Sebastian Stan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Actor Sebastian Stan, who is often compared with the young Mark Hamille, became famous for just a few days after the role in the famous blockbuster based on Marvel comics. Participation in the filming of the popular franchise has become for a little-known artist, the happy ticket to the world of big cinema, which rarely falls into the share of young performers.

Childhood and youth

Sebastian Stan was born on August 13, 1982 in the Romanian city of Constanta. When the future Hollywood star was barely 8 years old, the mother of the actor, which is a professional pianist, was invited to work in Vienna. So Stan was in Austria, where he lived for 4 years.

After the divorce of parents, Mother 2rd once married (at that time the boy was 12 years old), and the whole family, including the child's stepfather, moved to the United States. It is known that the new film relative series of films about Avengers worked as director of a private school located in Rockland (New York), in which Stan for a couple of years studied.

It is worth noting that Sebastian quickly mastered in a new place, becoming a recognizable artist of the school amateum theater. As a child, a talented guy played in the production of "Sirano de Bergerac" on the play Edmon Rostan, as well as in the play "Harvey", "Western Story" and "Little Horror Shop".

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In a conversation with media representatives, a man often recalled the lessons of scenic skills in a specialized theater camp for gifted children, who sent parents every year every year.

Going to the scene, Stan laid out with all his might. The young man did it that at the end of the classes to disrupt the ovations of the teaching staff. Already at that time Sebastian dreamed of glory. Such a desire for general recognition is characteristic of a lion - the sign of the zodiac, under which the future artist was born.

After receiving the certificate of average education, the hardworking guy carefully studied the program of a number of higher educational institutions. As a result, he chose at Ratger University, located in New Brunsuika (New Jersey).

Having received a bachelor's degree in 2005, a novice actor went to a one-year internship in London, hitting the famous brainchild of William Shakespeare - the Globus Theater.

Personal life

The personal life of the charismatic artist has always been interested in both the fans and the paparazzi. In 2008, Stan began to meet with a partner on the TV series "Gossip" - actress Leighton Mr.

After 2 years, the couple broke up, and Sebastian found consolation in the arms of Ashley Green, and in a couple of months - Dianna Agron. Then the "victim" of Charger Brunette became Jennifer Morrison, with which a man was filmed in the film "Once in a fairy tale."

True, this relationship did not lead to the wedding. In 2013, each of the lovers went to his own way, and next year, Margarita Levieva, who played the villain-terrorist in the rating series "Black List" became a new girl performer. The actress has already been told about the future wife's wife, but this novel ended in 2016.

While the actor aims to his career and does not think about long-term relationships, although in the future he sees himself the head of the family in which several children are brought up.


The first paintings of Stan - Drama Georgia Lee "Red Doors" and the comedy Roger Paradiso "Wedding Tony and Tina". Mila Kunis was filmed in these films. They did not bring the artist's popularity, but they taught to interact with partners on the set.

The following stages in the cinema were the ribbons "Education Charlie Banks" with Jesse Aisenberg in the lead role, "Architect" and having failed in the hire a horror movie Renny Harlin "Deal with the Devil" (in Horror Sebastian worked together with Taylor Kitch and Chays Crowford).

Debuting on television in the image of the victim in the "Law and Order" project, Stan in 2007 received work in the youth series "Gossip". True, his character is a guy named Carter - appears only in 2 episodes of the 1st and 6th series of the 3rd seasons.

In 2009, the screens came out the fantastic series "Kings", in which the main role of Silas, the lord of the fictional state of Gilboa, played Ian McShin, and his son-Gay depicted just Sebastian. Despite the rattling mix of Shakespeare's motifs with modern realities, this phantasmagoria did not find a response in the hearts of the audience and was closed after the end of the 1st season.

Thriller "Black Swan" telling about the splitting of the identity of the gifted ballerina, released on large screens in 2010, once again proved how talented Natalie Portman and extraordinary Darren Aroneal. Closer to the finals of Nina and her rival Lily (Mila Kunis) turn out to be in the night bar. There, the ladies get acquainted with cute guys. One of them (Andrew, who liked at once both ballerinas) played Stan.

In 2011, the filmography of the charming actor was replenished with another picture. Then the man received the role of a friend of Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) in the blockbuster "First Avenger", which was subsequently incredibly popular. The following films about Captain America ("First Avenger: Another War" and "The first avenger: confrontation") also liked the audience, and critics.

This is especially true of the 3rd part of the franchise, which the creators spent $ 250 million, and earned $ 1.151 billion, which is $ 280 million more rolling opponent - the film "Batman against Superman" (the tapes came out almost simultaneously).

These stars like Anthony Poppies, Scarlett Johansson, Kobi Smolders were added to the main acting. The picture presented Stan the possibility not only to maximally show his artistic talent, but also to demonstrate a sports figure and pumped out torso.

