Igor Arrovkov - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



The military main feature of the commander considers the will, and then reasonableness, moderation and composure. When the military-political conflict in Donbasse (Ukraine) began to flare up in 2014, Igor Strelkov showed all these qualities. The role of shooters is complex and ambiguous, but its contribution to the formation of Donbass as a separate republic is extremely large.

Childhood and youth

Girkin Igor Vsevolodovich (better known as Kamenkov Igor Ivanovich) was born in Moscow on December 17, 1970. Given the military career of Igor Vsevolodovich, the facts of his biography are not advertised. According to unofficial information, the father of Igor Vsevolodovich, too, by the profession of military. From early childhood, Girkin was fond of history. He studied the boy diligently, read with pleasure, for which he received an offensive nickname "Botan" among the peers.

Igor Strelkov

Having received basic education at Moscow School No. 249, the young man at the age of 18 became a student of the State Historical and Archival Institute in Moscow. And a year later, the young man had a rare hobby for that time - military historical reconstruction.

Military service

Having received a diploma of higher education, Igor and the day did not work as a specialty - the young man preferred to go in the footsteps of the Father. Military career Igor began in 1992 as an arrow of the Cossack troops and a mortar gunner. Then Girkin visited the war for the first time: first in Transnistria, then in Bosnia. Upon his return, the young man published the Bosnian Diary with records about the events of the period and personal experience.

Igor shooters in youth

The urgent service, the young man took place in the troops of the anti-air defense on the shooter of the guard company. Beginning by the service of the rank, by June 1994, Girkin received the title of younger sergeant. Having served the urgent service, the young man remained in the ranks of the army, but already under the contract as a deputy platoon and the commander of the self-propelled artillery installation "Arkady". After 5 months, Igor received the title of Guard Sergeant.

In 1995, Igor Girkin received a serious experience of real hostilities, going to the Chechen Republic. Returning from the War, in 1996, Igor went to work on the Federal Security Service for the position of Opera Compact (at the same time received the title of Lieutenant). Simultaneously with the work, Igor passed courses at the FSB, at the end of which he received an increase, taking the post of deputy head of the department (in the rank of senior lieutenant).

Igor shooters in youth

From 1999 to 2005, Girkin visited Chechen and Dagestan republics to combat gangster underground and terrorism. By December 2005, Igor Vsevolodovich received the rank of colonel. For the contribution to the fight against terrorism, Girkin was awarded the Order of Courage and the Medal of Suvorov.

In 2005, Igor Vsevolodovich was transferred to Moscow, where he worked in the Federal Security Service until 2013. In 2013, Igor Vsevolodovich was dismissed in length of service. The total experience of Girkin in military service amounted to 18.5 years.

Igor shooters in youth

Returning to Moscow, Igor Vsevolodovich remembered the Youth Hobby and became the head of the consolidated machine-gun team created on the basis of the Moscow Dragunsky Regiment of the Military Historical Club. The main purpose of the organization was the reconstruction of historical battles in which Igor was happy to participate, most often in the lower military ranks.

Donbass period

In February 2014 (a month before the referendum on the status of the Peninsula), Igor Vsevolodovich was appointed to the post of a reserved adviser to the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Crimea. At the same time, Igor Vsevolodovich headed a separate volunteer battalion of special duty, ensuring the establishment of Russian authorities on the peninsula after a referendum.

Igor shooters in DPR

The activation of hostilities in the Donbass forced Girkin on April 12, 2014 to take the position of commander of the DPR militia. On April 12, Girkin (under the pseudonym of the shooters) with the team of armed men and activists took the building of the city administration of Slavyansk (Donetsk region), declaring the accession of the city to the Donetsk People's Republic. For three months, there were fights for the city, and on July 5, the shooters at the head of his group were forced to leave the city by passing it to the authorities of Ukraine.

After the referendum on May 11, 2014, according to the results of which the Donetsk People's Republic was proclaimed, Igor Ivanovich Rukovov was appointed to the post of Minister of Defense of the DPR. But already two months later, May 15, 2014, the shooters left the territory of the DPR, having left for the Russian Federation.

