Si Jinping - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, President of the PRC 2021



Si Jinpin - President of the People's Republic of China, a talented politician and a person called the "big dad" of the Chinese people. The last fact demonstrates the respect with which ordinary citizens relate to their leader. And this is not by chance - Jinping is famous for non-corruption and progressive opinion on state administration.

Childhood and youth

Jinspine's biography originates from China's ancient nationality called Khan. Future politician was born in Beijing in June 1953. His birthday in various sources is indicated in different ways: on one information, this is June 1, on the other - 15th. In China, it is customary to indicate only a month and year of birth.

The father of Jinpina, Si Zhongsyun, until the 1960s entered the group of approximate Mao Zedong, the ruler of the Middle Kingdom. Four children were brought up in the family of the future. Thanks to the post of Father, the Childhood of Si Jinspine was cloudless, but in 1962 the situation changed sharply. Si Zhongsyuny was exiled to Henan's province, accusing in treason to the state. The boy was sent to another province - Yanchuan, so that he did not gain the Father of Kramol thoughts.

The years spent in the link without parents became the most severe in the fate of Czynspine. The boy lived the injignment, spent the night in the cave and was forced to constantly work to feed.

This torture lasted 7 years and harden the nature of the future policy, forming further communist ideas. Jinping, as it should not be better understood by the fate of the people, who in those years, like Si himself, struggled ends with the ends.

In 1975, Jinping entered the university called Qinhua, which is considered prestigious in China. The young man chose a chemical and technological department. However, it was impossible to work with a degree in SI.

Personal life

Charismatic and high (the height of Jinping - 180 cm with a weight of 78 kg) politician has always been interesting to women. The first wife of SI became the daughter of the Chinese ambassador in the UK KE Linlin. Unfortunately, this marriage lasted only 3 years: spouses divorced because of misunderstandings and disagreements in his personal life.

At the age of 34, the politician married again. This time, the beauty of Peng Liyuan became the happy chief of Jinping - popular in China singer, the repertoire of which is mostly made of military songs. It is noteworthy that the wife of the Chinese leader has a military rank of major general. It is known that due to the dense touring schedule of Peng Lijan, spouses often live apart.

In 1992, the spouse gave Jinspina a daughter, which was called Si Minzze. In 2010, the girl entered Harvard University, where he studied under the pseudonym, so as not to disclose its origin and not to attract unnecessary attention of the fellow students.

The free time of Czypin prefers to conduct books or travels. Politician is also interested in football and mountain tourism.

The residence of the PRC leader is located on the shore of Lake Zhunnanhai, in a quarter, which is called a "new forbidden city." At the same time, according to official information, the state of Comrade Si is rather modest. Its annual earnings is $ 22 256.


The path of Si Jinping in politics began in 1974, when he was taken in the ranks of the Communist Party. In the youth, the future leader of the country has greatly proven himself, and his career rapidly went to the mountain. Already in 1982, Jinspin was taken by the secretary of the Minister of Defense of the country, and after some time he was transferred to the county of Zhendin, appointing the Governing Service of the Local Committee of the Party.

There Si Jinping also showed excellent results. He managed to improve the tourist potential of Zhendin and attract tourists. The result was the improvement of the financial situation of Hebei Province.

The following years of politician constantly changed the scope of activity. Si Jinspin managed to work to work the Vice-Mayor of Xiazyn, Secretary of Fuzhou and the Secretary of the Committee Committee of Fujian. In 2000, Xi Jinping was elected the Governor of Fujian. His rule is taken to be considered a heyday of the province: Policy managed to attract investments of serious Chinese businessmen to this region.

After 2 years, the politician joined the composition of the members of the Central Committee of the Party, and also received the position of Governor of Zhejiang Province. Already in those years, he has established himself as an irreconcilable fighter with corruption, than and deserved the confidence and respect of the people.

2006 I remember China with a loud scandal: Chen Lanyu, the secretary of the Shanghai Committee of the Party, was convicted of the inappropriate use of the Pension Fund. Chen Laniu's post went to Jinping, who again justified confidence.

A year later, the 17th Congress of China's Communist Party was held, at which the future president was appointed a member of the Politburo Standing Committee. And a year later, in 2008, Jinspin was appointed as Deputy Chairman of the People's Republic of China.

It seemed that power did not spoil the man. Despite the fact that the policy was entrusted with many important issues (preparation of the 2008 Olympiad, the leadership of the Central Party School, visits to foreign countries, preparation of reports and speeches), Jinping still remained faithful to the principles of integrity.

Chinese leader

So brilliant successes could not remain unnoticed: in 2012, at the next congress of the Central Committee of the Party of Si Jinping, the general secretary of the Communist Party of the country was elected.

The new leader of China began the rust of the bright speech and formulated the principles of the so-called Chinese dream - the goals that planned to be implemented in the coming years. So, by 2021, in China, it is planned to achieve universal medium prosperity, and to the 2049th, the subway should be included in the list of advanced countries.

