Bruce Campbell - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



There are quite a few actors in the world who remembered the viewers by one role. For example, Alexander Demyanenko throughout his life was a shurid from the Caucasian Captive, and Robert Inglund is known to the avid kinomanam in the image of the bloodthirsty maniac - Freddie Kruger.

Bruce Campbell in 2017

About Bruce Campbell can be said the same. It is associated with a thunderstorm of all the rebels zombies - Esch Williams from the "Evil Dead" trilogy, despite the fact that in the filmography of Campbell more than 50 diverse roles. This hero became the same cult, like Jason Vurhiz: The ears brave can often be seen in comics, video games and even in the form of hinge dolls.

Childhood and youth

Unfortunately, the childhood of Bruce Lorna Campbell information is not enough. It is known that the future actor was born on June 22, 1958 in the town of Royal-Oak, which is located in Michigan. The boy has grown and raised together with his brother in a creative family. You can say, Campbell absorbed the love of acting art with Mother's milk: being a schoolboy, Bruce participated in improvised theatrical productions and classical performances.

Bruce Campbell in childhood and youth

By the way, during the study, Campbell met his best friend Sam Rami, who dreamed of becoming a famous director and began his creative biography from shooting short films. Ultimately, the artistic tandem was formed: Sam was pleased with the sophisticated spectators with diverse works - from the chilling blood of the film of horrors to superhero saga about a spider man, and Bruce appeared in his paintings or fleetingly, or as the main character.


In 1977, Rayima presented his debut film to the public to the public, and Bruce first made a comrade directorial chambers for the first time. Amateur film called "This is the murder!" Presented the similarity of the "Ten Necritty" Agatha Christie - the detective to answer the most common police question: "Who is the killer?"

But it is worth saying that this is not an neonaya detective, but a film flavored comedy. In addition to Campbell, Scott Spiegel played in the picture, Robert Tapett, Ted Rami, Mike Ditz and other Hollywood stars.

A year later, Bruce starred in a short horror movie "in the forests" (1978), which made the effect of a broken bomb and acquired a sea of ​​followers. In the future, the classic plot with a remote hut in the forest began to meet quite often on the expanses of cinema.

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In 1981, lovers to ripped nerves got acquainted with the cult picture of the "sinister dead", where Bruce Campbell reincarnated in the legendary Easha Williams. The plot rotates around five young people who go to the forest hut, in order to have fun. In the basement, Esch and Scotty (Richard Deanikor) discover the book NaturandeManto, which resembles the "necronomicon" Howard Lovecraft.

The main characters by chance read the entry from the book, awakening the demonic entities that put in people who were making them dead dead. To settle with the unclean force, Esch Williams is armed with a chainsaw, and the most real and bloody battle between good and evil begins.

Bruce Campbell as Easha Williams

It is noteworthy that Bruce Campbell risked life on the set: he shot from the real gun, fell on the floor, kept his breath under water. By the way, the acting game Bruce noted in his review "King of Horror" - Stephen King.

In 1985, Bruce Campbell tried out the image of the flashing in the film "Wave Crime", which is the mixture of genres and resembles the creations of Quentin Tarantino and the Cohen brothers. Following this, the roles in the "Evil Deadians 2" (1987) and the militant "Maniac-Policeman" (1988).

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In 1990, Bruce Campbell flew fleetingly in the superhero thriller "Man of Darkness", and in 1993 again appeared in front of the audience in the image of Easha Williams ("Army of Darkness"). True, the third part of the franchise is removed in the comedy style. In this picture, Ash is not a frightening and sinister fighter, but a traveler in time with a sense of humor.

In the same year, Bruce was awarded the main role in the TV series "Adventures of Brisco County Jr.", which dresses the audience to the world of the Wild West. From 1996 to 1999, Campbell was filmed in the fantastic television series "Xena - Queen of Warriors", where the main roles also performed Lucy Lowless, Rene O'Connor, Ted Raymy and Kevin Smith. In this Motheric film Campbell, the image of Avtolik - a robber from ancient Greek mythology, which dwell on Parnassa.

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In 1998, the actor managed to work on the same platform with David Dukhovan, Gillian Anderson, Robert Patrick during the shooting process of the series "Secret Materials". Bruce also played in the paintings "From Sunset to Dawn 2: Bloody Money Texas" (1999), "Jack - Master for all hands" (2000), "Majestik" (2001), "Scammers" (2002).

It is noteworthy that Sam Raymi tried to engage a friend in any projects and gave Campbell even the most minor roles. For example, in 2002, Bruce played the leading fighting without rules in the film "Spiderman", and in the second part of this tape "Spiderman 2" (2004), he appeared in the Administrator in the theater. It would be surprising if Campbell did not get the role in the next superhero film: in the "Spider Man 3: The Enemy in Reflection" (2007) Bruce became the Metrotel of the French Restaurant.

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In 2015, the actor was lucky enough to play Ronald Reagan in the two episodes of the Motheric Black Comedy "Fargo", filmed on the movie of the Cohen Brothers Simony, where Steve Bushemi played, William Macy, Francis McDermannd and other actors.

Further, Bruce Campbell performed his usual role and reincarnated again to Easha Williams in the series "ESH against the sinister dead." The plot rotates around the elderly ears who lives the usual life, having fun with the young lady and spends time in bars.

Williams, wanting to shake ancient, leads a young girl into the house. To enjoy the object of his lust, the man is ready for everything: after drunk alcohol and the recovered marijuana, the hero shows the beautiful "necronomicon" and reads the spell.

Such a ridiculously awakens the evil, which was not heard and not visible for 30 years. In this bloody TV series played: Ray Santiago, Dan Delowenzo, Jill Marie Jones, Michel Herd, Lee Majors and other representatives of cinematic skills.

Personal life

A little known about the personal life of the charismatic actor. In 1983, Bruce made a proposal of the hands and hearts of Christine, who presented the lover two children: Rebecca and Andy. These relationships lasted six years, and ultimately, the spouses were divorced.

In 1992, Campbell met on the set painting "Bearing Mind" a new love - Ayd Jiron, who works by the designer. Lovers live in Jacksonville (Oregon), and Campbell pleases fans with photographs and posts in Twitter and Facebook. Unfortunately, the verified actor profile in "Instagram" is not found.

Bruce Campbell now

For the joy, Bruce fans continues to be selected on the set. In 2017, Campbell fulfilled the main role in the film "High-function" (post-production) together with James Freshville and George Bailey. Also, by rumors, the actor will appear in the picture "Welcome to Purgatory", where Sean Young and Tara Reed will play.


  • 1977 - "This is a murder!"
  • 1981 - "Evil Dead"
  • 1985 - "Wave Crime"
  • 1987 - "Evil Dead 2"
  • 1988 - "Manyak-Policeman"
  • 1990 - "Man of Darkness"
  • 1993 - "Adventures of Brisco County Jr."
  • 1999 - "From Sunset to Dawn 2: Bloody Money Texas"
  • 2002 - "Spiderman"
  • 2004 - Spiderman 2 "
  • 2007 - "My name is Bruce"
  • 2007 - "Spiderman 3: the enemy in reflection"
  • 2013 - "Evil Dead: Black Book"
  • 2015-2016 - "Ash against the sinister dead"
  • 2015 - Fargo

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