Tim Curry - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



There is a category of actors known to the wide audience, but few of the audience can remember the names of films in which this actor or actress saw. This category includes Tim Curry. An English actor and singer was born on April 19, 1946. It happened in Warrington, located in the northern part of Cheshire County (United Kingdom).

Actor Tim Curry

Timoti James Curry was born (so he sounds his full name) in the Capellan family of the World Methodist Council James Curry and his wife Patricia. Tim became the second child in the family - before that, a couple had already born daughter Judy. In primary and secondary school, the boy was little different from his peers, however, by going to the older classes, Tim changed - the works of William Shakespeare were conquered.

Tim Curry in youth

Love for the work of the English poet and playwright led Curry first to the University of Cambridge, then in Birmingham, and then to the Royal Shakespeare Troupe (a member of which was also the future three-time owner of Oscar Daniel Day Lewis). After receiving diplomas with honors, testifying to the end of the courses of English and dramatic art, Tim became a full participant in the speeches of the troupe.


Although Curry began as an actor of the theater, his fame brought his work in the cinema and on television. His filmography has about two hundred works. For the first time, Tim hit the screens during the broadcast of theatrical performances of the Royal Shakespearean Troupes on Television, as part of the "Pieces of the Day" and "Theater in the chair". The full-fledged debut took place in 1968, in the tape of Brown Hill "Estimating Fish" ("Fish is flooded") - Curry fulfilled the role of the waiter in the train.

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The first role that made Tim famous, the actor received only seven years later, starring in the picture of the Rocky Horror's Horror show at Jim Charmen ("Shirley Jackson against Aliens", "Summer Secrets", "Shock therapy"). In this film, Carry played an extraordinary doctor of Frank-N-Further, who was a couple of newlyweds in his mansion. It is known that at the initial stages of work on the project, a vocalist The Rolling Stones Mick Jagger should have been performed.

In the same 1975, the screening of the work of the famous English humorist Jerome K. Jerome "Three in the boat, not counting the dogs, was published on the screens. The steering wheel of the project was Stephen Frierz ("Queen", "Filomen", "Dangerous Communications"), and Tim Curry performed the role of the author in the film.

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Three years later, the actor starred at the Scolimovsky's hedgehog ("Success is the best revenge", "necessary murder", "the adventures of Gerar") in the "cry" tape, telling about the person who has learned from the Australian Aboriginal to kill the cry. Curry company in this film amounted to Susanna York, John Hert and Alan Bates.

In 1980, Tim lit up in the picture "Times Square" Allan Moile ("Return the volume", "Body exchange", "no word"). Times Square told about problems in the life of adolescents of the eighties of the twentieth century.

In 1982, the next - not the first and far from the last one - the screening of the work of Charles Dickens "Adventures of Oliver Twist", filmed by Clive Donner ("Bank card to a million pounds sterling", "Christmas anthem", "What's new, kitty?" ). After three years, Curry, along with Tom Cruise and Mii Sarah, starred from Ridley Scott ("Alien", "Gladiator", "Martian") in the legend belt - Tima got the role of the devil.

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In the same 1985, the screens came out on the screens, also known in the domestic boxed under the name "Rage". The plot of the paintings is based on the logical desktop game in the genre of a detective (predecessor "Mafia"), invented Anthony Prett in the mid-fifties of the last century. Jonathan Linn ("My Cousin Winnie", "Nine Yard", "Three Men and Little Lady") made a director of "evidence", "Three Men and Little Lady"), and Tim Curry performed the role of one of the suspects.

In 1988, Curry starred in the comedy "Pass the Cartridges" David Bierd ("True Guy", "My New Machine", "Sex and Violence"), the main roles in which Bill Paxton and Linda Kozlovski were performed.

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Two years later, together with Sean Connery, Alek Baldwin, Scott Glennaya and Sam Nil Tim played in the tape "Hunt for the" Red October "from the director of John Mortyrnan (" Predator "," Strong Oreshek "," Scam Thomas Krauna ").

However, another tape has become a hits of 1990 with the participation of Curry - "it". Tommy Li Wallace TV project ("Halloween 3", "Night of Fear 2", "Twilight Zone") was a screening of the same name of Stephen King. Tim Carry got the role of the universal evil embodied in the form of a dancer Penniveza clown. Children of those years for all their lives remembered the smile of the actor.