At first, such global plans caused skeptical smiles and in foreign politicians and even from Jinspine's associates, but the time has shown that the Chinese leader seriously intends to achieve their goals.

During the reign of Si Jinping, has already managed to hold many reforms. So, the politician became the initiator of the creation of personal reception deputies, as well as Internet sites of the leading structures. The banking structure has undergone and the banking structure of China: under Jinping, the creation of private banks was possible, a clear deposit insurance scheme appeared, free trade zones were formed.

The social sphere also did not go without the attention of China's leader. Much of attention Si Jinpin paid the programs for resettlement of rural residents in the city. In addition to housing, politician provided people with medical care and full pension provision.

Jinping also owns merit in resolving some families to have more than one child. It is worth recalling that earlier in China, married couples were allowed to make a single child, which, due to a number of traditions and beliefs, led to the fact that illiterate rural residents killed newborn girls.

Now, thanks to the efforts of the chairman of the PRC, families may have two children if one of the spouses is the only child in the family.

I did not forget the Secretary General and the creation of protected reserves. Now China rightfully occupies the first line in the list of countries with developed domestic tourism. Residents of the Middle Kingdom adore travel. In China, the trip for interesting places of own country is considered no less prestigious than traveling abroad.

Similar changes did not slow down a positively affect the economy of China and at the standard of living of citizens of the country. The politician itself does not make a secret from its own approaches to the country management. In 2014, Si Jinping released his own book, where the ideals painted in detail, to whom it is worth striving to every head of the state.

In the fall of 2017, the photos of Jinspina appeared on the first pages of news publications around the world. Policies once again re-elected to the post office. Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, as well as the leaders of other countries considered a debt to congratulate the Chinese leader with this event.

Si Jinping successfully continued to conduct economic reforms, thanks to which China's economy moved to high-quality development. So, in 2017, a 6.9% economic growth was recorded in the PRC, while the world was only 3.7%. Only in 6 years in the country, 70 million new jobs were created in the country, and the number of inhabitants with an average income reached 400 million people.

Thanks to the achievements in the economy, Si Jinping was named world media "a far-sighted reformer". In his statements, the leader of the People's Republic of China has repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that only socialism is for China, that future, which will lead the country to prosperity.

In 2018, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the PRC was published a package of amendments to the Constitution of the State. Thanks to them, the leader of China has the right to an indefinite board. Despite authoritarianism, which was repeatedly mentioned by Western press, politician remains a favorite leader for his nation.

In 2019, Jinping and the leader of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayeva took place. President of the Friendly State The leader of the PRC presented the highest state award for foreign citizens - the Order of Friendship. The shot of two chapters was published in the social network "Instagram".

Si Jinpin now

In December 2019, China and the entire world community shocked the news about the emergence of a new coronavirus in the country. The outbreak of the disease was recorded in Wuhan. The leadership of the PRC was forced to take tough measures to non-proliferate infection.

In March 2020, the leader of the state arrived at the epicenter of the dissemination of COVID-19 in order to inspect the work. Despite the danger that politician was subjected to, he did not get sick with coronavirus infection, even being in close proximity to the hearth.

Nevertheless, France, Italy, USA, Russia is about the presence of the sick began to communicate. Despite the fact that domestic flights in China were suspended, a message with other countries was not ceased. This fact in his speech during the UN General Assembly noted Donald Trump. He called for China to be liable for the dissemination of COVID-19 in the world.

In turn, Xi Jinping noted that it is not necessary to politicize this topic. He called for interaction in the fight against the disease and cooperation with WHO. The Chinese leader supported the Chairman of the State Council of the DPRK Kim Jong Yun. In oral sentiment, he noted China's successes in the fight against COVID-19 and the prevention of this infection.

In the summer, a visit to the leader of the PRC to Russia took place. The delegation led by Si Jinspin arrived in the capital of the Russian Federation to the parade in Moscow. Despite the close relationship between the allies, Comrade Si condemned the behavior of Vladimir Putin, who after the start of the pandemic, according to official data, moved to the bunker. He called the Russian president to a coward, but he was hoping that such behavior is a strategic plan.

In August, after the elections in Belarus, Si Jinping congratulated Alexander Lukashenko's leader's leader.

The situation with the spread of the virus shakes the status of Jinping. In the circles of the Chinese Community, the struggle for power intensified. Internal opposition there represents Premier Lee Chanjan, who publicly offered to restore the "economy of street stalls". Comrade Si remained unhappy with such an initiative: for several years he spent on the eradication of free trade in cities and now was not ready for her return.

In October 2020, the Chairman of the Communist Party of China called on the army to prepare for war. In his speech to Chinese infantrymen during the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the creation of the first special economic zone in Shenzhen, Si Jinping noted that it is necessary to intensify the transformation of the corps and strengthening the combat capability of soldiers. According to experts, such a speech of the leader of the PRC was due to the strengthening of the voltage between China and the United States.


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  • 2019 - Order of "Manas" I degree
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