Sandy man - character biography, main characters, quotes and facts


Character History

Sandy man, the author of which is the legend of the world of comics Stan Lee, has no relation to the Divine from Western Europe. This man does not shier the naughty kids at all. He robs banks, extorts money from businessmen and constantly pulls with a spider man. Sandy man quotes are full of camsomeness and sarcasm. It would seem the finished villain. No, he is one of the heroes of the Avengers team.

History of creation

Initially, the sand man (he is William Baker, he also Flint Marco) appeared in the Universe "Marvel" as another antagonist to all the well-known man-spider, but soon the character hesitated his own life. The first appearance of Flint Marco in the comic room took place in the room "The Amazing Spider-Man" No. 4, released in September 1963. The development of the appearance of the villain was entrusted with the artist Steve Ditko.

Sandy man in a cartoon

In the animated series "Spiderman" voice the character presented the actor Tom Harvey. Later, Flint Marco appeared in the cartoons "Spiderman and his amazing friends", "new adventures of man-spider" and "Brand new spider man."

In 2007, the film "Spiderman 3: the enemy in reflection was released, where the characters will open with the audience from the new side. The role of a sand man got Tomas Heiden Cherchu - the American actor, director and the script.

Thomas Hayden Church in the role of a sand man

Comic fans met the movie cold. According to fans, the sandy person was too melodramatic, adding a personal dislike of a person-spider to the villain.


William Baker was born on the outskirts of New York in the disadvantaged quarter. However, disadvantaged was not only a child's place of residence. The boy's father is a small fraudster - regularly fell into prison. The mother of the future villain worked as a cleaner, and spent his free time in the society of bottles with alcohol. The only entertainment of the boy was walking along Koni Island Beach. William, since childhood, loved the sand and days laid the bulky castles.

William Baker.

The school has become a real torment for the boy. Fragile and squeezed guy - a great goal for bullying. From the first day to William, Hooligan Vic came up. To escape from constant beatings, Baker independently studied self-defense techniques. Regular training did not pass in vain. In another slaughter, the guy beat Vika. So the friendship rose between the depth hooligan and a clogged junior school.

The pleasures quickly found ways to put pressure on weak William, and soon the guy became an active participant in the paposses that Vic worked with the team. Football was the only light spot in the life of Baker, but because of the permanent problems with the law and the unrestrained nature of the guy expelled from the team, and after and from the educational institution.

Flint Marco

Now William did not restrain anything. The guy took himself a nickname Flint Marco and settled in a local criminal group. Flint was caught during the next racketer disassembly. The guy was in prison and due to a violent nature was placed in a single camera.

Accidentally discovered hatch Flint perceived as a sign over. Running from strictly guarded prison, Marco came to the sandy beach, where experiments with a nuclear reactor were carried out. The young man fell under radiation. Now the body of the Flint can be modified, taking the shape of the sand. From an infected beach there is a completely different person who has hidden deep in himself the remnants of conscience and nobility. In addition to the relationship to life, the hero changes the name. Sandy man - so his enemies and allies will be called.


After the acquisition of superconductors, the villain adjoins the "terrifying four" - antagonists "Fantastic Four". Sandy man continues the path to the top of the criminal world, in parallel facing superheroes.

One of the first serious opponents of Racakers was a spiderman. Despite the different weight categories (by that time, the villain was a car from muscles weighing 200 kg), a clever superhero threw Flint to the turbine of the aircraft and dispelled sand throughout New York.

Sand man and spiderman

No less epic was the fight against Hulk. Not inferior in strength and dimensions Green man shouted Flint Marco to the oven. The fire made the body of the villain fragile, like glass. Only the help of a sorcerer (scientist and superzlodeya) retained the life of a sand person.

Such failures insulted the villain. Sandy man again faces a spider man and again comes out of the battle. Such an outcome of events makes a man think. The once unfortunate boy rose to the criminal path to be cool. But the villain pursue failures. Therefore, the sandy person makes a deed whom no one was waiting for.

Sandman and Hulk

Flint Marco closely converges with a creature from the "fantastic four" and is arranged for a trial period of the "Avengers" team. With robbery, the sandy person is arranged for a permanent workload. In his free time, a man saves people from unpleasant and dangerous situations.

Later, Flint leaves the "Avengers" (the hero did not have a relationship with colleagues) and joins the team of a silver sable. In the new grouping, the sand man is delayed for a long time, here it is surrounded by the same corrected characters.

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Alas, old friends get up on the right way. The magician is a talented scientist - applies a special weapon, the purpose of which is reduced to the destruction of human qualities. Such an impact had tragic consequences for Flint.

The personality of a sandy person broke into four components: a woman, a child, a conscientious person and a gangster. Make a man did not work together. A particle responsible for moral qualities (conscience) disappeared in an unknown direction. Now the sand man is not only robs, but also brings death to everyone who dreamed of at least Kosos to see him.


Back to the side of good Flint Marco helps love. A formidable man without principles meets a young single mother. A woman revives the best qualities in the hero and reminds of important moments of life.

Sandy man admires the child with his beloved woman and returns again in a measured existence. However, calm family life has not changed Flint completely. Thoughts about returning on the dark side do not leave an ambiguous hero.

Interesting Facts

  • In the alternative reality "Marvel", the sand man is a genetic monster created by Justin Hummer.
  • In the ranking "100 of the greatest villages", Flint Marco takes the 72nd place.
  • The shirt and pants of the hero are also transformed into the sand, so the sand man's clothing remains the whole after the fight.
  • A character named with a sandy person (he is a morphor) exists in the "DC Comics" universe. The creator of the character - Neil Geima. The hero travels the world in search of lost treasures. Help with a sand person is provided by Lucifer, Loki and other characters. Comics contain references to the ancient Roman, ancient Greek and Scandinavian mythology.
  • Another case, but already in the Universe "Marvel", the character growing fruit from dreams was.


"I'm not a bad man ... I just just lucky." "I didn't want all this. But I did not have a choice ... "My childhood was sedured, but, in principle, it could be worse." "I am a man. And I can stand up for myself. You'll see. They will see everything. "

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