Igor arrows at Donbas

The reason for the departure Igor Ivanovich in the speech voiced a political decision on the part of the authorities. According to the ex-leader of the militia, the power of Russia prevented the people of Donbass. At the same time, the former Minister of Defense of the DPR stressed that he continues to closely follow the fate of the republic, especially for military crimes from Ukraine.

The alias of the shooters were chosen by Girkin not from fear of political persecution and the desire to remain incognito, and on the basis of the fact that this surname is fasterly remembered and reflects the connection of the owner with military affairs. Although whole conditions often make in war, Igor Ivanovich Arrovkov always emphasizes that it does not even have a personal car, and most of the finance sacrifices for charity and old hobbies - military historical reconstruction.

Public movement "Novorossia"

After leaving in May 2014, the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic, the shooters took up organizational events in the public movement "Novorossia". On the official website of the movement reflects information about its activities: analytical notes of the leader on the military-political situation in the world, the collection of funds and organization of measures to assist victims in the territory of the DNR, the population and the army of the republic. The help is in the form of food, clothing, medicines.

Igor Strelkov and Novorossia

The main and only goal of movement and shooter as a leader is the help of the people of Donbass. The policy of Novorossia does not have a relationship. Igor Arrovkov expressed his opinion in an interview posted on the official website of Novorossia, that the fate of not Kiev and Donetsk, and Russia, decides in the Armed Conflict in the Donbass, and Russia.

Personal life

About the personal life of the ex-minister of the Donetsk People's Republic is almost unknown. Igor Vsevolodovich Girkin married to Miroslava Regina. Miroslava helps her husband in all endeavors, has an active political position and consists in the public movement "Novorossia", headed by Girkin. A married couple has a daughter Ulyana Igorevna Girkin. Baby was born in August 2016.

Igor Strelkov and his wife Miroslav

All free time the family devotes socio-political issues and work in Novorossia, and Igor's short vacation and Miroslava spent on the Peninsula Crimea.

Igor shooter now

As Igor Igor Ivanovich Strelkov, now the main goal of its activities is the organization of humanitarian assistance to the people of Donbass. In addition, Girkin in the framework of the project of OD "Novorossia" is also engaged in socio-political problems in Russia.

For example, on October 28, 2017, the members of the social movement took part in the congress of the national-patriotic forces of Russia, where the issues of creating a team of folk leaders discussed. The goal of the creation of the team is to the planned reform of the economic and social policy of the Russian Federation by combating corruption, the nationalization of strategically important resources and the election of local councils.

Igor Strelkov

According to the shooting school, OD "Novorossia" is the third force along with the official authority and the opposition. As for the associates against the struggle for the Donetsk People's Republic, then Igor Ivanovich is opposed to other parties to the conflict.

So, in October 2017, there was a surpass on the Internet between the Rifle and the former Prime Minister of the DPR, now the head of the "Union of Dovvoltsev Donbass" by Alexander Beard. Alexander Yuryevich in an interview called the appointment of Strelkova as Minister of Defense of the DPR in 2014, a personnel "error".

Igor Strelkov in 2017

In addition to the political issues, OD "Novorossey" is engaged in the decision of social problems in the Donbas. Reports on monthly humanitarian assistance to the people of the DNR shooters and his team publishes on the official website of the movement, as well as on the page in VKontakte and a blog to "LJ".

In addition, on the official website of the movement regularly published reports of hostilities in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic, reflecting the crimes of the Ukrainian authorities against the civilian population of the Donbass. Based on these reports and received applications, Novorossia decides on the provision of targeted humanitarian assistance.


  • 1992 - Chernomorsk Cossack Army
  • 1995 - participation in hostilities in the territory of the Chechen Republic
  • 1996-2013 - Valid military service at operational and senior positions in various divisions of the FSB of Russia.
  • 2003 - awarded the Order of Courage
  • 2014 - Freelance Advisor to the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Crimea
  • 2014 - Commander of the DPR Militia, DNR Defense Minister
  • 2014 - head of the public movement "Novorossia"

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