Alexander Krupelnitsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Dance" on TNT 2021



Alexander Krupelnitsky is a Russian dancer, founder of the Drama Kings dance collective, soloist of the HD Community choreographic group. Adherent of modern choreographic art styles, he repeatedly stormed the playground of the show "Dances" on TNT, including in the composition of the trio.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born on October 28, 1992 in the city of Oh, that in the north of Sakhalin Island. In 6 years, the restless boy was taken to the children's group of the Bracia dance team, which was in the native town of the future artist. The first teacher of Alexander became choreographer Valery Stefants. The teacher recognized in the young gift of a promising dancer.

Alexander still supports communication with the first teacher who continues to follow the work of the ward and is proud of his professional growth.

The participants of the team were trained by technicians of different styles, but most often created rooms stylized under folk dance. The Colleva Colleva gave 5 years, after which he moved to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk with his parents. In a new place, the boy became interested in football, and then motor vehicles.

After receiving a diploma of an average education, a young man went to St. Petersburg, where he entered the technical university in the specialty "Engineer of Telecommunications and Radiocommunication". One year was enough guy to understand - this way is not him. In the summer, Alexander again became an attorney, this time the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions.

The young man chose the Faculty of People's Artistic Creativity, a ball department, and did not lose. Krupelnitsky responded to the process of study and dealt with all his free time, because until the moment of receipt did not keep the technique of ball dance perfectly. In parallel, I was mastered what was really interesting to him - Jazz, Contemporary, Hip Hop.


Together with friends, at the rate of Nikita Kuklin and Alexander, Alexander created choreographic miniatures for concerts in the university, and then behind his walls. Young dancers did not miss the master classes of visiting choreographers. Together, the guys created a Drama Kings project, which stimulates dancers for creative experiments.

Another project in which Alexander Krupelnitsky is involved - HD Community Group. The team is constantly involved in dance competitions, of whom invariably comes out the winner. On account of dancers - 60 awards. The guys outstanding for themselves is considered to be victory immediately in two categories of the Show Me What You Got festival, which was held in St. Petersburg.

In parallel with the concert activity, Alexander teaches dances in the St. Petersburg Choreographic School. Activities in the field of choreography in a new way opened for Alexander the art of dance, forcing it to think large-scale.

In 2016, Alexander decided to go to the TNT dance contest television. The dancer intently followed the development of events in the two previous seasons of the show "Dance". For themselves, he defined Vitaly Savchenko, Stas Litvinova and Irina Kononov. The guy impressed a high level of mentor requirements and the possibility of developing skills in new directions for themselves.

The young man appeared on the casting of the 3rd dance season with his own choreography. For musical accompaniment, the artist chose the track of the popular artist Server Crea "the most, the most". At the competition, Alexander Krupelnitsky represented the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Earlier, another resident of the Far Eastern Island Maria Druzhinin lit up on the project.

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Alexander missed the next stage, but Olga Buzova, who was present in the jury, noted the arrogantness of the dancer, which produced on a TV presenter impression. In the next issue, when the mentors were determined with the choice of applicants for participation in the teams, on the initiative of Tatiana Denisova Alexander dropped out of the competition. The choreographer noted that Krupaltsky's dance manner resembles a female dance.

The dancer did not lower his arms, but continued to improve professionally. In 2017, Alexander again went on the selection in the TV show "Dances" and passed in the 2nd stage. The dancer had a dance duet together with Ilya Oshi under the song Sbtrkt - New Dorp. New York. ft. Ezra Koenig. Both dancer looked at an equal footing, but this time Tatyana Denisov turned out to be favorably for a kruzhnitsky and took him to his team. Ilya from the competition dropped out.

Personal life

Personal life of the dancer is associated with one parent for several years. Alexandra Krupelnitsky has a girl named Dasha Sotnikov. She is also passionate about dancing.

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Young people spend a lot of time together: in training, as well as travels. On the page of Alexander in "Instagram", joint photos of lovers on the background of the beach, the sea or mountain ranges regularly appear.

Alexander Krupelnitsky now

Now the creative biography of Alexander Krupelnitsky is saturated with events and professional achievements. In 2019, he appeared on the castings of the 6th season of the TV show "Dances" on TNT on TNT. The ensemble also involves Mark Kuklin and Alexey Volkov.

The guys go to the dance floor together, and their performances have already made a lot of noise. According to the audience, the trio received the most "overlooking" from the jury, but everyone recognizes the high mastery of dancers. Guys have passed a competitive selection and hit the top 34 of the best project dancers. Their mentor was Tatyana Denisov.

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