Natalia Popova - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, actress, age 2021



Natalia Ivanovna Popova - Soviet and Russian actress, who played in the film-fairy tale "12 months."

Childhood and youth

Soviet and Russian actress Natalia Ivanovna Popova was born in Leningrad on May 26, 1949. After graduation, he entered Ligitmik. This is an important event for a family occurred in 1971. Future artist was taken to the Court of Zogynovia.

Natalia Popova in youth

Another student Natalia Ivanovna participated in the productions of Leningrad Tyuza. In the theater's troupe, she was listed until 1975. After that, he went to work at the Leningrad Theater named after Leninsky Komsomol, which is now known as the Baltic House.


In the official biography of Natalia Popova there are more than 10 filmmakers, but it could be seen more often on the theater dumplings. Career in a movie for Natalia Ivanovna began with filming in the picture "12 months." This is a magic tale, based on the plot of which is a famous story about a girl and an angry stepmother.

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Popova played the girl that his father's wife was kicked out of the house. Aggravated the situation frosty winter. Heroine Natalia Ivanovna had to gather a basket of snowdrops. But there was a problem - the flowers do not grow at this time of year. On the screens of Soviet TVs, the first work of Popova in the movie came out in 1973.

Career began rapidly. Following the film "12 months" followed another picture - "Doctor called?". The ribbon was presented to the viewer a year after entering the screens of the Debut fairy tales. The girl got the main role. Popova reincarnated in a young doctor Katya Luzin.

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In 1976, Natalia Ivanovna was invited to shoot a TV project called "My Elder Brother". An amazing story tells about the accident that happened to Bakhtiyar. After the car accident, a man stayed alone - his wife threw, friends betrayed. But the school friend of the younger brother appeared in the life of Bakhtiyar - a girl named Vera. She had to return faith in life, love and people.

And then the calm came. In the movie Popov was not invited, but there was a permanent job in the theater. In 1983, the artist starred in the film "Black and White Magic". After the ribbon is released into a wide rental, it was assigned the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

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After 3 years, a proposal was made to play in the film "For the sake of several lines" about journalists who exploded on Mine in 1944. The incident occurred in the Carpathians. Despite the explosion, the newspaper staff at all tried to get the material. For the sake of this, the guys had to be touched from the bullets.

In 1987, with Nikolai Dobrynin and Larisa Borodina Popova played in the picture "Farewell, Swam Zadoskvoretskaya ...". The director of the tape spoke Alexander Pankratov. The film tells the history of the guy who turned 16 years old. The action takes place in the spring of 1956.

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At the same time, a new work of the Pedoye "Daughter" was released on the screens. The film demonstrates how it is not easy with adolescents. When Father, allowing financial disorders, leaves the leading post, the daughter does not come to delight. Exacerbate the situation and further decisions of a man. The head of the family plans to go to the plant with ordinary workers.

1987 turned out to be "crop" for Natalia Ivanovna. The actress was starred at Igor Apasyan in the picture "On his Earth". Ribbon tells about post-war time. A man returns from the front, but instead of his native village sees only the burned land. The soldier will have to help the remaining residents to restore the settlement, overcome hunger.

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With Boris Shcherbakov Natalia Popova played in the film "Fathers". The picture tells about a man who meets the young girl named Tanya. Vladimir Novikov understands that the student will not be able to take a student, since already married. But love is stronger. On the way, the lovers got a father Tanya. A man is distinguished by a high level of morality and responsibility.

In 2000, the actress returned to theatrical layouts in the native "Baltic House". And in 54, she became a university student, becoming a certified informatious translator. In addition to the career of the artist, during the creative path of Natalya Ivanovna engaged in teaching work.

Natalia Popova now

In 1999, for the first time, the celebrity tried herself in this role. Popova was an associate professor of the Department of Directuring and the skill of actor at the University of Culture and Arts, located in St. Petersburg. Natalia Ivanovna was fond of writing plays and translations.

In the piggy bank, a multitude of awards, including she performed the winner of the High Theater Prize of St. Petersburg "Golden Sofit". In 2008, the actress nominated in the category "For the best female role of the second plan." I mean the play "Cripple from Island Island".

Personal life

The fairy tale "12 months" for Natalia Popova turned out to be a fateful. On the set of paintings, a young girl met the future husband - actor Andrei Bosov. The man played the role of the month of April. The artist admitted that another young man liked on the photographs.

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In the personal life of Popova there was no place of jealousy or anger. A child was born in the family - Son, then the spouses brought up grandchildren. For a long time, the family lived in the United States of America. Later Andrei Bosov and Natalia Popov moved to Russia, but the son with children remained on another continent.


In 2021, Popova, according to media information, infected with coronavirus infection. On June 26, the artist died in St. Petersburg. The cause of death was called the consequences of suffering infection.


  • 1973 - "12 months"
  • 1974 - "Doctor called?"
  • 1976 - "My older brother"
  • 1983 - "Magic Black and White"
  • 1985 - "For the sake of several lines"
  • 1986 - "Ride to Son"
  • 1987 - "Daughter"
  • 1987 - "On his land"
  • 1987 - "Farewell, Shpana Zamoskvoretskaya ..."
  • 1988 - "Our armored train"
  • 1988 - "Burn"
  • 1988 - "Fathers"
  • 1992 - "Thunderstorm over Rus"
  • 2005 - "Tambov Wolf"

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