Ugly duckling - character history, character and description, quotes


Character History

Even in an adult, the story of turning the ugly duckling into the majestic and proud bird, told by Hans Christian Andersen, causes tears. The adventures of the unfortunate chick, spelled by the whole world, the writer managed to describe sensually and piercingly. The chief hero was lucky. Unlike many characters of the Danish Fairy Tale, his fairy tale - with a happy ending.

History of creation

In the works of a fabulous character, the Danish author described the unsightly prose of life. "Ugly duckling" did not exception, moreover, the fairy tale is considered autobiographical. Hans Christian Andersen did not differ in external beauty, contemporaries assessed his idle as ridiculous and funny:

"His figure always had something strange in himself, something awkward, unstable, unwittingly causing a smile. His hands and legs were disproportionately long and thin, the brushes of the hands are wide and flat, and the feet of the legs of such huge sizes that he probably never happened to fear so that someone replaced his Kalosh. His nose was also disproportionally great and somehow especially issued forward. "

But not only appearance became the subject of ridicule. The future author of the "Little Mermaid", "Thumbelling" and "Snow Queen" had to experience a lot of humiliations in his life, as well as his bird character. Andersen studied at school for the poor, where he was called by a fool and propheted inglorious fate. And at the university, he was subjected to sophisticated bullying from the rector.

Hans Christian Andersen

Rodnit with a nasty utennox writer another moment. The chick, without having resigned with the attack, went on a lonely journey through the light, during which he was hungry and Merz, but did not change the dream of a beautiful future. The soul of a noncainting bird stretched to the majestic proud swans.

So Andersen - at the age of 14, was without relatives and acquaintances in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark to reach the goal and stuff to the glorious cohort of artists, poets and artists. However, the writer, and his fairy-tale hero managed to get what they had so long for the way.

The prototype of the old woman who lived in the company with cat and chicken, became a family that was happy to accept Andersen to visit. Only one drawback confused the young writer - in that house he was constantly taught to live, instructed the right way, dictated their rules of behavior. This feature is transferred to the book.

Rector Simon Maceling

The fairy tale was published in 1843. Rector Simon Meisling, who mursed once over the future fairy tale, took the post of royal censor, and again the enemies crossed. The teacher was still ruthless to the former student and called the work of an outrageous thing.

From his words, the "ugly duckling" was Paskville to their homeland, where the bird courtyard is Denmark, and his evil residents are all Danes. Maisling threatened to prevent the publishing of a fairy tale in the journal, but the promises were not destined to come true. The work fell in love with the Danish readers, and then the bookas of the whole world. It was reached and to Russia - Anna Ganzen translated a fairy tale to Russian.

Image and plot

Summer sunny day under an empty burdock in the courtyard of the old manor Mama-duck ascended. Only one, the biggest young eggs could not be born. And finally, the egg was swollen, and an unusual gray chick was born. I didn't like my mother. Later it turned out that the "freak" is also not able to swim. The society of animals inhabited in the courtyard, strictly condemned the duckling for dissolving her family, and the native brothers and sisters during the game something and caused to nourish, humiliate, ridiculously.

Birth of nasty duckling

Young burdock decided to run from his native yard. Somehow passed through the fence and went in an unknown direction. On the way, he met wild ducks, whom also hesitated the unsightly species of duckling. The hero did not touch the hunting dog - so he was ugly. One day, the duckling saw beautiful swans, the greatestly floating on the lake, and even answered their cry, but it didn't even decide to swim closer, fearing that these birds were rejected.

The coming winter traveler had to stall in hunger and the cold in the lake bushes, and with the arrival of spring, he again saw swans and, hurt fear, swam to them. To surprise, the birds did not peck the guest, on the contrary, they stroked his beaks and necks. In the mirror of the water, the nasty duckling suddenly saw his reflection - he watched the same handsome swan on him.

