing of the autobiography, but her actor did not have time to finish. On December 28, 2004, Amrish, being at home, lost consciousness and hit his head. On the same day, the actor was taken to the hospital with a diagnosis of cranopy and brain injury. As a result of the impact, hemorrhage had a brain, which was the cause of Puri's death. The actor in the hospital died on January 12, 2005.

Funeral Amrish Puri.

A year after the funeral of the legend of Indian cinema, Joti Sabharval journalist, with the support of the Son Amrisha, Rajo Puri, released a book on the life and creativity of the actor, called the "Law of Life". In the memoirs of the film actor among biographical information, its unusual hobby is described in detail - Amrish collecting hats. The Puri collections numbered more than 200 unique copies from different countries of the world.


  • 1970 - "War and Love"
  • 1978 - "In captivity of Palace Intrigue"
  • 1980 - "We are in fist"
  • 1982 - "Gandhi"
  • 1983 - "Blind Law"
  • 1984 - "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Fate"
  • 1984 - "Like three Musketeers"
  • 1984 - "Maternal Oath"
  • 1986 - "Ocean"
  • 1986 - "Magic diamond. Film 1 "
  • 1987 - "Dance, Dance"
  • 1987 - "Mr. India"
  • 1988 - "Commands"
  • 1989 - "Two prisoners"
  • 1989 - "Three angry men"
  • 1991 - "Black Adjub Prince"
  • 1992 - "Mad Love"
  • 1997 - "Love without words"
  • 2000 - "Lovers"
  • 2001 - "Fugitives"
  • 2005 - "Kisn: protecting his love ..."

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