Evgeny Kemerovo - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Evgeny Ivanovich Kemerovo - Russian singer-chanson, the author of the collections of poems. Evgeny Ivanovich Yakovlev, famous under the pseudonym Kemerovo, was born in a small village where miners lived. In the passport of the artist stands a new town in the Kemerovo region. In the Yakovlev family such an important event, as the birth of a son, occurred on August 8, 1962.

Evgeny Kemerovo and his twin brother Alexander

Help in the upbringing of the boy was granted grandmother. An elderly woman taught the grandson to play musical instruments, including piano and guitar. At the age of 14, the talented guy was noticed by representatives of amateur groups. In parallel with this, Eugene was engaged in a music school, which she graduated with honors.

After school, Kemerovo went to conquer the Smolensk Institute of Physical Education and Sports. Here Eugene Ivanovich studied free struggle. A graduate specialist, the artist came out of the walls of the university in 1984. In 1988, the singer found himself at the Moscow Academy of Sport, already in 1991 fate brought Eugene to Berlin. Abroad, Kemerovo attended the school of arts in which the director and scenario was studied.

Evgeny Kemerovo in childhood

On December 1, 1992, the life of Evgenia Ivanovich turned upside down. In the road accident crashed twin brother Alexander. In the USSR, a man knew both athlete and freestyle wrestling champion. This event served as a catalyst and led to the work of Kemerovo. For the development of the singing talent, Eugene began to occupy with a teacher and a well-deserved employee of the culture of the Russian Federation N.Z. Andrianova.


At the Music Olympus Evgeny Kemerovo appeared in 1995. The public met with the work of the singer after the presentation of the album "My brother". 8 of the songs represented by the author created after the death of the twin brother. The debut disk is divided into two plates. On the second there was music written by Brother Alexander.

Evgeny Kemerovo and his twin brother Alexander

The disk turned out to be popular, including thanks to the clips presented on the songs presented. The start of Career Kemerovo was rapid. The talent of the singer noticed the leaders of Russian TV channels, so the clips were often flashed on TV.

Eugene admits that Kemerovo is not a real surname, but a pseudonym. The artist had to take it because of American fans who are difficult to pronounce "Yakovlev". Literally in the fraction of a second, the pseudonym Kemerovo was born, who still remembers the fans of songs and poems Evgenia.

Singer Evgeny Kemerovo

Kemerovo is not only the performer, but also the creator of songs for other performers. Evgeny cooperates with representatives of the Russian show business. Among the fans of Kemerovo, Boris Moiseev, who performs the song "Deaf-old love", Katya Lel with "I miss you", "Winter rains", Lime Vaikule with "My name - Tango."

In 2013, Eugene recorded a duet with Taisia ​​Povaliy. Artists performed the track "I miss you" at one of the concerts. Over 17 years before that, a man signs a contract with Polygram Russia. This contract allowed Kemerovo to release new songs, albums and clips, get into rotation on radio and TV.

Evgeny Kemerovo and Taisiya Povaliy

A joint work with the firm presented the second disc of the artist called the "Stolypinsky car". Eugene made focus on events during the reign of I.V. Stalin. Kemerovo dedicated an album to the victims of Stalinist repression. People recognized the singer not only by creativity, but also on the cap, which Eugene constantly wore.

Evgeny Kemerovo in a cap

2 years after the start of the career of the musician Kemerovo achieved unprecedented popularity in society. Eugene gave the preference to chanson, but now I decided to try something new, so I began to experiment with rock and roll and Bogi-WGOG. This was expressed in the third album "Great". On the tour one city replaces the other.

Kemerovo writes a lot of "on the table", so by 1998 the artist had enough material for another solo album, which Yevgeny called "over the Siberian Taiga". The tracks "Do not remember me" and "Golden Time", who became hits were present. Within the framework of the presentation of the disk, the singer went on tour in Russia. Living to hear the author of the favorite songs were able to residents of 42 cities, including in the Far East and Siberia. The support was provided by the show-ballet Alla of the brass "Todes".

Evgeny Kemerovo and Igor Korzh

Evgeny Kemerovo took a time out. The break in the work was delayed for 9 years. In 2007, the artist presented the album "so live". Igor Korzh helped Evgeny's records. The author of the song "Unknown Steam" decided to rejoice in the public a year later. Kemerovo is among the fans of the artist of Vladimir Vysotsky. Eugene recorded a cover album called "Wolves Hunt".

The creator of the "Brutal" track, do not shoot each other "in 2010 published a collection of poems" Happiness ". The book has become popular, so in the editorial board we decided to reprint it. Music goes hand in hand with verses. It is brightly represented in the songs "Wind", "That Hello", "Misk drank".

Every year Evgeny Kemerovo participates in the musical marathon "Eehh, Razliyay!". 2017 did not exception. The author of the hits performed the favorite compositions.

Personal life

Kemerovo prefers to leave a personal life of personal life, but some information still tells journalists. "I have everything in order" - from such words, the answers to the questions of the representatives of the media are beginning. And it is true. Evgeny is married for more than 20 years. Tamara's wife helps and supports the spouse in any endeavors. During the years of married life, Kemerovo learned to understand the beloved from the semi-invalid.

Evgeny Kemerovo and his wife Tamara

After two decades of marriage, Tamara and Eugene decided to pass the rite of wedding. This important event for spouses took place on August 8, 2008. Children appeared in the family of Kemerovo, or rather the son of Arseny. Family photos can hardly be detected on the Internet.

Evgeny Kemerovo now

Soon in the biography of Evgenia Kemerovo, new musical albums will appear. Now the performer works over the three thematic discs. In the work there are plates under such names - "Fate", "Dedication to Vysotsky" and "Last Love". One of them will be presented in 2018.

Evgeny Kemerovo in 2017

The poet does not leave work on the collection of poems, which called "Infinity." About the date of publication while Kemerovo does not report anything.


  • 1995 - "My brother"
  • 1996 - "Stolypinsky car"
  • 1998 - "Cross"
  • 1998 - "Over Siberian Taiga"
  • 2007 - "So live"
  • 2008 - "Wolves Hunt"

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