Natasha Shelyhain - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



As soon as in 1992, the creator of the World Wide Web Tim Bernes-Lee had a personal page, where he published the news, the blogosphere began to develop. But if earlier blogs were created to obtain information and communication, now the function of monetization and profit and popularity as a by-product comes to the fore.

Natasha Shelyagin

Successful bloggers today are equated with show business stars and can easily compete with them in popularity. Such a blogger became the girl from Ukraine Natalia Shelyhain.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Shelyhangina was born on January 14, 1988 in Kiev, Ukraine. About Natalia's parents does not tell Biography. Apparently, the family was quite wealthy. In childhood, Natasha dreamed of becoming an actress, but the parents did not share his daughter's hobbies. However, the creative development of the girl was engaged: Natasha studied the game on a saxophone and attended classes on the decisions of role-playing games on the works of the English writer John Ronalda Ruel Tolkina.

Blogger Natasha Shelyhagin

From the first to the fifth grade Natasha studied in the international Lyceum "Grand" - one of the best private schools of the capital of Ukraine. The lyceum also entered the very best five-star schools in the world according to the American accreditation committee AI. In 2000, the girl went to study in Kiev Lyceum №100 "Last". Then the girl began an acting career in the studio-studio of the improvisation "Black Square".

Natalia received higher education in the Kiev Institute of International Relations, which graduated in 2010. But the management of foreign economic activity that Natalia studied at the university, it seemed that it was boring, or too complicated. It is only known that she has not connected his life with a mastering specialty.

Natasha Shelyagin in a swimsuit

Having become a student, the girl left classes in the theater studio, but it continued to use the connection there. The wife of the studio director helped the shelyagina to pass the castings. So the girl received a role in the mystical detective television TV series Victoria Lesina "Dark Damies" in 2011.

In 2012, Natalia starred in the comedy television series Paul Potatueva "Duck Bar". But these works do not correspond to the children's dreams of Shelyagina, she wants to take part in a large-scale and high-quality project, which, according to her, there is no one in Ukraine.


The first personal channel on YouTube Natasha started in 2007, but he did not bring her popularity. And a year later, Shelyhany became among the browsers of goods, in particular electronic gadgets, in the Rozetka online store. With an operator shooting video reviews for the site, the girl met in the studio of the Ukrainian TV channel "Tet", although after a trial video about the smartphone from Natasha did not come out.

Natasha Shelyagin

Six months later, Shelyhan was settled in the editor of the online store "Socket" to write news about gadgets, although at that time the girl seemed uninteresting and unprospective to the girl. Natasha decided to make another attempt and removed a small video review only to produce his own iPad mini from Apple. Despite the minor shortcomings, the leadership appreciated the work of the girl - the goal is achieved, Natasha began to work on the reviews of electronic novelties.

Now the presentation of new phones and tablets from Natalia Shelyagina are watching thousands of people daily, and sometimes only for the leader. The girl had a circle of constant fans of her reviews.

Deciding with the career, Natalia began work on the walles (video bugs) on YouTube. One of them is dedicated to the bikes of girls, the other - description and comparing burgers in Kiev.

Natasha Shelyagina Review for Rozetka portal

In 2015, the girl took herself to the casting selection of girls for filming in the clip of the British Indi-Rock Group "Foals" on the Music composition "What Went Down". The casting was held in one of the Kiev pools, because on the territory of Ukraine, it is more cost-effective on the territory of Ukraine, due to the cheap labor and large selection of girls-models - the musicians themselves were filmed in England. As a result, Casting did not pass the girl.

Personal life

Natalia Shelyagin prefers not to tell Natalia Shelyhan about the details of personal life, but judging by the photo bloggers from the personal page in "Instagram" and other social networks, a young man at the Shelyagina, or Natasha hides him thoroughly. With the first love of Natasha met on the fantasy chart "Tavern damned" at the age of 13, but since then the guys have a girl prefers not to tell. Natalia herself confesses to the video block that since childhood is in love with Duncan McLaude - a fictional character from the television series "Highlander".

Natasha Shelyagin

On the page in Vkontakte, Natalya has identified "Tuscan Cat", thus emphasizing the non-serious attitude to the blogosphere. In 2015, the girl posted a number of intimate photos for whom posed nude. Photographs produced Furore among the fans of the selay.

In his free time, Shelyagin travels with pleasure in Europe (Germany, Spain, Portugal, France), and the photo reports lay out on the network. To maintain the physical form, Natasha is regularly engaged in fitness, which was fascinated after the Festival "Video People". Previously, the girl played tennis and attended yoga, but the blogger remained dissatisfied with the result.

Natasha Shelyhagin now

Natalya Shelyagin is working on the development of a personal channel on YouTube, where the reviews of new products from the world of gadgets or other relatively useful information is published.

So, in 2016 Natasha visited Barcelona and removed the video in which he talks about the weather, sings the songs, conducts a virtual tour of the catering establishments, visits shopping and entertainment centers and even removes themselves in the fitting room, demonstrating socks and ass in new jeans.

Natasha Shelyagin in 2017

Not so long ago, Natalia collaborated with the German automobile company Volkswagen, takes off the reviews of new products in the car market for them. This work is satisfied with this work, but notes that the market of the blogosphere is depleted, so finding favorable offers becomes much more difficult. In addition, Shelyhane complains about the prejudicial attitude of critics of video blogs related to gender or appearance, but it claims that it does not hurt it.


  • 2015 - "Natashin Velo Vlog"
  • 2015 - "Burger Vlog: Overview of Kiev Burgers"
  • 2017 - "Tag 10 facts about me"

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