Sasha White - Biography, Photo, Family, Friends, Quotes


Character History

In 2002, a 15-serial project called "Brigade" was released on television screens, the main role in which the actor Sergey Bezrukov was performed. The character embodied by them was the idol idol. The series repeated the success of the "gangster Petersburg" and became a revelation, discontinuing the secrets of success of criminal authorities. The story of how the Parenk near Moscow became the main person in the city and moved from crime to the sphere of politics, did not leave the audience indifferent.

Sergey Bezrukov as Sasha White

Real estate in the public is provided with a leitmotif of a multi-sized picture. They became friendship between four heroes, stretching from childhood until the death of death. The situations described in the film are familiar and understandable to men who were trying to be implemented at the end of the 90s. The series took off to the tops of the ratings and was disassembled fans on quotes.

Biography and nature

The plot tells about how a simple guy, Sasha Belov on the nickname "White" returns from the army in the "Liche 90s". During the absence of his friends - Phil, bees and space - succeed on the basis of the Rack. Having met on the citizen of the former colleague Farhad Juraeva, Belov tries himself in a drug trafficking, and his path in criminal business begins with this. Former childhood friends referred to themselves, "brigade", within which there are unwrite rules on mutual support and support. An additional line of narration becomes a love motive. Throwing a girl who became a prostitute, the hero is looking for a new feeling and meets him, having acquainted with the conservative musician named Olga.

Sasha white after the army

The story of the "Brigades" is a story about how the nature of the main characters is tempered, as far as they are able to confront temptations, keeping the principles and ideals. This is a classic plot of a criminal gang that has reached the peaks and collapsed under the onslaught of opponents and competitors.

Events add up in such a way that the protagonist cannot avoid a criminal path, but, stepping on it, preserves the nobility and prudence inherent in him. Trying to legalize activities, Belov goes on tricks to start an honest business inherent leader, he was a soul of the company in his youth and remained her leader in adulthood.

Brigade Sasha White

Hardening, principle, resourcefulness, love for sports - qualities found by him in adolescence. An upbred by a caring mother without a father, Sasha Belov often remained granted to himself, and his perception of the world was formed through the courtyard laws. "One for all and all for one" - this motto accompanied Belov's company all childhood and was not forgotten by friends.

A smart and erudite guy, at first I was going to enter the institute and lead a honest life, understands that while he served, the times had time to change. The prospect of rapid earnings and friends take their own. Calculating white, appreciating the potential of the proposed business, decides to be implemented in it. Over time, from the guy in a cheap sports suit, it turns into a criminal authority with an impeccable taste.

Sasha white style

Its dresses are classic trouser costumes and stylish coats. T-shirts and jampers are replaced by shirts and ties, rich accessories and expensive hours appear. Instead of a short haircut now - the hair, licked back, and the faithful companion of the hero becomes the six hundred "Mercedes".

The growth of Belov's authority is justified by Fart. The hero manages to avoid death from the bullet of the special forces, prisons (thanks to dating), death from the explosion after the wedding or undermining the car. The need to maintain their own status is white, which adds a character to drama and provokes the occurrence of conflicts during action.

Sasha White.

The stoic character of Sasha White makes it possible to understand that he would achieve heights and on a peaceful way. The circumstances and the busy character of the decade played a big role in his life, which had to make a decisive choice.

The positive image of Belov is romanticized by the creators of the series. In many respects, this was influenced by the choice of the leading role. The young Sergey Bezrukov, who stacked popularity in the theater and cinema, was a cumier of millions. The artist handed over the character inherent intelligence, elegance, sense of humor and good nature.

Family and friends

Among the surroundings of Sasha Belov there are friends and enemies. Fil, bees and space, whose roles performed by Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Pavel Mikov and Dmitry Dyuzhev were the second family for white. The relations of men originated in childhood are based on honesty, trust, understanding and opportunity to help each other. True male friendship has become the basis for the emergence of the legendary "brigade".

Phil, Cosmos, Bee and White

Loyalty to his word and care for close hero demonstrates both in the circle of a real family. The touching side of his personality is noticeable in communicating with his mother. A certain awkwardness reigns between them, justified by the fact that the guy did not have a father.

He is forced to protect his mother from unnecessary information and speculation, so does not devote her to the nuances of his personal life. The careful attitude of the White demonstrates in relation to the smaller brothers. He with tenderness and trepidation refers to a ps, who acquires from the breeder, whose role in the series was performed by Alexander Inshakov.

Sasha white and his dog

The same strategy of Belov adheres to both the beloved woman. The feelings arising between him and the violinist of Olya, which Ekaterina Guseva played, seemed impossible. Hopeless romantic, Belov is ready to put the whole world to the legs of the lover, hiding from her realities of life.

A talented Sasha is easily conquering the heart of a sophisticated girl. Their union at first looks strong and indistinguishable, but the strengthening of Belov's authority in business leads to the destruction of the family. The wife and son remains the main value for him, but the hero does not notice how the tender fragile Olya, brought up by the grandmother, turns into a volitional woman with steel nerves.

Sasha White and his wife

The main enemy of Sasha White in the series is Caveryin, a relative of the murdered flies. As the career development, Alexander, the former policeman is also moving on the service staircase. By the time Belov places connections in the government, Caveryin has no less influence in the FSB and is able to "remove" a hated bandit.

Rivalry between characters is an additional line of the plot and demonstrates the interaction of heroes, mutual motivation to achieve the goals and finals of the struggle, in which close friends of Belov are dying. Hero Mstit, killing Cavery, but forced to leave the country with his family, implacing his own death.

Interesting Facts

Sasha White Character was a solid personality and multifaceted simulator. Not every director and the actor is capable of creating such a deep image. The reason for the emergence of the hero was the presence of a variety. The prototype of Sasha White is a criminal authority named Sylvester. He was a thief in law, the head of the criminal group with iron internal discipline. The history of Sylvester ended with flight. At the time of approaching the collapse of the empire, the criminal fled to Israel, staged his death. This nuance is highlighted in the series "Brigade".

Thief in Law Sylvester

The multi-seater film "Brigade" became an impetus for a career of young artists involved in it. The actors managed to overcome the role, which secured them after the ribbon exit on the screens. Today, Sergey Bezrukov, Ekaterina Guseva, Dmitry Dieuzhev and Vladimir Vdovichenkov - Successful artists, whose photos do not go with the covers of glossy magazines.

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Producers tried to repeat the success of the series, removing the film "Brigade. Heir". The main role was performed by Ivan Makarevich. The tape did not cause the expected excitement and was coldly perceived by critics.

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