Boris Notkin - photos, biography, personal life, cause of death, TV presenter



Boris Notkin - Soviet and Russian journalist, TV presenter. He worked as a translator from the US President Reynold Reagan. In different years, the copyright programs, which showed themselves as an excellent interviewer and, taking advantage of the chance, met politicians, public figures, actors, artists and singers.

Childhood and youth

In 1942, on August 13, the future journalist Boris Notkin was born in Moscow. In the biography of the TV presenter there is no information about childhood. The only mention is a great tennis classes. This sport Boris Isaevich was engaged in the death.

About the family of TV host information is scarce, it is possible to judge her only by a few interviews. A man told that the mother alone raised him and his brother, as parents diverged. She selflessly gave all her sons in the desire to provide them with the best future. About the father of the journalist is not known, as well as his nationality. Therefore, it is difficult to say that the blood of what nations flowed on Vienna Notkin.

After graduating from school, Boris decided to receive education at the Institute of Foreign Languages, which is now known as the Moscow State Linguistic University. Boris Isaevich received a diploma diploma in 1966, after which he worked as a teacher in Moscow State University.

At 30, Notkin defended his thesis on American historiography. Made this journalist in graduate school of the faculty of the history of Moscow State University. The presenter did not want to move from the university to another place of work, so it remained to teach psycholinguistics.

Boris Isaevich spoke freely in English, helped director Sergey Fedorovich Bondarchuk on the set of the film "Waterloo". Notkin translated the words of the Composer Nino company.

Personal life

Boris Notkin walked by a fond of man, since childhood he was engaged in large tennis and played for Dynamo in Moscow. In 1993, in a pair with Nikolai Karachentsov, the winner of the "Big Hat" tournament became the winner. Notkin was listed by a member of the Public Council of the Russian Jewish Congress.

About the personal life, a man preferred information not to disclose. The journalist's family consisted of him and wife Irina Notkin. The official wedding ceremony of spouses took place in the year when Boris turned 48 years old.

There were no children. Irina and Boris did not speak on this topic with journalists. But still, another member of the family has always been present in the house - Rizenshnauzer Nick Egor. Sometimes Notkin appeared at events and presentations. Photos from the holidays were published in the columns of the secular chronicle.

Television and journalism

In 1989, Notkin was located in the United States. Here the man read lectures in one of the universities of the country. Colleagues called Boris Isaevich the best synchronist translator. Therefore, it is not surprising that Notkin's youth helped with the transfer to the US President Ronald Reagan, when the politician came to Moscow.

A journalist's career for Boris Notkin began with publication in the "literary newspaper." This important event took place in 1989. The article was about a low level, which brings the effectiveness of medical advocacy in the USSR. Boris Isaevich's reflections liked the creators of the program "Good evening, Moscow". Notkin received a guest invitation. Week passed, and again Boris received a proposal, but already about a new job - he took the TV host in this program.

At the Moscow television channel, Boris Isaevich worked for 5 years. In parallel, she worked in the program "Face to the City". Here, the journalist attended until 1997. During this period, the lead creates its own television broadcasting in the genre of an interview called "invites Boris Notkin". The transmission of the program went to the MTC. Visiting men visited famous athletes, politicians, actors and singers.

In 1997, created TV Center TV channel. Here was Boris Notkin. The owners of the organization allowed a journalist to create their own transfer, which Boris Isaevich called the Gallery Boris Notkin.

After 2 years, they conducted rebranding and changed the name of the program to the "face". But a year passed, and the creator returned to the screens "invites Boris Notkin".

In 2013, the author's program Notkin visited the actress Tatyana Arntgolts. The artist told how close it was to the image of Catherine Furtsev in the cinema and how herself evaluates the activities of this woman as the Minister of Culture of the USSR. Tatyana also told Boris Isaevich about the stage of life, when he decided to move from Kaliningrad to Moscow, and shared with the audience a story of marriage. The woman answered questions why he carries her daughter with him to shoot, as the film "Lapokushki" was shot, and told other secrets from the life that you are interested in her fans.

Not less than the views scored the next issue with Dmitry Khvorostovsky. The Soviet and Russian opera singer opened the soul before the audience, telling why he was so road songs about the Great Patriotic War. He also told how cool his life changed his life, why in London was not in Russian Tusovka and why he refused to sing in the halls of Los Angeles.

Other guests of Notkin - Actress Theater and Cinema Maria Kulikova, Soviet and Russian director Julius Gusman, painter artist and schedule Alexander Shilov and many others.

Spectators enjoyed the reflections of the TV presenter until March 2015, after which the project was closed. A year before, Boris Isaevich expressed the view that television was not changed for the better.

Double Notkin put forward to Teffi's television award. In 2007, in the solemn atmosphere, Boris Isaevich awarded the medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland". This award was transferred to him for their contribution to the development of television broadcasting. After 4 years, the journalist received the Order of Friendship.

Over the past two years of life, Boris Isaevich Notkin disappeared from the TV screens, but remained on the pages of the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper. Regular journalist published articles under the heading "Free Topic". Until recent days, he remained at the post advisor to the Channel Director General of the TV Center of Julia Bystritskoy.


On November 11, 2017, information appeared in the media that they found dead TV presenter Boris Notkin. Journalists of the NTV television channel happened first of what happened. Doctors and police arrived at the scene. According to preliminary information, the cause of the death of the journalist was headed.

The lifeless body of Notketn found a spouse in their country house. Next to him lay a note in which the lead declared the reluctance to live with a severe oncological disease. Boris Isaevich also said that only death would get rid of the disease, torment and terrible pains that did not give peace to the journalist for a long time.

The diagnosis called "cancer" Notkin heard already when to do something was impossible. Doctors stated that Boris Isaevich oncology of the 4th stage. Maintain the patient's condition, physicians could, but the final recovery did not expect.

The statement that the journalist Boris Notkin died, shelted the Internet shortly after reporting the death of Satirik Mikhail Zadornov. The funeral of the TV host was held on November 16, 2017. The "Academy of Russian Television" Foundation shortly before that stated that Notkin's grave will be located on the Trocery cemetery.


  • 1989-1994 - "Good evening, Moscow"
  • 1990-1997 - "Face to the city"
  • 1994-1997 - "Invites Boris Notkin"
  • 1997-1999 - "Gallery Boris Notkin"
  • 1999-2000 - "Rights"
  • 2000-2015 - "Invites Boris Notkin"

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