Julianna Kobseva - biography, photo, personal life, news, "Dances" 2021



Julianna Kobseva is a talented dancer who, despite enough young age, has already managed to reach the vertices. The girl is not only perfectly dancing, but also teaches choreography, independently puts dance numbers and even plays a movie. It is safe to argue that the dance gift and purposefulness will help the girl to achieve even great success in his career and work.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the future stars of dance began in the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. Julianna Kobseva was born on September 20, 1993. The girl has an old sister Anna. The younger daughter, parents wanted to call a similar name, considered even anna-Maria version. However, they stopped at the original name Julianna. Father Julianna is a talented scientist, mother is engaged in public activities. Both previously played in KVN and even became champions of the highest league.

Julianna Kobseva

Yulianne's school lessons were easy, the best girl loved mathematics. Julianna also graduated from music school by choosing a piano class. After graduating from school, the girl chose an economic profession. However, in a year, I understood that I made a mistake, and threw the university.

Soon Julianna Kobseva again went to learn, this time at the Institute of Culture. Selection of Julianna fell on choreography. In addition to classes at the institute, the girl constantly participated in dance competitions, did not refuse speeches and sought to improve tactics and dance style.


After graduating from the institute, Julianna moved to Moscow. According to his own confession, the girl has long dreamed of the metropolitan life. Quite quickly, Julianna Kobseva found and housing, and work, and plunged into the world of dance.

After some time, Julianna has already founded his own dance group called JK Crew. In addition, the girl became the head of the popular choreographic studio The Stage. The favorite destinations of Julianna's dance calls Hihichils and Contemporary. Teaching others, the girl is constantly learning and herself: Juliana passed an internship in American and Italian dance schools. Julianne Kobtseva was also lucky to work on the show Ani Lorak and Philip Kirkorov.

In 2016, Julianna performed at the "New Wave" in Sochi, and a year later, in 2017, at the "Heat" festival in Baku. Gifted girl tried his own strength and as an actress, starring in the pictures "Coma" and "Mother". In addition, Julianne Kobtseva comes with proposals to be held in advertising, from which the girl does not refuse.

Yulianna Kobsev dancer

2017 was for Julianna Kobtseva saturated: the spring girl participated in the dance show "Dance everything", which was held on the TV channel "Russia - 1". And after a few months later, Julianna decided to try his own strength on the casting of the Dance project on TNT. The girl with dignity was a strict selection and impressed the judges of the show - Tatyana Denisov and Miguel.

It is noteworthy that in three years earlier, in 2014, Julianna has already passed the casting of this project, but left the show after the choreography stage.

Julianna Kobseva in the show

Yulianna's mentor became Tatyana Denisov, who paid attention to the girl's number still during casting. This performance turned out to be impressive: Julianna Kobseva chose his favorite High Heels style and performed a passionate dance in high heels.

Such a bold choice seemed risky. The leading project, Layisan Utyasheva, warned the girl that judges do not like vulgarity in dancing, but Julianne Kobtseva managed to combine sexual image and modesty. The calculation was true - the speech liked the jury.

Julianna herself later told reporters that he was happy to be in the group Tatiana Denisova. According to the girl, Tatiana is an outstanding choreographer and can a lot of learning even an experienced dancer.

The first competitive performances were struck by the audience and presented Julianne Kobetsey new fans. Rooms turned out incredibly emotional: the girl danced with Aikhan Shinzhin, and then with a black project by Wade Lyon. The last speech performed under the song by the Mighty Sam Mc Clain, by the passion of passions, was not inferior to a professional theatrical production.

Personal life

The personal life of Julianna Kobseva prefers not to spread. However, it is known that the girl has a lover who supports it and comes to every speech. In addition, Julianna constantly thanks parents for support, without which, according to his own recognition, it is unlikely to achieve such vertices.

Julianna Kobseva

In his free time, the girl loves to travel and often pleases the fans of photos from distant countries that lay out on their own pages in "Instagram" and other social networks.

Julianna Kobseva now

Now Julianna Kobseva dreams of becoming the winner of the Dance project and open its own company, which would not only organize dance performances and setting, but also would be a selection of decorations and creating dance clothes.

Julianna Kobseva in 2017

Also, the girl continues to teach the Grand Ballet in the dance school, teaching dancers the basics and nuances of various styles.

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