For six months before shooting, Sebastian began to attend the gym, engage in martial arts, study choreography. Working on the site, the performer paid daily rehearsals for 2-3 hours. So it continued in a row for 3 months.

Thanks to the success of the franchise, the Stan game was marked by film critics. The artist received several nominations, including Teen Choice Award, Kids' Choice Award for Favorite, etc. From MTV, he was awarded awards in the category "Best Fighting" ("First Avenger: Another War").

In August 2012, the world premiere of the film "Phenomenon" took place. The picture, which was filmed by the viewer, Tom Felton (Poterian's star) and Ashley Greene (Twilight), failed in global boxes: at a budget of $ 17 million only $ 9 million gathered at $ 17 million.

In the same year, a mad hat was added to the piggy bank of cinematic images, which Stan played in the fantasy series "Once in a fairy tale". Despite employment in the shooting of the Marvelevsky project, the actor in 2015 worked in the fantastic ribe Ridley Scott "Martian" and the musical picture with Meryl Strip Ricky and Flash.

In January 2017, the shooting of the fantastic film of the Russo Brothers "Avengers: War of Infinity", whose premiere took place in 2018. In the picture, in addition to Sebastian, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth and Benedict Cumberbatch appeared.

In August, the comedy of the director Stephen Soderberga "Luck Logan" was released. In addition to Stan, the Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, Seth MacFarlene, Daniel Craig and Katie Holmes. The film tells about two brothers who want to organize a robbery in North Carolina, where NASCAR races are held.

Also this year continued shooting tapes "There is no longer here" and "We always lived in the castle." In these projects, the artist managed to show a completely different character of the characters than in the superhero saga. The artist remained satisfied with the result of his reincarnation.

The first picture tells about a person who, standing on the threshold of death, is trying to rewrite his dark past and redeem the sins before going to the world of others.

In the center of the plot, the second ribbon is a family of voluntary chief recluses of Blackwood, consisting of 2 sisters and their sick elderly uncle, who have lost all relatives at once due to ridiculous poisoning of arsenic.

After the tragedy, the girls abandoned urban society, preferring a cheerful pastime a leafing lifestyle in the walls of the native castle. Such behavior was the reason for the spread among the inhabitants of the hearing that the inhabitants of the castle are involved in the death of Rodney.

In addition, in early October, Sebastian, together with colleagues on the Margo Robbie film set, Paul Walter Hauzer and director Craig Gillespi visited the Hampton Film Festival.

It is known that the event was introduced by their film "Tonya against All". The premiere of the film in Russia took place at the end of January 2018. The plot of dramas is based on the biographies of the American figure skater Tony Harding (Margo Robbie), whose career was questionable. Her former husband (Sebastian Stan) arranged an attack on the rival of the ex-spouse, so that the athlete could not perform at the Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer.

An interesting fact was the reincarnation of major roles in the heroes of the picture. The "hot thing" from the "suicide squad" appeared in front of the camera in a typical outfit of the 90s: in pants with an overwhelmed waist, fastened inside a shirt, pink sneakers. All this was accompanied by a short haircut. Stan's face decorated small mustache.

Sebastian Along with Anthony Maki, Haley Etwel, Chris Evans and Tom Holland entered the number of guests invited to the Arizonian Comic Kon, which took place in mid-January 2018.

Despite the tight schedule, an eminent actor in 183 cm. Wizard combines movies with photo sessions for printing publications and shooting in advertising. So, in September, the reincarnation wizard appeared in the video of the German brand Hugo Boss, and in October decorated the Los Angeles Times newspaper pages. Anyone, going to Twitter or Instagram Stan, can see the photo taken in the process of work.

A bright page of 2018 for the actor was his participation in the filming of the project "Time Retribution" directed by Karin Kusama. In the criminal drama Sebastian played Chris. His partner in the site became Nicole Kidman, the performer of the main women's role.

Working with Karin Kusama produced the impression on Romanian artist. In his interview, the man noted that he was ready to realize the main image in the next project director - Horror "Dracula".

Sebastian Stan now

Now Sebastian continues to participate in films, the plot of which is based on comics "Marvel". In 2020, the shooting of the mini-series "Falcon and Winter Soldiers" was completed, where the artist played a pair with Anthony Maki. For the Disney channel + a man worked on the sounding of the animation tape "What if? .."


  • 2003 - "Law and Order"
  • 2006 - "Deal with the Devil"
  • 2008 - "Besnik"
  • 2010 - "Black Swan"
  • 2011 - "First Avenger"
  • 2012 - "Pressure"
  • 2014 - "First Avenger: Another War"
  • 2015 - "Agrove Man"
  • 2016 - "First Avenger: confrontation"
  • 2017 - "Loogan's luck"
  • 2018 - "Time of Retribution"
  • 2018 - "Avengers: the war of infinity"
  • 2019 - "Avengers: Final"
  • 2019 - "Love on Troy"

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