Anthony Bergess - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Books, Death



British writer Anthony Burgess is known to readers of the whole world as the author of the novel "Clockwork Orange". The fate of the writer, who created an eccentric book about Ultranasili, was extremely difficult: his pregnant wife raped four unknown, and the writer himself lived with a fatal diagnosis of more than thirty years.

Childhood and youth

John Anthony Burgess Wilson was born on February 25, 1917 not in the most prosperous manchester family. The father of the future writer worked as an accountant, and on the weekend he sat down behind the piano in the local bar, so that at least a pound to replenish the empty family budget. The author of the author of the novel "TIRT TIME" was keen on the music and in the free from domestic trouble, the time gave the lessons of vocals.

Writer Anthony Burgess

True, Burgess did not hear the parenting voice of the parent. The woman died suddenly when the influenza epidemic was raised in the city. Anthony at that time was almost two years old.

Soon the head of the family entered into marriage with the owner of the bar, in which he often worked. After completing an accountant unprotected career, a man began to earn money on selling cigarettes and tobacco.

While the stepmother made a business woman from himself, and his father spinned, as he could, to feed the family, the upbringing and education of Bergess did not do. It is not known how the fate of Anthony would have developed if he had not been in care of his aunt.

Anthony Burgess in youth

When the young man was 20 years old, the head of the family died and the writer was left alone with a huge, hostile world. In a conversation with representatives of the media, the writer said that in adolescence he had no friends, and a friendly relations with peers were with difficulty.

In the school, the guy was considered an upset. A similar opinion about it was developed in the very first training days, when it was found that most classmates were hard to read, and Anthony perfectly knew a diploma and mathematics.

Anthony Burgess

While classmates ignored the favorite of the teachers, the overannants who knocked in the gangs often beat Bergess followed by their appearance. In order to distract from painful thoughts and do not leave the head of depression, Anthony after classes listened to music. It is known that the first melody that attracted the attention of the writer was the prelude of the French composer Claude Debussy, a romantically named "Afternoon rest of Favna."

However, music always remained a hobby. As a sphere of professional activities, Burgess chose teaching. After graduating from a local college, Anthony remained there to teacher and during the couple of years he taught students English and literature.

Writer Anthony Burgess

The new period in Bergess's life was marked by the beginning of World War II. During the service in the Army, Anthony showed itself as a very negligent soldier. He constantly received reprimanding and outfits out of turn.

The young man threw off the headdress from the commander, then with such a zeal rubbed the floor that someone certainly climbed him as on his bare ice. Desertion became the most serious misdemeanor. On the weekend, the young man went to visit his girlfriend, Luela Jones, and forgot to return at the appointed time. Under the capture of the deserter, the search operation was launched, but soon the young man himself appeared to the military unit.


The only work of Bergess, which included in the gold lists of foreign literature, turned out to be a novel "Clockwork Orange". This work is a satirical antiutopia that tells about the gang of adolescents whose cruelty will also envy serial maniacs.

As the author himself later spoke, the book was pushing the pain. Holding to work, the writer wanted to get rid of the unpleasant memories related to the rape of his wife.

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It is noteworthy that a couple of months before the creation of a "clockwork orange", Burgess visited Leningrad, in which he met with styles. After communicating with them, the writer invented "Nastsat" - the fictional fictional language of the British teenagers, the basis of which are distorted Russian expressions and words recorded by Latini (Drugi - "Friends", Malchik - "Boy", Korova - Cow).

However, the main difficulty for readers was not at all an understanding of individual words and expressions, but the idea of ​​the novel. The writer believed that being invariably good as unnaturally for a person, as well as be invariably bad.

Anthony Burgess with books

Initially, the "clockwork orange" consisted of 21 chapters - in the last of them, the main character revises his lifestyle and enters the path of correction. True, one of the American publishers such a final seemed too much as much, and he cut out the final part from the manuscript.

It is worth noting that in the same abbreviated form "Clockwork Orange" shielded and Stanley Kubrick. The film, filmed based on this work, saw the light in 1962, and the main role got the actor Malcolm McDauell.

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Also in the 1962th on the counters came the novel "The Wavenitseed Seed". In this creation, Burgess showed his fantasy in all brilliance, describing the future in which the population of the planet increased so much that people are starving, childbearing is considered a crime, and infertility and homosexuality are considered the norm.

In the 70s and 80s, Anthony published 30 books, including the work of "Earth Forces", which critics recognized Bergess's best novel. In it, the story is conducted on behalf of an eighty-year-old succeeding homosexual writer, Kennet Tumi.

Anthony Burgess

It is believed that the prototype of the main character was Somerset Moem. The book also contains humorous statements about many significant literature in the world.

In 1988, the Roman "Iron, Rusty Iron" was published, which is based on the legend of the Eccalibur. The work is an exciting family Sagu, which tells about the life of several generations of the strange Welsh - Russian "clan".

Personal life

In 1942, Anthony married Luelela Isherwood Jones. Soon after the conclusion of a marriage with Luela, a terrible thing happened: a pregnant girl sophisticatedly raped and beat a group of four American African American deserters.

Apparently, the monsters wanted to rob a defenseless victim (although the woman had only a wedding ring from valuables), but so carried away that they did not leave a single living place on the body.

Anthony Bergess and his first wife Luela

Unhappy Luela lost the child and fell into the hardest depression, which did not come out until the end of days. Also, after rape, the girl began to torment frequent bleeding, because of which she developed anemia.

Bergess's wife hooked on strong drinks, becoming truly dependent. An attempt to muffle the mountain with alcohol was the main cause of the death of Luela: in 1968, the writer's spouse died from the liver cirrhosis.

Anthony Bergess and his second wife Lianna

In the same 1968, Burjess married the second time. This time the wife of the writer became the Italian Princess named Lianna. The wife with understanding belonged to the fact that her husband rarely was at home.

While the young lady climbed around the house, Anthony participated in the talk show, wrote articles in British newspapers. In 1970-1971, Burjess began to teach at Princeton University. In 1972, the writer headed the literary part of the Gatri Theater in Minneapolis, and after three years he became a lecturer in the New York University in Buffalo.


Even before the death of Luela, the problems with the health of the overall and Bergess himself. In one, not a noteworthy day of Anthony lost consciousness during the lecture. The survey results were disappointing: Bergess found a neoplasm in the brain. Doctors believed that Anthony remained to live no more than a year.

This conclusion pushed the writer to the beginning of productive literary activities. He wanted to maximally use his days allocated and began to write with a stunning speed. The novels came out from under his pen in a matter of days.

Anthony Burgess in recent years

As a result, it turned out that the doctors were mistaken, and Anthony died in 33 years (November 22, 1993) after the doctors set him a deadly diagnosis. And death has come not because of the brain tumor, but because of the lung cancer. During this time, he managed to write fifty-books, hundreds of articles, textbook for students and numerous studies of Creativity James Joyce and William Shakespeare.

Few people know, but the famous writer was fond of music. According to biographers, Burgess left 175 works, among which there is ballet, symphony and even opera.


  • 1949 - "Battle Vision"
  • 1956 - "Tiger Time"
  • 1958 - "Enemy under bedspread"
  • 1960 - "The right to answer"
  • 1960 - "Dr. Bolen"
  • 1961 - "One-handed applaudation"
  • 1962 - "Clockwork Orange"
  • 1962 - "Warent Seed"
  • 1963 - "Mr. Ederby from the inside"
  • 1963 - "Honey for Bears"
  • 1976 - "Long path to tea drinking"
  • 1979 - "Man of Nazareth"
  • 1988 - "Iron, Rusty Iron"

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