Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov - biography, photo, personal life, songs



Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov - Russian composer, teacher, theorist, conductor, participant of the musical creative community "Mighty hand". Author fifteen operas, three symphonies, a number of symphonic works, collections "100 Russian folk songs" and "40 folk songs", as well as 80 romances.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Andreevich was born in the city of Tikhvin Novgorod province in the family of hereditary nobles. The Prapraded of the future composer served as a counter-admiral fleet at Elizabeth Petrovna. Andrei Petrovich Rimsky-Korsakov wore the title of the actual Stat advisor, served by the Novgorod Vice-Governor, served four years by the post of Volyn governor. Sophia Vasilyevna's mother belonged to the nature of the subsidiaries of scalar, but was born from the fortress peasant.

The house where Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov was born

Two sons were brought up in the family - warrior and Nikolai. The eldest son of the warrior Andreevich was subsequently by the sea counter-admiral. The difference between the brothers was 22 years old, so the younger brother was under the strong influence of the senior authority.

Nicholas from an early age prepared for the service on a fleet, but the Father, who owns the game on the piano, departed the love of the younger son to music from six years. Original Nikolai was fond of church singing and Russian folklore. At 9 years old, the boy composed the first vocal work.

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and his brother Warrior Roman Corsa

In 1856, the teenager was determined in the Sea Cadet Corps. Having moved to the northern capital, Roman Korsakov plunged into the cultural life of the city and began to visit the Opera House. Nikolay met with musical works of Joakkino Rossini, Jacomo Meerbera, Mikhail Glinka, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Amadeus Mozart and Felix Mendelssohn.

The young man began to take the lessons for the cello at the street teacher, then practiced from Pianist Fyodor Kanilla. In1862, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov graduated from the seabed. In the same year, the young man suffered a severe loss - the father of the future composer died. Mother and older brother moved to St. Petersburg.


In 1861, the Roman Korsakov and Mia of Balakirev, the founder of the Commonwealth "Mighty Hand" took place. Friendship with a talented musician influenced the development of the creative biography of Nikolai Andreevich. The members of the circle also became C. A. Kyui and M. P. Mussorgsky. Later, A. P. Borodin joined the Commonwealth. The ideologist of the "mighty bunch" was the musical critic V. V.Sasov.

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Miliya Alekseevich inspired a young composer to create a major work - the first symphony of the PP. 1, the sketches of which have already been created. By the end of the training in the Maritime School, Nikolai completed three parts of the work and went into the circular swimming on the Almaz clipper. The slow part of the symphony cycle was written six months after sailing.

Returning in three years in St. Petersburg, Nikolai Andreevich is immersed in creativity. In the first few months, the premiere of the first Russian symphony of the author was held in the execution of the orchestra under the control of Mia of Balakirev at a concert of a free music school.

Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov in childhood and youth

Under the influence of the Mentor of Roman-Korsakov deepends into the study of the folklore and creates a symphonic picture of Sadko, the musical material of which was later used in the opera eponymous. An innovation of the composer manifested itself in the use of a software, as well as in the invention of a symmetric Lada, which gave music a fantastic sound.

Roman-Korsakov delivered pleasure to experiment with Lada systems, as the composer himself was endowed with color hearing. Tonality to major composer perceived in white, re major - in yellow. Mi Major became for Nikolai Andreevich a symbol of marine elements, associated with shades of blue.

Later, a suite "Antar" appears from under the musician pen (second symphony. 9). Opera genre The composer begins to master with the creation of orchestra of the works of Alexander Dargomyzhsky and Caesar Kyui. The first opera of Roman Corsakov appeared only in 1872 and received the name "Pskovtyanka". The Libretto was based on the same-name Lion Maya. The premiere of the opera took place in a year in the Mariinsky Theater.

In the early 1970s, Nikolai Andreevich receives an invitation from the rectorate of the St. Petersburg Conservatory and becomes a professor of an educational institution, without possessing complete musical education. For 35-year-old teaching activities, the composer brought up the Musicians with world names, among whom Anton Assant, Alexander Glazunov, Mikhail Gnesin, Alexander Grechaninov, Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov, Anatoly Lyadov, Nikolai Messansky, Sergey Prokofiev, Igor Stravinsky.

Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov at work

Together with students with whom Nikolai Andreevich teach the composition, tools and orchestration, the composer himself improves professional skills. The musician dedicates the first years of teaching the writing of polyphonic, vocal works, creates concerts for piano, clarinet, thrombon, quintet and sextete for the instrumental ensemble. In 1873, the third symphony of the author (Op. 32) comes.

