Daniel Panabaker - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Daniel Panabaker - American actress, equally loved and children, and an adult audience. The roles of the girls invariably cause admiration, and the characters are remembered for a long time sincerity.

Full name Actress - Daniel Nicole Panabaker. The future star was born on September 19, 1987 in the town of Ogasta, which is in Georgia. Daniel is the youngest daughter in the family. It is noteworthy that Kay Panabaker, the younger sister Daniel, also became a famous actress.

However, in early childhood, none of the girls showed special interest in the scene. In one of the interviews, Daniel Panabaker, Donna, will later remember that he dreamed of a medical career for Daniel. However, according to his own recognition of Donna Panabaker, she does not regret at all that the daughters preferred a completely different way in life.

Same Daniel often tells in an interview that all childhood constantly quarreled with the sister Kay. Girls could not peacefully divide toys, clothes and even maternal attention. But, as it often happens, Kay and Daniel's adolescence became real friends, forgetting children's discords.

At the age of ten years, Daniel Panabaker first went to the Summer Camp for Fought Scouts. Children learned to survive in nature, cook food on the fire and navigate the stars. Daniel These wisdom seemed boring: the girl did not like an extreme rest. But Monday and Thursday were the day of Daniel Panabaker's favorite days of the week thanks to the class of theatrical circle.

Returning from the camp, Daniel did not abandon the acting skills. The charm of the scene has already captured the heart of the girl, and she began to seriously learn the intricacies of the profession in the local public theater. Two years later, Daniel Panabaker was already easily playing the main characters of amateur performances.

Actress Daniel Panabaker

In addition, thanks to the theater, the girl received the first role. She was invited to play in the advertising of corn flakes. This beginning of the career, of course, did not bring a girl nor glory, no audience love, but instilled in a beginner actress faith in his own strength and performance of the main dream.

Soon, the family of Panabakers moved to Illinois, however, and in a new place, Daniel did not abandon an acting experience. The girl has already understood that he wants to become an actress and tried not to waste time. After graduating from school, Daniel Panabaker went to conquer Los Angeles.


Professional biography Daniel Panabaker began, as it often happens, with roles in the series. In 2001, the girl had the role of Samantha Gray in the "Guardian", and a little later later, the actress filmography was replenished with roles in the cult series "Law and Order" and "Eternal Summer". It is noteworthy that in the second the girl played in Tandem with Kay's sister.

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In 2004, the actress was invited to their role in a film called "stuck in the outstand". This project of the Walt Disney film studio has become the first serious dramatic work of Daniel Panabaker. Heroine Daniel, a 14-year-old girl named Brittany Aarons, dreams of going from the provincial town in which her family lives. Once a girl accidentally gets acquainted with a popular singer who forgets a mobile phone in a cafe.

Brittany decides that the forgotten star of the stars is a chance to escape from the outback, and at the same time and to meet a cute singer closer. Brittany with her friend Natalia begins to act. Comic and touching adventures of girlfriends did not leave the audience indifferent, giving Daniel first fans.

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After "stuck in the outstand" Daniel did not receive serious suggestions for some time. The girl played the secondary roles again in the series, not passing the castings and hoping for a new bright role. Faith in the best and optimism Daniel Panabaker was justified: actress was offered to play the heroine of the second plan in the film "Who are you, Mr. Brooks?"

This criminal drama tells about the fate of an exemplary family man and a lucky businessman. So impeccable life is overshadowed by only one fact: the hero periodically wakes up a thrust for killings, and then nothing can stop him. Will Mr. Brooks can cope with his own dark side - the question that keeps the audience in suspense throughout the film.

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Here partners Daniel Panabaker became Kevin Costner, who played the main character, as well as Demi Moore, William Herrt, Dane Cook.

Thanks to the success of this film, Daniel gets an invitation to play in the Friday, 13th anniversary thriller, directed by Marcus Nispel, which later became the cult. The next thriller with the participation of Daniel Panabaker was the film "Madness". This picture transfers the audience in a small town somewhere in Iowa. The townships of the town are suddenly victims of poisoning by an unknown poison that fell into the local water supply.

Daniel Panabaker and Grantin Grant

On this series of horror films with the participation of Daniel Panabaker, it was not over: in the chamber's thriller, the girl played a patient of a psychiatric clinic, which the ghost of a crazy man persecuted. And in 2012, Daniel received one of the main roles in the film "Piranha 3DD", appearing in the frame together with Christopher Lloyd and Ving Reimz. This classic horror with elements of black humor also loved the audience, having received high estimates of strict film critics.

In 2014, Daniel Panabaker received a stellar role again. This time the girl signed a contract for shooting in the Flash series. The actress went to the role of Keitlin Snow, also known as the murderer of Frost.

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Despite the extensive filmography, the list of awards Actress is small. In 2004, Daniel Panabaker was awarded the YOUNG ARTIST AWARD Award for work in the "Defender" series. And in 2010, the girl has been mentioned in the list of hundreds of the highest "hot" girls according to the Maxim cult magazine. And although the actress was never shot naked, the audience of the publication considered Daniel very sexy.

Personal life

About the personal life of Daniel Panabaker for a long time there was almost nothing known. Only in 2016 the actress announced the engagement. The chosen character was the young man named Haze Robbins. A man is working as a lawyer and has no relation to the world of cinema.

Wedding Daniel Panabaker and Hase Robbins

A year later, in 2017, fans with joy learned about the wedding Daniel Panabaker, which took place on June 24th. The girl posted a photo with a new husband in the social network "Instagram", noting that this is the happiest moment in her life. It is known that the spouses live in a luxurious apartment in Los Angeles.

In his free time, Daniel Panabaker loves to walk with a dog and relax in the company of friends.

Daniel Panabaker now

Now Daniel Panabaker continues to work on the set. In October 2017, the actress fans pleased the release of the next season of the Flash series.

Daniel Panabaker in 2017

Daniel, together with Granty Gastin, Candace Patton and other actors played in the continuation of the Sagi viewers of the fictional universe created on the basis of DS comic.


  • 2002 - "Family"
  • 2004 - "stuck in the outstand"
  • 2005 - "Sixteen-Year Mother"
  • 2006 - "read and sob
  • 2007 - "Who are you, Mr. Brooks?"
  • 2009 - "Friday 13th"
  • 2010 - "Chamber"
  • 2012 - "Interception"
  • 2012 - "Grimm"
  • 2012 - "Piranha 3DD"
  • 2014 - "Error of Time"
  • 2014 - "Love Recipe"
  • 2014-2017 - "Flash"

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