Sergey Eisenstein - biography, photo, personal life, movies



His talent admired Charlie Chaplin himself, who called the picture "Ivan Grozny" "the highest achievement in the genre of historical films." Hollywood in the mid-1920s invited young genius to work in America, and the "leader of all nations" handed him two Stalinist premiums. But for the successful appearance, a deeply unfortunate person was hiding, for whom glimpses of happiness and creative freedom were replaced by black strips of depression and persecution.

Sergey Eisenstein

A talented student of Vsevolod Meyerhold, a cinema theorist, who was standing by his cradle, an innovator, achieved the synthesis of an image and action, - Sergey Eisenstein died on takeoff, did not have time to bring to life and half of the conceived.

Childhood and youth

The future classic of cinema was born in January 1898 in Riga, then the Russian Empire. Sergey grew in a wealthy family, where two loving parents performed the slightest desire of a small son, similar to angel with linen hair and gray-blue eyes. Rorick or cat, as the boy called, rested in the summer in the summer seaside, the rest went to the circus, the synatographer and the theater.

Director Sergey Eisenstein

In the house of Eisensteins, there were famous guests, urban officials and merchants. Holidays celebrated with a scope. For the new year - Christmas tree in gilded ornaments to the ceiling, on the birthdays of Rorika - the garden in the illumination, homemade performances and gifts mountains. And if not permanent quarrels of parents, the boy's childhood could envy each peer.

Father of the future winner of Stalinist premiums - Mikhail Aizenstein (later Eisenstein) - took place from a Jewish merchant family, who settled in Kiev. Mikhail Osipovich learned on the architect and settled in the specialty, having arrived at the rank of Stat advisor and receiving a noble estate. In Riga and today there are dozens of houses designed by him.

But the basis of family welfare is the maternal dowry. Grandfather Sergey Eisenstein for Mother - Ivan Closky - owned the "Nevsky Barge Sporting". I buried a merchant with honors - in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Julia's daughter got a rich dowry. In the house of Eisensteins kept a servant.

Sergey Eisenstein as a child

The crystal world of family well-being crashed to smithereens. The scandalous marriage process - Mikhail Eisenstein 4 years in court argued with his wife's infidelity - buried the happy childhood of Rorik: at 11 years old, after parting his parents, the boy said goodbye to his childhood. Mom went to St. Petersburg, and her son stayed with his father in Riga.

He poured into her mother for her mother, and Julia fell asleep to the cat with gifts, without having to see him. Eisenstein Jr. received an excellent formation: fluently owned three foreign languages, played the piano, painted, photographed, kept in the saddle.

Sergey Eisenstein in youth

In the fall of 1914, Sergei Eisenstein graduated from the school in Riga and next year he became a student of an engineering university in St. Petersburg, who had previously graduated from his father.

The son has submitted to the parent, but the architecture did not attract the young man: in his memory, a bright mosaic was captured by the pictures of circus ideas and synomatograph in childhood. And also - the frames of the tricky movie seen in Paris, filmed by the French director George Mel, the inventor of special effects and a pioneer of film fantasics.


Oktyabrskaya Revolution Sergey Eisenstein, unlike his father, accepted inspired. He entered the ranks of the Red Army volunteer. During this period, his creative biography began. Eisenstein was preparing mobile performances, painted cartoons and caricatures on the Entente, rejoiced to the destruction of the bourgeois lifestyle.

Director Sergey Eisenstein

In 1920, the future film director was sent to study at the Staff Academy. Sergey Eisenstein took the study of the Japanese, but the main thing - he came to Moscow, where the cultural life was boiling, where new performances were made.

Soon, Eisenstein took up what a long time dreamed of: I put the performances in the prostricultural theater and studied at the directorial courses of Vsevolod Meyerhold.

The debut film of the young director came out in 1924: Sergey Eisenstein ordered a picture of the All-Russian strike in 1905. Cinematographer tested the invented method of "installation of attractions" and removed the speech of Lion Trotsky on a 7-thousand rally.

Sergey Eisenstein

In December, censorship approved the tape, and in November, Trotsky fell into disfavor. The director was waiting for the immediate alteration of the film, but he did not hurry. For this, Eisena, as his name was his friends and colleagues, drove out of the probe. The lesson from Soviet power Sergei Eisenstein did not help: he continued to repaint the films for the sake of censorship.

1925, despite the grief on the professional and personal fronts, became the triumphal for Eisenstein. The director removed his main film sedelly - the painting "Potemkin battleship". The story of the Bunte on the ship is based on real events, Sergey Mikhailovich only emotionally strengthened the facts.

The picture turned out to be so powerful energetically that it was not solved to show in the West. In France, "Potemkin's armadapors" saw in 1953, and in Japan in 1959.

After the release of the film School, Sergei Eisenstein woke up famous. Next year, the Soviet genius was invited to Hollywood. Joseph Stalin, fastening the heart, let go directed to a long business trip. Before the departure, he took the picture "October", but she had less success.

On the way to the United States, Eisenstein visited Europe. Three languages, he spoke on the radio, read lectures in Cambridge and Sorbonne, met Bernard Shaw, Greta Garbo and Fedor Shalyapin.