In 1874, Roman Korsakov stands for the conductor console. Six years later, a talented musician has already performed with an orchestra in Moscow, at the World Exhibition in Paris, at Concerts Populaires in Brussels. In the mid-70s, the composer prepares for the release of the score of Mikhail Glinka opera.

In the 80s, the symphonic works of Roman Corsakov appear, which have decreed the composer world glory: Orchestral Suite "Shehherazada", "Spanish Capricchio", "Bright Holiday" Overture, as well as Opera "May Night", "Snow Maiden", "Mlada" .

During these years, Nikolai Andreevich cooperates with the court singing chapel, leads the Belyaevsky circle, manages the "Russian symphony concerts" in St. Petersburg.

Portrait of Nicholas Rimsky-Korsakov

The beginning of the 90s was marked by a decline in the creative activity of the composer. At this time, the philosophical and theoretical works of the Master, Nikolai Andreevich creates new editions of a number of previous works. In the mid-90s, the new stage of the opera creativity of the Roman Corsakov begins: Operas "Night Before Christmas" (1895), "Sadko" (1896), "Mozart and Salieri" (1897), "Tsarist Bride" (1898).

At the beginning of the 20th century, Roman Korsakov composes the latest fabulous operas: "Kashing the Immortal" (1902), "The Tale of the Invisible Grades ..." (1904), Golden Cockerel (1907). Popularity has gained the topic of intermediate for the Opera "Tale of Tsar Saltan" (1900), which was called "Bumblebee Flight".

The room has repeatedly shifted for solo execution by string folk instruments, as well as edited for piano and guitar. In the 20th century, the arrangements of the work in the style of jazz, rock, havi metal appeared.

With the beginning of the revolutionary movement in Russia in 1905, Roman Korsakov spoke in support of the university strikeing students, as a result of which was dismissed from the conservatory, where he returned after time.

Personal life

The personal life of Nicholas Rimsky-Korsakov has developed safely. Being in the house of the senior colleague A. S. Dargomyzhsky, Nikolay drew attention to the pianist Nadezhda Nikolaevna Purgonold at one of the creative evenings. At that moment, the young musician just started working on the Opera "Pskovtyanka". Nikolay Andreevich required an assistant to instrument a few opera rooms, and he turned to the hope of Nikolaevna.

Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov with family

Joint creativity influenced the relationship of young people, in 1872 a wedding took place. A year later, the firstborn was born in the family - Mikhail, who later became a zoologist and forester. In 1875, the spouse gave Nikolay Andreevich's daughter Sofia, the future opera singer.

Three years later, the son of Andrei appeared on the world, who later mastered the profession of musicologist, became a doctor of philosophical sciences. Vladimir, the younger son of Rimsky-Korsakov, 1882 born, worked as an altist in the Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theater. In 1884, the youngest daughter's hope was born. Four of the Roman Corsakov had two more children - Svyatoslav and Maria, who died in infancy.

Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov

The spouse survived Nikolai Andreevich for 11 years and died of smallpox. Apartment on the countryside of St. Petersburg, where Roman Corsakov lived in recent years, after the revolution was settled by visitors. Only in 1971 there was a composer museum located there, where the situation of St. Andreevich's life was restored. The apartment has a manuscript of famous operas and photos from the family archive of the musician.


The composer died on June 8, 1908 under Art. From a heart attack, which received after the news that the opera "Golden Cockerel" is prohibited. At this time, Nikolai Andreevich was in a country manor in Lub Now.

Funeral Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

The tomb of the musician was originally in St. Petersburg at the Novodevichy cemetery, then the remains reburied in the necropolis of artists of the arts of Alexander Nevsky Lavra.


  • 1865 - First Symphony
  • 1872 - "Pskovtyanka"
  • 1878 - "May Night"
  • 1881 - "Snow Maiden"
  • 1883 - Concerto for Piano with Orchestra
  • 1887 - "Spanish Capricchio"
  • 1888 - Suite "Shehrazada"
  • 1895 - "Night before Merry Christmas"
  • 1896 - Sadko
  • 1897 - "Mozart and Salieri"
  • 1898 - "Tsarist Bride"
  • 1900 - "Tale of Tsar Saltan"
  • 1907 - "Golden Cockerel"

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