Lada Kasinets - biography, photo, personal life, news, "Dancing" 2021



Music drama director Ann Fletcher "Step forward", where the main roles performed Channing Tatum and Jenna Duan, conquered the hearts of fans of cinema. Spectators saw not only a love story, but also professional dance numbers that fascinate the spirit.

Dancer Lada Kasinnets

But it is worth saying that the participants of the Russian show "Dances", which comes out on the TV channel "TNT", are not inferior to professional artists from Hollywood: young people stated on the whole country that their life is a constant movement and labor-intensive work on themselves. Among such contestants is to highlight the charming Lada Casinet, who infects TV viewers with their professionalism, purposefulness and positive mood.

Childhood and youth

Unfortunately, the information on the early years of Vladislav Casinet is quite small. For example, it is not known who her parents worked. The girl began to pursue the expanses of show business not so long ago, therefore, perhaps the participant of the show "Dance" will still have time to open the curtains of the secrets of their biography. It is reliably known that Lada was born on February 5, 1993 in Kiev - the city of great opportunities. The girl grew and brought up with the younger brother Oleg, who pleases his subscribers with dance videos on the YouTube channel.

Lada Kasinets

Mom Vladislav told about the daughter that she did not miss the opportunity to dance to any music: whether the single heard on the radio, or a video clip that is broadcast on a music channel. It is noteworthy that the girl's brother also joined her elegant art: the guys were dancing together and put the improvised rooms that showed home to parents, and the mother of the "red duet" came up with the children's costumes.

Lada shared in an interview that she really likes to dance with Oleg: if he has a hard and clear movement, it is soft and smooth. Thus, speaking in tandem, brother and sister complement each other.

Lada Casinets and her brother Oleg

A distinctive feature of the nature of the Lada - purposefulness - manifested itself from early childhood: the girl began to go to the dance team, where heavier training and a strict teacher were waiting for her. In addition, Casinet managed to get a leg injury, which did not prevent her to reach the stage with bandages and frosts. Thus, the future participant of the show "Dance" received a diploma "for the power of will and courage."

What scores received Lada Casinets at school - it is unknown, but, having received a diploma of secondary education, the girl chose a nonworking path and entered the University of Kiev at the Faculty of Economics.


Before getting into the show on the TNT channel and speak in front of Sergey Svetlakov, Migesel and Tatiana Denisova, Lada Kasinets began to study at Alexander Bobika and on his advice went to classes, styling the basics of choreography. What the professionals showed seemed difficult, but thanks to persistence, the girl quickly achieved success on a dance field, and Lada began to notice truly as a separate person, and not a participant in the mass award in the team.

Lada Kasinets in the show

Career Kasinets went to the mountains, and the beauty even managed to speak in a large-scale project "Maidans" together with Denis chaulnikov. Later, Vladislav became a teacher in the Professional School Dance Center Myway, and the girl often drives to advance the qualifications in America:

"If we learn" Hawk "to walk in the hall, then there are people in the blood, and watch this amazingly," the red-haired dancer admitted in an interview.

Lada was lucky enough to get to Tony Zara Zara Zara who sees talented dancers from afar and invents individual movements to each participant.

Traveling through the United States, exhaustive rehearsals up to four in the morning and physical exertion - all this did not exile in Lada, but on the contrary, attached strength, cheerfulness and faith in themselves.

Lada Casinets and Julia Kospa

Among other things, the Kasinets works as part of Apache Crew, which gathered a member of the Ukrainian show "Dance everything!" Anatoly Sacultyo. Also Casinets was in the Gang conceptual team.

Therefore, the exit to the scene of the Dance project was not an accident, but by regularity. The girl appeared in the fourth season of the show and received praise from all members of the jury, who watched the performance of the Lada on Casting in Ufa.

"Already after you came here, it was clear that you came to conquer, because no girl won, and you had a chance," the leading Laysan Urty said.

Next, the girl came to the team of Miguel, where he began to fight for a place under the sun with Yulia of Mustick, Alena Fox, Ilya Prenin, and other contestants.

It is worth noting that Lada Casinets in 2016 starred in a clip of the singer Monatary "circling", as well as in Jamal videos, Tina Karol, Marcus Riva and other artists.

Personal life

In life, Kasinets is a positive girl who gives a smile to both friends and relatives and unfamiliar people. In addition to participating in the show and teaching in the choreographic school, Vladislav often acts as a member of the jury. Despite the softness of character, Lada judges his colleagues on the workshop of the nestry, but objectively and rightly, because it believes that the beginners always need to move forward and work hard.

Lada Kasinets

As for the romantic relations of the Lada, they are in the book for seven seals, but in the network there are unconfirmed rumors that Casinet has a young man. At least, the girl with an increase in 166 cm does not lay out on his page in "Instagram", which is shot by dance videos, photos of his beloved. Lada also leads a page in Vkontakte, the official group is divided by news in Twitter and video on YouTube video hosting.

Lada Casinets in 2017

Lada recognized that dancing is what she loves the most in the world. The girl often visits inspiration even in the most unexpected places, for example, at the metro station.

Lada Casinet now

The red-haired seductifier continues to fight the expanses of television, winning in contests of his colleagues in the dance shop. Casinets also participates in the Dance project, where the fate of the girl depends not only on its skills and professionalism, but also from the voting of viewers.

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