Robin Tanni - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Robin Tannini is a bright and charismatic American actress, which perfectly showed himself in films of completely different genres. Viewers Robin loved for a sincere game, which makes seriously believe the heroines and start emphasizing them, following each scene appearing on the screen.

Childhood and youth

The full name of the actress is Robin Jessica Tanni. The future star was born on July 19, 1972 in American Chicago. Robin's father moved to the States together with his parents being a teenager. Mother was born in America, but came from the family of emigrants from Ireland.

Robin Tanni in 2017

The Tanni family did not differ in particular sufficient. Robin's father sold cars, Mom worked at the bar counter. From early childhood, the biography of Robin Tanni was connected with the scene: the girl was fond of music, sang and often performed at school concerts. A little later, Robin's imagination captured acting skills, and the future actress left her music.

In 1990, Robin Tanni graduated from school and followed the dream, enrolling in the Academy of Arts of Native Chicago.


After graduating from the academy and having received an initial idea of ​​acting, Robin Tanni moved to Los Angeles, rightly believing that there were much more opportunities for beginner hypocrites. Soon the girl received an invitation to the first shooting. As often happens, Robin began with television series.

Actress Robin Tanni

Robin Tannini can be seen in the frames of the cult series "Law and Order", as well as in the pictures "Life continues" and "like in a movie". Despite the fact that the girl got episodic heroines that appeared only in one or two episodes, it became an excellent experience for Robin.

The talent of the young actress was noticed: Soon the girl was invited to shoot a fantastic comedy "Frogs". Robin played the role of a second plan. After some time, the actress appeared in the picture "Frozen Californias" - touching comedy about the caveman, who for thousands of years turned out to be frozen in a huge lump of ice.

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Everything has changed when the pool began to build the pool on the site of ancient pit. Neandertalez returned to life. Whether this person will be able to get used in the new time - the question that changes the attention of the audience to the last frame.

Also in the 1990s, the actress played in the series "Class 96". Unfortunately, this project did not discharge the audience love and did not become popular. But the youth picture "The Store" Empire "attracted to Robin Tanni ATTENTION AND MASTITED RECORDERS, AND MOVEANS OF COVIES. For filming in this film, Robin has grown up naked, not frightened to appear in such a shocking image.

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1996 is marked in the career of Robin Tannini role in the series "Witchcraft", telling about the adventures of four witches. Actress had to constantly wear a wig. The image created for the previous filmmakes did not fit for this series.

After some time, Robin played in the films "Montana", "End of Light", "Bullets are praised justice." Career Stars rapidly went uphill: Robin Tanni began to find out, the girl had a lot of fans of all ages. It was not forced to wait and awards: for a key role in the film "Niagara, Niagara", the girl was awarded the prize of the Venetian Film Festival. This touching melodrama tells about the fate of a young man and a girl patients with turret syndrome.

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By the beginning of 2000, Robin Tanni could be called one of the most popular Hollywood actresses. The girl appeared in films along with such actors as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Stanley Tucci, Christian Slater.

The next bright works of Robin Tanni became a comedy "Wedding Party", the criminal picture "Cherish", a very brave erotic history "Exploring Sex". Appeared in Robin and Thrillers filmography - Parapazzi and Zodiac. In the "Zodiac" David Fincher Actress was lucky enough to play with the Chloye Seviny, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Jillenhol. It is noteworthy that the plot of the paintings is based on the real history of the serial killer-maniac.

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2006 gave fans of the actress Dramatic film "Open window". This picture is about the tragedy that happened with the beloved - photographer Peter and the teacher Isabel. The couple is going to get married, however, the day before the wedding Isabelus rapes a criminal, having fun in the bedroom of the girl through an open window.

This window becomes a symbol of broken hopes. It seems nothing can return to Peter and Isabelle the joy of life. However, lovers courageously overcome the misfortune fell on them. This role brought Robin Tanni the main award at the Film Festival in Boston.

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Not less memorable became the role of Robin Tanni in the Psychological Drama "Escape". Here, the actress played the girl of the main hero of Michael Adler (Actor Aaron Stanford), which helps his beloved to get out of a difficult situation, which every minute becomes more dangerous and more dangerous.

After some time, Robin Tanni appeared in the pilot series of the cult series "Dr. House". The girl played an educator who suddenly exposed to an unknown illness. Robin partners on the set became Hugh Laurie, Omar Epps, Robert Sean Leonard, Jennifer Morrison.

Another popular series, in the filming of which Robin Tanni was participating - "Mentalist". Here, unlike the Doctor House, one of the key heroines got a girl. In the center of the narration - Patrick Jane (actor Simon Baker), a wonderful psychologist who helps the police in the investigation of the murder. Robin Tanni played Teresu Lisbon, colleague and beloved Patricks.

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Following the "mentistist" appeared pictures "August", "flaming plain", "The Death of Superman". Each invariably brought Robin Tanni new fans, as well as flattering reviews of strict film critics.

In 2012, the actress fans pleased the release of the film "Find your happiness" - a fun and cute comedy about a 35-year-old woman, who suddenly understands that her family life is far from ideal. Emmy (who played Robin Tanni) decides to return to the town where he conducted childhood, and again meet with a guy who loved in his youth.

A few years later, in 2016, Robin will reappear in a multi-sized project. The series "Love" - ​​romantic and comedy - loved the audience around the world.

Personal life

The personal life of Robin Tannini for a long time did not make up, despite the bright appearance and a good figure (Robin Tanni growth - 1.62 m, and weight - 54 kg). Permanent employment on the set did not allow the girl to build strong relationships. For the first time Robin married in 1997. The elect of the actresses became Bob GosS, a famous film crewer. This marriage lasted only five years.

Bob GosS and Robin Tanni

In 2007, Robin once again married, this time for the Australian director named Andrew Dominic. But these relationships soon broke up.

For a long time, Robin suffered because of loneliness. It seemed a happy family, her husband and children would remain only with dreams. However, in 2012, fate smiled at actress: Robin Tanni married Nikki Marmet, a successful designer. After 4 years, Robin gave her husband to her firstborn, the son of Oscar Holly Marmet.

Robin Tanni with her husband and son

Now the actress finally gained female happiness. And although Robin tries not to advertise the details of his personal life, fans often lay out photos of Robin Tanni on specially created fan pages in "Instagram" and other social networks.

Robin Tanni now

In 2017, Robin Tanni devices most of the time to upbringing the Son, but the fans of the actress hoped soon to see their favorite on the screens.


  • 1991 - "Frogs"
  • 1993 - "Reckless youth"
  • 1996 - "Witchcraft"
  • 1997 - "Julian By"
  • 1998 - Montana
  • 2000 - "Vertical Limit"
  • 2002 - "Tenderness"
  • 2004 - "Dr. House"
  • 2005 - Zodiac
  • 2006 - "Death of Superman"
  • 2008 - 2015 - "Mentalist"
  • 2012 - "Find your happiness"
  • 2015 - "All my Americans"
  • 2016 - "Love"

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