Klim Shipenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, agate Mutzing, wife, cosmos, "December" 2021



Klim Shipenko is a director who has its creative handwriting. Celebrities are successful any genres - from space dramas to romantic comedies. He himself claims that he is interested in cinema in all manifestations, except for, horrors and science fiction.

Childhood and youth

Cinematographer was born on June 16, 1983 in Moscow. I am close to him and Sevastopol, where he spent a lot of time at Grandparents. Later in this city, the first full-length pictures of the director were removed.

Star Father, Alexey Shipenko's playwright, went abroad 9 years after the appearance of the Son. The boy remained in the Russian capital with her mother, who worked in Ostankino. Klim often came to her to work to watch the shooting of the television show. He also met Vladislav Leaves, who had an impact on the formation of his worldview.

In the high school classes, the young man realized that he wanted to tie a biography with directories, and began to attend a movie school. But classes seemed to him boring, and soon Shipenko went on exchange in the United States. There he graduated from the Faculty of Faculty of California University in North, in parallel with the acting studio. The diploma Klim defended as an operator, there is even a signature of the famous Arnold Schwarzenegger.


After receiving higher education, the young director returned to Russia. The decision was due to the fact that all its scenarios were about Russian or European realities, but the United States was not written. But no one was waiting for the Mountain of the clime, and the plots did not want to be shielded. Thanks to the dating Mother, Shiepenko settled to work at the first channel, where he participated in the creation of the automotive transfer.

The first short projects of cinematographer took off for personal funds, watched by supporting friends. They were shown at festivals, but did not bring him popularity. For the first time, the star was spoken when Melodrama "Unpassed" came to the screens. Klim not only performed as a director, but also wrote a script, and also played a small role.

Then the detective "Who am I?", Based on the real events described in the newspaper article. The main roles in the film were performed by Alexander Yatsenko and Zhanna Friske, but ordinary people participated in the filming, which helped make a picture of live and volumetric.

2014 was marked by the release of a romantic comedy "Loves doesn't like" with the participation of Maxim Matveyev, Svetlana Khodchenkova and Love Aksenova. Critics celebrated beautiful frames and light firm humor. After that, the Creator received a lot of proposals to shoot Romomomas, but he wanted to try himself in different genres.

The following project, filled with star filmography, became the drama "Salyut-7". Cosmonauts Sergey Krikalev and Alexander Lazutkin appeared consultants in the production of paintings. Also, when shooting, the tape used the book "Notes from the Dead Station", written back in 1999 by Viktor Savini. Directed by the work of the director was marked by the Golden Eagle Prize and the nomination for "Nika".

Inspired by success, Shiepenko took up the creation of two new films at once - the Drama "Text" and the Khop Comedy. They remained without funding from the state, but it did not stop the cinematographer, which enlisted the support of private companies.

Although projects turned out differently not only by genre, but also to the perception of the public, both came out successful. "Text" turned out to be scandalous and provoked a wave of discussion on the network due to an intimate scene with the participation of Ivan Yankovsky and Christina Asmus. Later, Klim confessed himself in an interview that he expected more negative, because such a frankness for Russian spectators is unusual.

Despite the crushing reviews, the picture positively rated critics. In the piggy bank, the star awards appeared another "Golden Eagle" and the award of the Association of Cinema and Television Producers. The journalists "Kinoreporter" were not focused on the tape: they announced the text of the year. The leading partner Alexander Petrov called this work among the brightest filmography.

The reaction to the "Hall", on the contrary, was predominantly positive. According to the results of the rental, he was recognized as the most cash register in the history of Russian cinema, which brought the work of the director to a new level. He himself considers a secret successful time to release on screens. The comedy was shown during the New Year holidays, when the audience would like to relax and laugh. In addition, in winter, everyone strives to plunge into the summer, and then the events of the tape occur.

The main role in the project was performed by Milos Bikovich, whom Shipenko calls the Serbian gift to Russian cinema. " He wanted to work with the artist even during the creation of "Salute-7", but then his character had to be cut. But this time everything turned out successfully.

The excitement around the "Text" and "Holopa" allowed the director to receive help from the movie Foundation when creating a Treller "December" about Sergei Yesenin. Above the script of paintings by Klim worked with his father. They decided to focus on the last days of the life of the famous poet. He was embodied by Alexander Petrov, who admired fans of the photo in the image published on the "Instagram" page.

Personal life

Personal life star is not a mystery for fans. The first spouse director became the actress Ksenia Buravskaya. She gave birth to Shienko Son, who received the name Dylan. The divorce did not spoil the relationship between the former spouses, they remained friends.

Shortly after that, the cinematographer met the artist and scenariosarial Sonya Carpunion. Their meeting took place at the bottom of the birth of a common colleague, Konstantin Kryukov. The first kiss happened only on the 3rd date and was beaten in the painting "Everything is simple", over which lovers worked together.

During supply of hands and hearts, it also did not cost without the influence of cinema. Klim inspired the scene from the label chosen and threw the ring under the bed, and then said Sona that something fell there. The wedding was modest, but with the redemption of the bride and contests.

Later, the spouses were born the daughter of Clementine. The girl managed to play in an episodic role in the Drama "Text", and also acquire an instagram account that leads her mother. In 2020 she had a younger brother.

A few months after replenishment in the star family, the network shook the roller in which a man, similar to Shiepenko, flirting with Agata Minky. The director, like the actress, hurried to refute the specles about a possible novel and stated that he was not on the video. His wife also assured fans that the couple is all right.

Klim Shipenko now

In 2021 it became known that the director will go to the ISS to replace the film about space. The company was the actress Yulia Peresild. To get such an opportunity, the stars have passed a thorough medical examination and special training started in summer.

In an interview, Klima admitted that it was the embodiment of his childhood dreams. In addition, in the past, he told that during the filming of the Drama "Salyut-7" it was difficult to recreate the effect of weightlessness. But in space such a problem will definitely not be.

The decision to send to the ISS cinematographers commented on the cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko. He noted the negative effect of filming on the schedules of professionals and stated that the film "Call" could be installed and using computer graphics, since nothing new creators could no longer show.


  • 2006 - "White Night"
  • 2006 - "Night Express"
  • 2009 - "Unregistered"
  • 2009 - "under the lanterns"
  • 2010 - "Who am I?"
  • 2014 - "Loves doesn't like"
  • 2017 - "Salute-7"
  • 2019 - "Text"
  • 2019 - "Pregnancy Test-2"
  • 2019 - "Hop"
  • 2020 - "Text. Reality"

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