Dmitry Dmitrenko - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Dmitry Dmitrenko's participant Dmitry Dmitrenko is known to the audience as the ex-groom "brand" of the scandalous TV project Olga Rapunzel. Due to the fact that during their stay on the show, the man has proven as a weak, who does not have a clear position participant, the team often in a rough form passed through in love, calling them a pair of a fictitious union.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Dmitrenko was born on June 17, 1988 in the port city of Vladivostok, located in the Far East of Russia. It so happened that there is extremely few information on the network regarding the biography of the participants of the "House 2", and Dmitrenko did not exception. It is known only that by the formation of Dima - actor.

Dmitry Dmitrenko

In 2009, he graduated from the Far Eastern Academy of Arts, and after receiving a diploma, he was filmed in a small film "Grza". The ambitious guy hoped that the shooting in this project will be the starting point in his brilliant filmier, but did not work out.

Realizing that no one saw his acting talent, the young man got into the regional philharmonic by the helper of the sound engineer in which he worked during the day. In the evenings, Dmitrenko went to the local karaoke bar, in which a former participant of Telestroyka worked for a long time.

Dmitry Dmitrenko received acting education

Wanting to get a bigger income, Dima came to the business. True, and here the Mount-businessman did not hold down. The guy wanted to receive millions with minimal investments, and, as you know, it only happens in fairy tales. Failure in the field of financial, the man decided to go close to his personal life. Just at that time, a friend of the ex-participant "House 2" and introduced him to the long-haired brunette Olga Rapunzel, who at the time of their first meeting had already acquired on the show with a bad reputation.

"House 2"

Dmitrenko came to "House 2" on December 30, 2015. It is worth noting that the young man did not pass preliminary castings. In the gate of Telestroika, the guy entered the handle with Olga Rapunzel, who on the frontal spot stated the leading Olga Buzova, that Dima is her new guy.

It is known that at the time of the appearance of Dmitrenko on the project, they and Olya were familiar with only two weeks, so it is not surprising that the team did not believe in the sincerity of the new pair.

Dmitry Dmitrenko and Olga Rapunzel

Among other things, the household from the threshold began to tell Dima about the past of his chosen. Beloved and took a young lady with her dark past.

In the project relations, Rapunzel took Dmitry the role of the repeater. The actor bought into the image quickly and organically. Olga, undoubtedly, lucky with a partner partner. For the time being, Dmitry demolished the hysterics of the lady and even tolerated her beatings.

Dmitry Dmitrenko in the show

It should be noted that not only Rapunzel allowed himself to raise his hand on Ditrenko. It is known that a couple of times he was seriously delivered from the houses guys, which, feeling the weakness of the Uhager Rapunzel, humiliated him as morally and physically. During his stay on the project, the guy managed to fight with Ilya Yabbarov, and with Ivan Barzicov, and Salenko Zakhar and even with Fritz Nikolai Dolzhansky.

At the end of January 2016, Olga Rapunzel left for Seychelles, and Dmitry remained in the glade, since he had difficulty with the design of documents. Staying on the island of love, the long-haired brunette arranged the chosen check and began to closely communicate with the guy who came to her to project - Konstantin Ivanov.

The organizers of the show to pour oil into the fire, at that moment, when Dima was in a hospital with a broken hand, sent to the islands. As a result, returning to the native walls of "House 2" and learning about the solution of producers, Dmitrenko said that if Rapunzel would flirt with Ivanov, he would put a point in their relationship.

Dmitry Dmitrenko and Olga Rapunzel

Without a loving frame and restrictions, Olya began to walk from the bones on a date, prepare him dinner, and after a couple of days began to arrange a cavaller scene of jealousy. Realizing that Olya is not a heroine of his novel, Ivanov refused his sympathy, shifting his attention to Sasha Gozias, who put her eyes on his handsome on the day of his arrival.

Olya wanted to return to Dmitrenko, but he, in order to keep up with a windy chosen, wanted with a young lady at the meadow. It is known that for its frivolous behavior and jokes below the belt, a man even got a hit from Christina Lyaskovets guy, Fyodor Shatkova.

Dmitry Dmitrenko

The next coupling ended for the Uhager Rapunzel more deplorable. Dmitrenko broke the jaw, after which the guy was taken to the hospital, where he made an operation. Offer Dmitry, Siergeja Lavinda, kicked out for the gate, and Dima, restored his health, went to Olga to Seychelles. True, the chosen was met by a guy with tumaks. Rapunzel struck Dmitrenko to the newly operated jaw for the fact that a photo of Dima with an unknown young blonde appeared on the network.

Despite the difficulty in amur communication, Dmitrenko and Rapunzel periodically started talking about the wedding. Olga wanted to marry quickly, Dmitry did not hurry to make a friend's hand and heart proposal, because his mother did not want to see such a daughter-in-law with a hot beloved son.

Dmitry Dmitrenko and Olga Paradise

As a result, after five months of relations, the couple broke up, and Dmitrenko flew to the glade to Olga Paradish. For a couple of weeks, the guy cared for a girl, after which Intimate occurred between them. Olya, having learned about treason, hastily returned to Moscow to return Dima.

For a former boyfriend returned to her arms, the brunette collected conspiracies against the rival, repeatedly talked to her aunt and even threatened the separation of expulsion from the project. Seeing the emotions of Oli, Dima realized that she was experiencing strong feelings for him, and decided to give the lady's second chance.

In June 2017, Olga and Dmitry got married, and in July of the same year, a couple, tired of ridicule and provocations, left the project.

Personal life

In September 2017, a rumor appeared on the network that Rapunzel and Dmitrenko, despite the fact that Olya is waiting for a child, bred. In the live broadcast, which girl spent in his instagram account, Olya shared with fans the news that they had a serious conflict with their spouse, because of which she even had to move to the hotel.

Wedding Dmitry Dmitrenko and Olga Rapunzel

The fact is that Olya, finding in the telephone Dima correspondence of intimate content with other young lady, arranged a scandal spouse. The same in his justification stated that for two years she put it in an unsightly light, and now his turn to repay the same coin.

In conversations with representatives of the media, brunette said that Dima threatened her with physical violence and even broke the lip of the mother-in-law, which after the call of Oli came to his daughter to help. Dmitrenko denied everything, arguing that the situation with the penishment Olya blid to incredible sizes only to return to "House 2", in which it was well paid for permanent provocations.

Dmitry Dmitrenko now

Now Dima is engaged in a broken mass process, and also gives out creative self-realization itself. It is known that a former participant in the scandalous telestroy in October 2017, along with Alexander Shpakov and Rapper Ligalize and Igor Burneyshev ("Burito"), became a guest of the humorous transfer of the TNT channel - "Comedy Club".

Dmitry Dmitrenko in 2017

Dmitrenko, as the media personality relies, does not forget about social networks and regularly posts photos and video images in "Instagram".

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