Marina Zueva - biography, photo, personal life, news, "Battle of psychics" 2021



Marina Zueva is not only extrasensus, leading and one of the participants of the sensational show "Battle of Psychics", but also a very interesting person. An unusual feeding itself, as well as confidence in its own paranormal abilities allowed a woman to attract the interest of the audience and become famous.

Childhood and youth

The future star "Battle of Psychics" was born on June 18, 1966. The childhood of Marina Zueva passed in the city of Volgograd. The biography of girls from an early age was not easy. When Marina turned three years old, Father Zueva left the family. The man threw his wife and two daughters (Marina had a younger sister Tatiana) and left for a new beloved, which at that time was waiting for a child.

Marina Zueva

Marina's mother accounted for two children. The woman was worried about the betrayal of his beloved man. In addition, the money is catastrophically lacked even on the necessary. However, this tests did not end: Tatiana, the sisters of Marina Zueva, diagnosed a terrible disease - brain cancer. Soon the girl died.

Marina Zueva admits that this period was incredibly heavy. Mother girls even tried to commit to life, rushing to rails under the train, but stopped on time.

Years later, Marina Zueva tried to find her father. In 2014, a woman even came to the program "Let them say" so that journalists help to find a man. The project staff managed to find out that Vasily Zuev (so the name of the Father Marina) did not lose time with the gift. It turns out that a woman has sisters and brothers, the existence of which the leader did not even suspect.

Psychic abilities

Own extraordinary gift Marina Zueva, like most witches and psychics, discovered at a young age. He fascinated by Tarot's cards, the girl realized that it could really see what was hidden from ordinary people. For example, Marina Zueva, according to his own recognition, constantly communicates with other entities and spirits.

Psychic Marina Zueva

It is the rulers of natural elements who trained a woman with magical rites, discovering the secrets of therapeutic herbs, magic conspiracies and magical power. In addition, the spirits introduced Marina Zuev with her previous incarnations. It turned out that almost all past lives a woman devoted disinterested help to those in need, salvation and healing of people with herbal bravery and witchcraft.

Marina herself considers himself a leader - a man who has many centuries (counting all incarnations) devoted to the study of the magical possibilities, bringing the benefit of people. In the current incarnation, a woman from 25 years began to bear this blessing, providing magical services to those who wish.

Marina Zueva

According to the sorcerer, the department takes a lot of strength, which then must be replenished. Each sorcerer connects to this to various sources. For Marina Zueva Such Source is nature. The woman considers the mountains and the forest: it is there, Marina is recognized, she feels truly calmly and pacificate.

Also, a considerable role in magical rites are water and fire, helping Marina to read the necessary information from otherworldly sources. It is worth noting that there are those who doubt the magical abilities of Marina Zueva. A woman is reproached that she could not independently find her father and turned to television for this. The sorceress is not comment on this contradiction.

"The fight of extrasensories"

In 2017, the sorcerer decided to try his own strength in the competition of psychics, magicians and sorcerers, submitting an application for participation in the 18th season of the popular TV show "Battle of Psychics".

Marina Zueva - biography, photo, personal life, news,

Marina Zueva attracted the attention of the audience even at the qualifying stage of the project. The fact is that the first task for psychics is to find a car, in the trunk of which a person hides - Marina could not perform. But the woman felt unmistakably felt the place near which the girl was hiding by pointing to the next car.

It seemed that it was time to say goodbye to the hope of participating in the project, however, the resulting further shocked even those who had visited the audience and TV presenters. Marina Zueva told the girl climbed from the trunk, facts from her life. Including the fact that the girl recently dropped the weight. Facts really turned out to be true.

The following qualifying test, which was able to participate in the "Battle" called Mr. X. Psychics tied eyes and led to a person whom they did not know. The task of magicians was to tell as much information about Mr. X. That time the mysterious stranger, or rather, a stranger, became the singer Julia Samoilov.

Marina Zueva managed to feel that the girl recently suffered an operation, as well as indicate all the fears that the girl was tormented in childhood. The sorcerer calmed the blond beauty, saying that the life of the girl would be successfully and Julia, it is likely to give birth to a healthy child.

Marina Zueva and Natalia Banteaeva

Despite failure in the first test, Marina Zueva received a skip to the project. It is noteworthy that Konstantin Gezaty, the rival of Marina and a colleague in the magical workshop, at the end of the filming of the first release of the program, said that he felt only two strong magicians - Marina Zuev and Sonya Egorov.

Inteid undoubted paranormal abilities, in Marina Zueva, the audience noted the external similarity of a woman with another sorcerer - Natalia Banteaeva, a participant and winner of the 9th season of the program. However, how much to journalists manage to find out, there is no blood kinship between women.

Personal life

Personal life of Marina Zueva, despite the popular belief that wits in love are not lucky, happily developed. In 1990, a woman moved to Portugal, where he met the man's dreams, for whom he was married. Choselitan Marina - Fernando de Souza, owner of his own bread shop.

Marina Zueva

Marina and Fernando have two children: daughter Patricia and son Andre. Patricia has been 25 years old, the girl lives in Switzerland. Andre is 21 years old, and the young man plans to study on an economist. Most of the life, Marina Zueva devoted to children.

A woman admits that Portugal never became a native country, and longing for the Russian culture sometimes covers stronger and stronger. To mentally bring the homeland to himself, Marina decorated the house with elements of the Russian folk decor.

Marina Zueva in fern bushes

In his free time, Marina Zueva loves to communicate with friends - mediums and sorcerers from around the world. In addition, the leader is not alien to the feeling of excellent: a woman is satisfied with the photo shoots in gloomy gothic outfits and lays out a photo on his own page in "Instagram".

Also, the sorceress loves to travel on foreign countries, getting acquainted with the traditions and nature of the exotic corners of the world. It is known that the favorite delicacy of Marina Zueva is a fern.

Marina Zueva now

Now Marina Zueva helps the suffering, organizing consultations on Skype and at a personal meeting. A woman is expelled to demons, creates around a man a barrier that protects against the misfortunes, as well as magical actions helps women get pregnant and establish relationships with beloved.

Marina Zueva in 2017

Helps a witch and in cash: the popular "business magic" of a separate line is spelled out in the list of magical services Marina Zueva. A woman opens a cash channel to businessmen and puts energy protection that protects competitors from tracks.

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