Lisa Alice - character history, actors and roles, image


Character History

The tale of Alexey Tolstoy "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" is a favorite children's story telling about the adventures of a wooden boy who escaped from his father. On the way, Pinocratino meet a variety of characters, acquaintance with whom the lessons for the boy are. Negative images in the narration of the Karabas Barabas, Duramar, Lisa Alice and Basilio Cat.

Lisa Alice and Basilio Cat

The latter - rolling fraudsters who are trying to inflate Pinocchio and steal five gold. Characters are distinguished by curious appearance and outstanding characters. To viewers, they were remembered by the screening of 1975, in which the images of foxes and the cat embodied Elena Sanaeva and Rolan Bulls.

History of creation

Alexey Tolstoy, a recognized romantic and an expert on the history of literature, wrote a fairy tale for 11 years. By choosing the plot of the Italian author Carlo Callodi as the basis, the writer used in the book the motives of comedy del Arte, the images found in the works of German romantics, symbols and allusions. Authentic works inspired by Tolstoy, described bloody stories that were acting by coarse characters. In their characteristics present inherent grotesque, fantastic start and imagery.

Alexey Tolstoy

Starting to work on the plot in 1923, Tolstoy completed a fairy tale by 1934, and in 1936 it was published as an independent book. Secondary negative characters in her - Lisa Alice and Basilio Cat, cunning tramps and thieves. In the original source, each description of the hero was distinguished from the proposed Tolstoy. The Basilio prototype served as a demonic cat with sadistic inclinations.

The characteristic of the Fox of Alice was created with the fact that in the fairy tale, this image was assigned to the fox. Alice appears to be a softer hero than its prototype. Fox's goal is to paint the money from Pinocchio, while her Prashas, ​​the Kollodievsky Fox, was capable of harsh torture a wooden boy and received pleasure from it.

Cat and foxes in a fairy tale Carlo Collodi

In the "golden key" laid moral and ethical norms that parents instill in the kids, developing positive traits in them, a tendency to obedience and distrust of suspicious strangers. Tolstoy fairy tale serves excellent material for educational purposes than the popularity of the book has been justified by a book for several decades.

Biography and plot

Lisa Alice appears in the narration suddenly. She is an eternal companion of the sloping lazy hooligan - Cat Basilio. Unlike his companion, Alice shows the fox cunning and grip. The lady of the Skalist, prudent and not ready to miss his. For the first time, Pinocchio sees her on a dusty road and responds to the dying call of the heroine.

The hypocritical fox wears the tramp costume, but demonstrates the spruce of the real esthete, because her nature dictates to be a queen in any position. Together with the cat, she tells the boy about the fantastic field of miracles in the country of fools and the opportunity to grow a money tree, putting five gold.

Buratino, Cat Basilio and Lisa Alice

Later, taking advantage of the case, a couple of Podkaraulit Pinocchio in an attempt to take away money and throw a doll hanging on a tree down her head. In the fairy tale, the calls of the beasts tied the victim, biting and uglying it. But the Tolstoy Fox Alisa and Cat Basilio are peaceful characters. They will harm, but do not hurt.

Their origin ends failure, because the fox's trick is adjacent to the stupidity of the cat. The redhead vertihvostka teaches the partner, trying to immerse in the Plutovsky craft, but Basilio is hopelessly bad. Unlike him, Fox enjoys not from the life of the tramp, but from the possibility of adjusting the goats and pretend. She is a wild beast, existing by itself, but for the sake of entertainment holding a cat, on which you can dirty work.

Cat Basilio and Lisa Alice in the cartoon

Lisa Alice is a real leader. In a comical couple, she is an evil genius whose instructions have to do. Alice participates in the advantage of money, trying to deceive the cat's buddy, pumped on him the guilt for all possible misunderstandings and offers ingenious plans that do not bring the desired result.


The main embodiment of the on-screen image of Foxa Alisa became the actress Elena Sanaeva. Often involved in the roles of the second plan, the artist has gained all-Union glory through this character, participating in the filming of the film of 1975.

Elena Sanaev in the role of Fox Alice

She spoke in a duet with spouse Rolan Bykov. The actors and roles in the film were distributed surprisingly exactly, so the images entrenched the performers, becoming their business cards.

The shooting was hardly given actress because of cooperation with her pedant. He criticized her execution, publicly giving the talent of Sanaeva. At the same time, the audience saw a unique couple on the screen, whose dance conquered a millionth audience.

The public disassembled a film on quotes and loved the Soundtrack paintings. A kind of masterpiece can be called a song cat and foxes "What a blue sky". She emphasized the comicness of the images and the lack of a tendency of the characters to a serious crime, which was fabulous by the Talener of Collodi in the literary source.

Interesting Facts

Cat Basilio Cat Characters and Alice Foxes in the theater are used as independent characters. Animators and leading children's programs are resorted to their image, since these heroes remain loved and recognizable among several generations of adults and children. Costumes of acting persons are sold in stores that implement carnival products. They are similar to the outfits used in the film made by Leonid Nechaev.

Monument to Fox Alice and Kotu Basilio

The name of the heroine is often used as a nominal, if it is necessary to give the characteristic of cunning and fraudsters. Although it is used as a humorous and smear nickname, rarely carrying a negative assessment. The lucavia fox is so petty that it is not capable of leading to trouble and bring disappointment to others.


In the mouth of Fox, Alice Alexei Tolstoy did not put instructive replicas, but its phrases are often used as commodity expressions.

Lisa calls a wooden boy

"Rich, Small Pinocchio"

Exaggerating the advantages of the hero and rubbing in trust. Sarcasm laid in these words is relevant in describing the non-evil people who are ready to sacrifice the budget for the sake of an obviously seal event. Sunny Alisa, sharing money, assures cat:

"Well, four are not divided into five? Not sharing! So I am this not divided by half and take. Well, I am always glad to serve to a friend ... "

Of course, not in its interest to trust finances a stupid companion. Especially when you can own them undivided.

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