Rakhat Aliyev - biography, photo, personal life and death



Rakhat Mukhtarovich Aliyev is Kazakhstani politician and businessman, former President of RK Nursultan Nazarbayev. Lighted posts because of a criminal case related to the abduction and killing of two people.

Rakhat Mukhtarovich Aliyev's biography began on December 10, 1962. The future businessman and politician was born in the capital of Kazakhstan - the city of Alma-Ata (now Almaty). Rahat's father worked as a surgeon. Mukhtar Alievich was the current Academician of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Alieva's father died in 2015. Mom Rakhat, Minvar Kadyshevna, worked by a housewife, brought up a child.

Rakhat Aliyev

Rakhat Aliyev, after graduation, decided to go in the footsteps of the Father and entered the Alma-Ata Medical Institute. According to the results of training, the young man received a diploma in the specialty "Surgeon".

Since 1986, Aliyev has worked as a clinical alternator and ended graduate school at the Moscow Medical Institute. Three years later, Rakhat moved to the partner of Surgery to the post of lead a scientist.

Business and politics

Career in great politics began for Rakhat Aliyev after appointing a deputy head of the Department of External Economic Relations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This event that has changed the life of Rakhat occurred in 1993. In addition to the position in the government, the policy entrusted to the management of several large companies.

Rakhat Aliyev

Three years later, Aliyev was transferred to the General Directorate of the Tax Police of the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Another year it took that from the post of deputy to the post of head of the Department of the Almaty Tax Police. Promotion over the career staircase took place for Rakhat rapidly.

Rakhat Aliyev and Nursultan Nazarbayev

In 2002, Aliyev went to the international level. Politician appeared in the Republic of Austria Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Kazakhstan. At the same time, Rakhat opposed the state of the state at meetings of a number of international organizations, including the OSCE.

Criminal case

In 2007, everything changed. In Kazakhstan, a criminal case was discovered on the abduction of the head of Nurbanka. One of the shareholders in the financial institution was Aliyev. The investigating authorities during the proceedings came to the conclusion that Rakhat was involved in this crime. The politician with a friend was taken out top managers to the territory of the agrofirm and kept there. Aliyev wanted the abducted bank employees to give him personal property.

On May 26, 2007, Rakhat was officially filmed from the posts occupied, declared international wanted list. The Prosecutor General's Office of Kazakhstan appealed to the Austrian authorities to detention and issuing a criminal. The arrest was held in June of the same year. Vienna court did not allow Kazakhstan authorities to take Aliyev from Europe.

Politician Rakhat Aliyev

Already in 2009, Rakhat Aliyev published a book titled the President of Kazakhstan called the "Cross School". At home, this work ex-policy was outlawed due to the presented personal information. Aliyev published private conversations of Nazarbayev and state secrets.

In this regard, with respect to Aliyev in Kazakhstan, two criminal cases were raised: an illegal violation of the secrets of correspondence and the illegal receipt of public secrets. According to experts, the book presents the falsification of the facts that questioned the presented story.

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In mid-2011, the investigating authorities found the remains of abducted men. In absentia Aliyev, the Kazakh departments were charged, but there was no possibility to return Rakhat to their homeland. In this criminal case, the driver and the guard of the oppositionist Altybek Sarsenbaeva took place.

Investigators believed that Aliyev could be involved in the murder of another person - Anastasia Novikova TV journalist. The incident occurred on the territory of Lebanon. Even after the initiation of the criminal case, Aliyev did not stop being submitted to the main oppositionist of Kazakhstan, despite the fact that he was in another country, and after and was in prison at all.

Personal life

Rakhat Aliyev had two wives. The first spouse businessman and politics became Dariga Nazarbayev. A woman represented the seven of the current president of Kazakhstan - Nursultan Nazarbayev, who in those years worked as secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Kazakh SSR. The wedding of Rakhat and Darigi took place in 1983.

Rakhat Aliyev and Dariga Nazarbayev

Two years after marriage in the family, the firstborn was born - Nurali Rakhatovich. Now in Kazakhstan, a man knows as a major businessman and economist. In 1990, the Spouses had the second son - Aisultan Rakhatovich. 10 years later, the long-awaited daughter was born in the family of Aliyei-Nazarbayev, which was called Venus.

On family life, a man preferred not to inform the press. Only in 2007 Kazakhstan had the news that divorce was decorated. Dariga and Rakhat no longer husband and wife. Aliyev stated that the documents did not sign, and no one had informed the head of the family. From this time, Rakhat could no longer be presented to the son-in-law of Kazakhstan.

Rakhat Aliyev and his wife Elnara Shorazov

For a long time to grieve alone Aliyev did not plan. Soon there were photos of a new wife - Elnara Shjazova. A year before the wedding, the son was born from Elnara and Rakhat. After marriage, Rakhat decided to take the surname of the spouse. From this time, the businessman became Rakhat Shoraz. According to journalists, the new name helped a man to hide from justice.

The EU passport had a passport, respectively, Aliyev issued a residence permit in Austria. This allowed the family to move freely inside the European Union and in a number of other states. Malta has become the main place of residence of the family. Later, there was information that Shoraz plans to immigrate in the USA, where he wants to ask for political asylum.


February 24, 2015 Police Austria announced the death of the accused. The man was found in the bathroom of the prison chamber, which was located in the area of ​​Josefstadt in Vienna. Employees of the institution stated that Aliyev hanged himself. The prison staff did not notice the policy of a tendency to depression or suicide.

Funeral Rakhat Aliyev

But the experts learned that the men threaten unknown citizens shortly before hanging, so they suspected the murder. I agreed with them the lawyer of the died Aliyev Manfred Aeynedter. The Ministry of Justice Austria announced the suicide of Rakhat. Representatives of Kazakhstan insisted on their participation in the investigation of the causes and circumstances of the death of a citizen. The funeral of Aliyev was held in Vienna.


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