TV series "Instead of her" (2021) - Release date, Russia-1, actors and roles, facts, trailer


The release date of the series "Instead of Her" on the TV channel "Russia-1" - June 26, 2021. The premiere of the picture took place in the spring of 2015. The main heroines of the melodrama, who were the most close friends, would fight for parental care, sharing one guy for two and find out where the line goes between hate and love.

In the material 24cm - interesting facts about the actors of the project, its filming and plot.

Plot and shooting

In the center of the plot, the paintings are the history of friendship of Nastya and Ira, who are familiar from early childhood. In Anastasia, there was a tragedy: the girl remained orply, her parents died. The parents of Irina regretted the daughter's friend and lay guardianship over it. Now the heroines have to share for two not only toys and dresses, but also love moms and dads, and later guys who show interest in sisters.

In addition, Nasta will come and the only workplace she received, barely graduating from the institute. And Irina at this time understands how the proverb's rights "from love to hatred is one step." Instead of a close girlfriend and sisters near Ira now its most important enemy. The girl, unable to cope with surgery feelings and emotions, carries out the place of revenge and is ready on a lot to restore justice, return the love of parents and attract the attention of a loved one.

The production of 8-serial melodramas was engaged in the "Palamneda Sodelshn", as well as the Fabul Production Center. The director's chair went to Alexei Karelin, and Valery Podorozhnova and Elena Tstenach worked on the scenario. Composer Vladimir Saico became the author of musical accompaniment, and the design of the project was engaged in owned by Sechchenkov. Alexander Kusheev and Yegor Yuzbashev's film were produced by the film.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the series "Instead of her" played:

  • Evgenia Osipova - Nastya Krasavina;
  • Dmitry Bee - Anatoly Korolev;
  • Oleg Almazov - Igor Alexandrovich Knyazev, businessman;
  • Veronika Plyashkevich - Ira Kuznetsova;
  • Andrei Senkin - Artem Kuznetsov, Brother Ira;
  • Svyatoslav Astramovich - Vadim, Head of the Security Service and the Summary Brother of Knyazeva;
  • Ivan Pavlov - Ivan Andreevich Makarov, Brother Oksana;
  • Valery Katcheev - Pavel Andreevich, Father Ira and Artem;
  • Zoya Belohalostik - Oksana, Mother Ira and Artem.

Also in the picture were filmed: Maxim Broginets (Max Topolev, Criminal), Svetlana Kozhemeyakina (Ekaterina Sergeevna Knyazeva), Andrei Dushekin (Oleg Ivanovich), Tamara Mironova (Claudia Matveyevna), Vyacheslav Peavlyut (Valentin Alekseevich Sudoyar), Dmitry Pustor (Valentin Pavlovich Shepelev, Partner Knyazeva) and Other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Alexei Karelin is also known as an actor and screenwriter. The audience remembered it thanks to other filmmakers: "Koshkin House", anonymous detective, "dance for two", "watercolors", "revenge as a medicine". Karelin appeared in the episodic role in the series "Instead of her", starred in such films and shows, as "Albanian's pseudonym", "Tail", "Alla in search of Alla", wrote scenarios to other ribbons. In 2021, Alexey Karelin is working on a new film project "Criminal Doctor".

2. Shooting the series passed in 2014.

3. Spectators at the film films left feedback and shared their impressions after the premiere of the series "Instead of her". The ribbon left the dual feelings of the commentators. Part of the users noted an interesting story, the efforts of actors and the dynamics of the development of events in the frame. However, most critically reacted to the executive officer of the leading role, Evgenia Osipova, and expressed the opinion that this role is not suitable for her. In addition, by the cons of the picture, the audience also took an excessive crime, which is not a place in films of this genre.

The series "Instead of Her" - Trailer:

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