In America, the sound film of the scale of "Potemkin" was waited from the Russian Mature of Cinema, but on American material. Eisenstein was commissioned the shooting of the American tragedy on the novel by theodore of the Drier, but after a month of the director, a disappointment was waiting: the Studio "Paramaunt" broke the contract with him, accusing in the politicization of human drama.

Sergey Eisenstein on the set

The "Red" filmmakers paid the way home, and Sergey Eisenstein went to the Soviet Union through Hawaii, Japan and China. In Mexico, under the contract with the Socialist writer, Eppton Sinclair took to shoot a picture "Long live Mexico!", But in the midst of work, Stalin sent a telegram to return immediately. Charlie Chaplin, having seen the first part of the tape called "Storm over Mexico City", called it the "best world film film".

Houses Sergey Eisenstein waited for cold reception and dismicement of the leader. Stalin took care that Eisen could not "crawl out again into the main film operators of the USSR." From the execution of him saved the intercession of Andrei Zhdanov and Vyacheslav Molotov. Mattracks from filming, he taught in Vgik, teaching students theory and practice of directorial affairs.

In the spring of 1935, Sergei Eisenstein returned to the profession and took up the story of the history of Pavlik Morozov, calling the picture "Bezhin Mead". The main management of cinematography, without the deposit of which no film was filmed, made edits into the script, but the director did not take them. The requirement to reduce the scene with the defeat of the Church, Sergei Eisenstein ignored and made it the main thing.

Work on the film interrupted the disease - the director fell ill with black pieces. While he recovered, episodes viewed management officials and ordered to completely remake the ribbon. Eisenstein refused. Two years of etching, defeat criticism and confrontation with officials were not in vain: Sergey Eisenstein was on the verge of suicide.

Master returned to work in the 1938th, 3 years later. A scenario of this blockbuster was in his hands - the historical picture "Alexander Nevsky". Eisenstein's low-budget film made it possible to shoot hardly from pity. But the brilliant Eisen was surprised again, removing the masterpiece compared to the "Potemkin".

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I liked the picture to Stalin, and the Obligar Director was presented to the Order of Lenin, and then the Stalinist Prize. In early 1941, the master took up the last masterpiece "Ivan Grozny" tape. It was offered to remove it.

Because of the started war, the shooting was going to Alma-Ata, they worked at night - the electricity was not enough. Grozny played Nikolai Cherkasov, previously playing Nevsky. The director broke the ribbon into 3 parts. The first came out in 1944 and liked Generalissimuus - Sergey Eisenstein was awarded the second Stalinist premium.

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Joseph Vissarionovich approved the image of the king, dealing with Okrichnina: in the image of the main hero, Stalin saw himself. But the 2nd part aroused the wrath of the leader: in it, Ivan Grozny turned into a tyrant and a killer, at the end of the life of a tormented conscience. Sergey Eisenstein premeditated a catastrophe, but I didn't put the story with the stories of stories.

In 1946, the director had the first heart attack. The news of the death of Mother's death and meherhold finally undermined health, but Eisenstein took the shooting of the third part of the tape.

In February 1947, the scandal broke out: Stalin looked at the 2nd part of Ivan the Terrible and ordered to remake the series. Sergey Eisenstein agreed, but in fact it was not going to execute the order. Tightening with the alteration, he retained the picture to descendants. He never managed to leave the third part.

Personal life

A family catastrophe witness to Sergey Eisenstein became in childhood, influenced his relationship with women. Officially, Eisenstein married at 36 years on a vintagenist Pere Atacheva (Pearl Fogelman). They met while working on the "battleship" Potemkin ". A woman dreamed of going to her husband's husband, but became a friend, nurse and colleague.

Sergey Eisenstein in recent years

Returning from abroad after a 5-year-old business trip, Sergei Eisenstein separated from the spouse. In 1930, the place of the feat was taken by Assistant Elena Teleshev. She was called "Grenader Woman". But then the connection was Platonic. The theoretical substantiation of his virginity Matre found in the teachings of Sigmund Freud. The rejection of the carnal joys Eisenstein explained the need for sublimation.

"Without sublimation - I am a simple Estete A La Oscar Wilde," he said to the American journalist Marie Setton.

In the archive of Sergey Eisenstein, hundreds of homosexual drawings of a matraine, but no convincing information of the director of the director with men with men. Shortly before the death of Eisenstein again married Atasheva, after the death of Matra, the official widow and heritage manager.


Eisenstein died from a heart attack of February 1948. He died at the same age that the father was 50. The director was buried on the 4th section of the Novodevichy cemetery in the capital.


  • 1924 - "Stacket"
  • 1925 - "Potemkin's armadiole"
  • 1927 - "October"
  • 1929 - Asturm La Sarras
  • 1929 - "Old and New"
  • 1930 - "Sentimental Romance"
  • 1931 - "Long live Mexico!"
  • 1933 - "Storm over Mexico City"
  • 1935-1937 - "Bezhin Mead"
  • 1938 - "Alexander Nevsky"
  • 1940 - "Time in the Sun"
  • 1941 - "Mexican Symphony"
  • 1941 - "Free Earth"
  • 1944-1946 - "Ivan Grozny"

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