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Employed fact: When after 20 years later they spoke about the new film release "it", the producers again proposed the role of the main antagonist Tim, however, the actor refused. Will Polater became the following candidate, however, he did not happen to fulfill the role of Penniveza in this picture, since it seemed to producers that Will was "not enough" for this character (this is interesting, if we consider that Curry's growth is 1.75 m, and Polate 1.88) m. Ultimately, the role of Penniveza performed Bill Scarsgard.

Tim Curry and Bill Scarsgard in the role of Pennive

After setting Tommy Lee Wallace Curry engaged in visualing cartoon characters. In 1990, Tim was involved in Peter Pan and Pirates, "Miracles on Blinds", the "adventures of cartoon" and "team of rescuers of the Captain Planet". In 1991, the actor's voice could be heard in the cartoons "Pirates of Dark Water", "Dinosaurs" and "Black Cloak". Next year - in "Batman" and "Mermaid".

Also in 1992, Carry took part in the second part of the "one house" painting Chris Columbus, fulfilling the role of concierge.

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In 1993, Tim starred in a parody of the franchise "deadly weapons" - "charged weapons" at Gina Quintano ("Why?", "Crazy Honeymoon", "Dollar for the Dead Man"). Also this year, Carry voiced the characters of cartoons "Mighty Max" and "Sonic: Energy Stone".

A year later, Alexandra Duma-Father, filmed by Stephen Hercom ("Zubastiki", "101 Dalmatian", was published in the rental, "101 Dalmatian". "Don't tell mom that nanny died"). In this tape Tim played Cardinal Richelieu. Also in 1994, Curry again starred in one tape with Alek Baldwin, she became the "shadow" of Russell Malehai ("Highlander", "against the current", "on the last bank").

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It did not cost this year and without voice acting cartoons - work on Aladdin, "Gargulia" and "Hey, Arnold!". Over the next two years, Tim Carry voiced the characters "Masks", "Purezoid", "Casper - Good Relief", "Jumanji" and "Batman of the Future".

In 1998, the actor returned to the cinema to fulfill the role of Gomez - Heads of the Addames Family in the film "Reunion of the Addames Family" Dave Payne ("The Algered of the Against", "Killing a girl from the show", "Riker").

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In 2001, Curry starred in the parody film "Very Scary Cinema 2" Kinen Ayvor Wayans ("Very Scary Cinema", "White Chicks", "Shalun") and in the next part of the film "Bikes from the Scoop" (not to be confused with the eponymous series, Although Curry starred in him), with the subtitle "Ritual".

In 2004, together with Liam Nison, Timothy Khatton and Peter Skarsgard starred at Bill Kondon in "Dr. Kinsey". After that, a second period of working on the sounding of the characters of cartoons "Ben 10", "Star Wars", "Justice League" and "Transformers".

In 2013, Tim Curry, together with Lance Henrixen, starred in the movie Balagua Khatvani "Red Clown". As in "It", Carry executed the role of a clown antagonist, which "not something that seems."

Personal life

Tim single. Never married. On the Internet, it's not even a photo on which curry would be with some girl. There is an opinion that he is gay, but no confirmation, no refutation of this.

Tim Curry

Other details of the biography of the actor are also unknown - as a true Englishman, Carry does not advertise his personal life.

In the spring of 2013, Tim survived the stroke. Since then, it moves only in a wheelchair.

Tim Curry now

At the end of 2017, Michael J. Bervik, in which Curry will execute one of the main roles to the screens.

Tim Curry in 2017

Also, the actor can be seen in the series "Rocky Horror's horror show", which is a remake of the tape of the same name.

In addition, Curry again writes songs, in its plans - to release the fourth album (the first three were released in 1978, 1979 and 1981).


  • 1968 - "Estimating Fish"
  • 1975 - "Rocky Horror's Horror Show"
  • 1975 - "Three in the boat, not counting the dogs"
  • 1978 - "cry"
  • 1982 - "Oliver Twist"
  • 1985 - "Legend"
  • 1990 - "Hunt for" Red October "
  • 1990 - "It"
  • 1992 - "One House"
  • 1994 - "Three Musketeers"
  • 1998 - "Reunion of Family Addams"
  • 2001 - "Very Scary Cinema 2"
  • 2004 - "Dr. Kinsi"
  • 2013 - "Red Clown"

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