Anna Kurcurina - photo, biography, news, personal life, athlete 2021



Anna Kurcurina is an athlete, which is often called the strongest woman of the planet. Her muscles and sports records are really impressive. However, few people know that behind the mountain of iron muscles and unshakable confidence in their own strengths are years of persistent classes and training.

Childhood and youth

The childhood of athletes passed in Kramatorsk that in the Donetsk region. Anna Kurcurina was born on August 25, 1966. The woman remembers that he grew up a weak girl, unsportsmanlike. At the same time, the nature of "awarded" its non-standard figure for a woman's figure: massive shoulders and narrow thighs from an early age forced their own body and hide behind baggy clothing.

Strong complexes because of appearance constantly kept Any in tension, not allowing to make friends with peers: the girl was waiting for only ridicule. Perhaps, therefore, after graduating from school, she decided to associate his own life with animals and went to study at the University named after Vasily Stus to Donetsk, choosing the Faculty of Biology.

Even in his youth, immediately after the university, Anna moved to the city of Nikolaev, where she got working in school teacher biology. After some time, Kurkurina embodied the long-standing dream - became an employee of the city zoo, where he spent time free from school sessions.

Later, the woman admitted that the work with animals strongly changed her character. Anna constantly had to wear gravity, clean the cells and even feed the young who refused to drink Mother's milk. However, this work, which many people seem to be unbearable, created a miracle with Kurcurin. She gained confidence in their own forces - and moral, and physical.

Anna and pleasant responsibilities were available: the girl had to prepare photo and video records on the state and behavior of animals. Some frames removed by Kurcurin were so funny that she sent rollers to the program "Himself director" with Alexey Lysenkov, repeatedly occupying the first places.

Personal life

Anna Kurcurina's personal life was happy. In an interview, she admitted that she tried to build relationships with men, but every time they ended with nothing. Then the woman stopped hiding her unconventional orientation, presenting in the current show "Says Ukraine" in 2015, the chosen. She became Elena Serbulova, who is 25 years old athletes. But the difference in age, according to Anna, did not prevent women to be happy and pleased each other. She was often shared by touching moments captured in the photo, in "Instagram" and other social networks.

It is known that Elena from past relations remained a son whom women brought up together. After some time, rumors appeared in the network that Kurkurina and Serbulova broke up. Anna to the questions of journalists about personal life, preferred to be hugged. The only thing she noted that the children never wanted, and the relationship and the construction of the family are not its life goal. The woman likes to belong to herself, walking where she wants to meet with friends and then not to report to anyone. In addition, celebrity parents do not require grandchildren.


Sports in the biography of Kurcurin also appeared thanks to the work in the zoo: the woman decided that severe physical work requires a good sporting form, and went to the gym. First, like many girls, I tried to master gymnastics and aerobics. However, the intensity and pace of such a load seemed to her insufficient, and Anya began to train along with men.

After some time, the girl began to help the coach to draw up training programs and exercise complexes for newcomers of the sports club, and then at all began to train themselves. It is worth noting that there were actually many people: Anna showed himself and as a purposeful athlete, and as a sensitive and attentive mentor.

In 1998, Kurkurina decided to fulfill another dream: the woman opened a sports club called "Bagira". The own business was successful: customers and clients, satisfied with the result obtained, brought acquaintances.

In parallel with the work at the club, she began to conduct the channel on YouTube. Woman shot training and gave useful advice to those people who want to put their body in order, teach the body to proper nutrition and daily charging. The author's fitness system of Anna Kurcurin is also useful for beginner athletes, and for those who already know what to "pump up the collar zone" and "remove the withers".

It seemed that life would now go on the rolled. However, soon fate presented Anna another gift. It all started with a random television property: she saw a roller about the girl, which was called the strongest in the world. From this point on, a celebrity later admitted, a new dream settled in the heart - to become the strongest woman. For starters in Ukraine, and then, if you succeed, and in the world.

At that time, Anna was already 40 years old. However, the age did not stop the woman: it lived in her confidence that each goal is achievable. Kurcurina began to train even more intensively. Hands, back, stomach and buttocks became more muscular, and competent drying helped to achieve a flawless appearance.

After 2 years, Anna achieved goal: she was recognized as the strongest woman in the world. In 2008, 2010 and 2012, Kurkurina became the world champion in Powerlifting (power triathlon, requiring a squat from the athlete with a barbell, separating the rod from the peel and lifting the rod from the lying position).

Due to the permanent training, the body of Anna became like a male, but this fact was not confused. In one of the interviews, she commented on his own appearance:

"I am the strongest woman - how else should I look like? Distrophik? What I will feed the barbell? ".

So, Ironically, the disadvantages of the figure, who brought to tears in his youth, became the main advantage of Kurkurina in adulthood.

In 2014, the Anna canal appeared video with classes in the hall, which she recommends carrying out those who complain about osteochondrosis. Another roller was devoted to the collar zone, in which, according to women, salts accumulate. She showed exercises in which the clusters "drive out", the lesson is called "no head pains."

A year later, the athlete published a Box-Aerobic Roller on the channel. In essence, this is a combined training, which involves two types of sports. According to Anna, all these exercises help to lose weight easily and quickly. Calm and measured yoga athlete prefers rhythmic exercises. A lesson was not less popular in which she taught viewers at home to independently make an anti-cellulite massage.

And in 2017, a woman posted a touching video on the network, demonstrating the result of his own effort: a boy diagnosed after two years of classes with her could walk on his own and confidently.

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The number of fans and fans of Anna, which achieved results thanks to the advice of athlete, is growing steadily. Same Kurcurina, smiling, declares that the sport creates real miracles.

Complexes of exercises, developed by the celebrity, are gaining all the big turns every year, since the number of women who want to have rolled, elastic thighs and buttocks or simply remove the stomach, steadily increases. For those who prefer home training sessions, Kurcurina records videos with classes, and the exercises are designed for different results, some are suitable for rapid slimming, others - for drying hands, and other are aimed at pumping the press and maintaining a thin waist.

Among the publications Kurcurin regularly appear videos called "Cheerful Morning", in which the athlete conducts charging. Anna's Health School consists not only of regular training, it makes a big emphasis on proper nutrition, since it is the food that allows you to saturate the body with the required vitamins.

Anna Kurcurina is now

Anna Kurcurina and is now constantly trained, she did not leave classes and during a pandemic of coronavirus infection, which in 2020 covered many cities of Ukraine. In addition to working out exercise and maintain yourself in the same form, the celebrity paid attention to the urgent problems.

She did not bypass and doctors, deciding to support them together with other activists. According to the statements of the group, the medical institutions of the city of Nikolaev were not provided with the necessary means of protection, and therefore Anna with comrades wrote a letter to the secretary of the Coordination Council on countering COVID-19 Cyril Tymoshenko with a request to provide doctors to the means of protection who arrived as humanitarian aid from China.

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