Rachel Foreign Ministry - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



The last decade in the reader's environment there is a thrust for works written in the genre of urban fantasy. The main audience of such books is young people, therefore the characters of urban fantasy are often guys and girls aged 16 to 25 years (unless, of course, these are not vampires living for a third hundred years, but those who have retained their young appearance). Especially succeeded in this genre the American writer Ryachel Foreign Ministry.

Childhood and youth

Rachel was born on November 12, 1976. It happened in Michigan (USA), where the early years of the girl passed. Back in the school years, the Foreign Ministry loves the book. While her classmates read a story about love, Ryachel studied folirants, in which it was about the adventures of the mythical gods and heroes or the legends of the Middle Ages.

Writer Rachel Mid.

After graduation, the girl entered the University of Michigan, at the end of which received a bachelor's degree of the Humanities. After that, the Foreign Ministry ended the Western Michigan University, in which he studied on a master's comparative religion. But this Ryachel was little. She decided to finish another university, but outside the native state, the University of Washington. Training in this educational institution, the girl also passed to the end, becoming a certified teacher.

After the end of the metropolitan university, Ryachel decided to work on the last received specialty, setting up a school teacher of sociology and English.

Rachel Mid.

By the time the love of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not fade to read, but on the contrary - only intensified. Since interests interesting for Ryachel over the years began to come across less, she decided to follow the advice of Clive Staiplz Lewis - the creator of Sagi Narnia - and write a book that she would like himself. So the "Blues Sukkuba" appeared on the world, also known as "Fallen Angel".


Blues Sukkuba was printed and released by the Kensington Books publishing house in 2007. Having received a fee into the hands, Rachel realized that he could earn a living, doing his beloved affairs, and left work. In the same 2007, the Foreign Ministry wrote and published a second book from the cycle about Georgina Kincaid "Hunger Sukkuba" and the first of the series "Vampire Academy" - "Hunters and Victims".

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Next year, Rachel has already released six books - "Hunger Demons" and "Succubes" (the third and fourth part of the cycles about Georgina Kincaid), "Ice bite" and "Kiss of Darkness" (the second and third part of the Vampire Academy), "Buri's Child" (the first part of the black swan cycle) and the "immortal" (off-round novel).

2009 was less productive - the Foreign Ministry wrote "Bloody Promises" (the fourth part of the Vampire Academy) and the "Tern Queen" (the second part of the Black Swan cycle), which was received by P.E.A.R.L. Awards.

Rachel Mid.

In 2010, Ryachel mastered the loomed, publishing the "Succuba rage" and "Shadow Sukkuba" (the fifth and sixth part of the cycles about Georgina Kincade), "Shackles for the Ghost" and "Last Sacrifice" (the fifth and sixth part of the Vampire Academy), and Also "Kiss from hell. Sunlight "(off-round novel). Also this year, the Foreign Ministry was awarded the Goodriders Choice Awards award for "Shadow Sukkuba".

The year later the books "Exposing Sukkuba" (the seventh book about Georgina Kincade), "Iron Crown" (the third part of the Black Swan cycle) and the "blood princess" cycle (the first part of the "blood bonds" cycle), for which the Ministry of Foreign Goodriders CHOICE Awards.

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In 2012, Ryachel released only three books - "Shadow of the rider" (the fourth part of the "Black Swan" cycle), "Golden Lilia" (the second part of the "blood bonds" cycle) "Return home" (off-round novel).

The writer did not violate the tradition of "three books per year" and in 2013, releaseing "Chairs Indigo" and "Flame Heart" (the third and fourth part of the "blood bonds"), as well as the "Oath of True Valkyrie" (the first part of the cycle "Epoch of X"), for which the Romantic Times Reviewers Award got a premium` CHOICE BEST BOOK AWARDS.

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In 2014, the tradition was broken - the Foreign Ministry released only the "fiery shadows" (the fifth of the "blood bonds" cycle) and the "True Walcry" "The second part of the" EPA "). It was explained by the fact that Ryachel was involved in writing a scenario to film "hunters and victims".

The film "The Academy of Vampires", filmed by the director Mark Waters ("Chumovaya Friday", "Between Heaven and Earth", "Ghosts of Former Girlfriends"), was supposed to be the first in the same-name film franchise.

But even looking at the participation of such cinema stars, like Gabriel Byrne, Olga Kurilenko, Danila Kozlovsky and Cameron Monkhan, did not create a proper resonance, and the development of Sikvel was postponed at best times.

In 2015, Ryachel Foreign Ministry publishes "Ruby Ring" (the sixth part of the "blood ultrasound") and "silent" (off-round novel).

Personal life

The writer is known about the personal life of the writer - in 2009, the Foreign Ministry married a guy named Jay, from whom she has two sons. Since 2011, he lives with his family in Seattle - the city in northwestern Washington state.

"The author of books. Red-haired. Scorpion. I live in the world of magic, witty jokes and women capable of passing, "as he describes himself to Ryachel on his page in Twitter.
Rachel Mide with her husband and child

In his free time, time loves to watch TV shows, travel, update the wardrobe and do other pleasant souls and the body of purchase in large shopping complexes. And, of course, read.

Ryachel calls himself an avid coofer and a mom of a night lifestyle.

Rachel Foreign Ministry is now

In May 2017, he went to a tour of the country with a presentation of the new book - "Treasure of midnight". On September 24, 2017, Ryachel spent the last meeting with fans in the New York Café Barnes & Noble, which shared with fans in Twitter.

Rachel Foreign Ministry in 2017

At the present time, the Foreign Ministry works on the second and third books from the series "Sparkling courtyard", started in 2016. Also, the "Eye of Andromeda" is being prepared for the exit - the third book from the "Epoch of X" (most likely the name in Russian translation will be different - as in the case of previous books).


  • 2007 - "Blues Sukkuba"
  • 2007 - "Succuba Hunger"
  • 2007 - "Hunters and Victims"
  • 2008 - "Hunger Demons"
  • 2008 - "Succuba Dreams"
  • 2008 - "Ice bite"
  • 2008 - "Kiss of Darkness"
  • 2008 - "Immortal"
  • 2009 - "Bloody promises"
  • 2009 - "Ternovaya Queen"
  • 2010 - "Succuba Rage"
  • 2010 - "Shadow Sukkuba"
  • 2010 - "Shackles for Ghost"
  • 2010 - "Last Sacrifice"
  • 2010 - "Kiss from hell. Sunlight"
  • 2011 - "Exposing Sukkuba"
  • 2011 - "Iron Crown"
  • 2011 - "Princess of Blood"
  • 2012 - "Golden Lilia"
  • 2012 - "Shadow of the Rider"
  • 2012 - "Return home"
  • 2013 - "Chara Indigo"
  • 2013 - "Flame Heart"
  • 2013 - "Oath of True Valkyrie"
  • 2014 - "Flame Shadows"
  • 2014 - "Anger of True Valkyrie"
  • 2015 - "Ruby Ring"
  • 2015 - "silent"
  • 2016 - "Sparkling Yard"
  • 2017 - "Treasure midnight"

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