Ugly duckling became a wonderful swan

The unusual of the work lies in the fact that the author endowed it with elements of psychology. The fate of the character is shown through his mental state: the mosses of the monologists are invested in the mouth of the moss, in which he tries to find the cause of such dislike for himself. The chick is sad, then tired, then overflowing with joy, finding his transformation. Sensual tale makes worrying with the hero.

Through the characteristics of the heroes in the fairy tale, Andersen refuses the main defect of society - the inability to take another with all its shortcomings. The morality contains the path traveled by Duckling: only having experienced suffering from the humiliation and not confused with peace of mind and love, you can truly rejoice in happiness. The writer endowed a fairy tale wise thought:

"Do not trouble be on the light in a dinner nest if you got out of the swan eggs!"


In the cinema, the Danish fairy tale entered the mild of Walt Disney. In 1931, a black and white cartoon with the same name was removed at the studio of the famous American. The next Disney picture based on the work of the unfortunate duckling came out eight years later, but already in color.

Ugly duckling in the Cartoon Walt Disney

Soviet cinematographers also did not bypass the "ugly duckling". Director Vladimir Degtyarev in 1956 gave the viewer an incredibly beautiful, a bright film, which was entering the Gold Collection of Russian Cartoon. Pernation from the vote of Yulia Yulia's actress. The characters were also voiced by Georgy Millyar and Georgy Vicin, and Nikolay Litvinov spoke as a narrator. Brilliant composition and brilliant work - it is not surprising that the cartoon was noted by a diploma of the British Film Festival after the premiere.

Ugly duckling in the Soviet cartoon

Another cartoon is a gift to adult audience from Harry Bardin. The author's interpretation of "Zadkogo Duckling" Madre Cinema presented in 2010, borrowing only the episode of turning the duckling into the swan and calling the work of the "Proverbs about xenophobia". At the end of the tape, the main character will take revenge on his offenders. Svetlana Stephenko, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Julia Rutberg and other actors worked on the voice acting. The voices of the courtyard sound performed by the "Turkish". The film is decorated with Music Peter Tchaikovsky.

Ugly duckling in the cartoon Harry Bardina

Cartoon Harry Bardinea fell into opal on television - "Channel One" and "Russia" refused to show. But the main failure was waiting for the author in cinemas: the film was walking in half empty halls. Meanwhile, the "Labor" newspaper called the cartoon "Event of the Year."

Ugly duckling - character history, character and description, quotes 1641_8

An interesting interpretation of the work of Andersen is considered the film "Amazing story, similar to a fairy tale", created by Boris Valley in 1966. Events unfold during the years of filming pictures: the boy found a swan egg and threw it into a chicken coop. For a sample, the authors took a Danish fairy tale, but it was clearly blocked. Oleg Jacova, Valentina McLashin, Tatiana Antipina was invited to the main roles.

Interesting Facts

The musical fairy tale "Zadky Duckling" for voice and piano at the beginning of the 20th century created the composer Sergey Prokofiev. The music of the genius virtuoso later was the opened operator for soprano.

Monument to Gansu Christian Andersen and Nadcoma Duckoo

Ugly duckling has long been a none name. In this sense, it loves to use directors. So, in 2015, the Japanese screens came the same name, consisting of several cycles. And in Russia, fans of the TV shows enjoyed the four-stero film Foad Shabanova "Ugly Duckling" with Evgenia Lozoa, Catherine Vulichenko and Maria Gorban in high roles.


"The poor duckling just did not know what to do, where to go. And it was necessary for him to be crumbling so ugly that the whole bird laughs over him. "" I wish you good, therefore I will scold you - so always recognize true friends! "" Now he was glad that he suffered so much grief and troubles, - He could better appreciate his happiness and surrounding his magnificence. "" - You do not understand me, "said Duckling.

- If we do not understand, so who will understand you? You, what do you want to be smarter than the cat and the hostess, not to mention me? "" And the old swans bowed a head in front of him. "" He was too happy, but did not really have been ingenected - a good heart knows pride. "

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