Valery Ryumin - biography, photo, personal life of cosmonaut, News 2021



Twice the Hero of the Soviet Union, Valery Viktorovich Ryumina was lucky four times to see the globe in the porthole of the spacecraft. Pilot-cosmonaut flew as a flight engineer: three times - on the Soviet ships of the Soyuz series and 1 time - on the American Shuttle "Discovery" as a flight specialist.

Cosmonaut Valery Ryumin

The 41st cosmonaut of the USSR made the last flight on an extraterrestrial orbit at the age of 58, by breaking the record of Colleague George Grechko. Ryumin's record lasted until 2013, until 59-year-old Pavel Vinogradov went into space.

The Ryumin family deserved the title "Space", because there are two pilot-cosmonaut in it: twice in orbit visited the flyer's spouse - Elena Kondakov.

Childhood and youth

Cosmonaut born and twice the Hero of the USSR in the Far East, in the Khabarovsk Territory. Early childhood passed in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Valery Ryumin - Russian by nationality. Parents of the future pilot-astronaut are associated with aviation and space: Victor and Alexander Rumyn worked at the aviation plant, which today wears the name of Yuri Gagarin.

The dream is to climb out on the ground, Dreamed in Valeria since childhood, but woke up and became distinct only in 27 years. And before that - in 1954 - the future cosmonaut graduated from an eight-year in the village of Zaglogolovka near Moscow, where the parents moved before the war.

Valery Ryumin in youth

After school, he became a student of a mechanical technical school in Kaliningrad and, having received a specialty at the Faculty of Cold Metal Processing, went to the urgent service.

In front of the army, the future cosmonaut of 3 years old worked at the OKB-1 production base in the queen as an intern Tokary. From 1958 to 1960 served in tank troops in Azerbaijan. After the demobilization, Valery Ryumin received a higher education in the metropolitan forestry university, choosing the Faculty of Electronics. The diploma of the university and the specialty of the electrician engineer was presented in 1966.


By distribution, the young engineer fell to the Central Space Bureau in the queen, with whom he met before the army service. But now Ryumin returned to OKB-1 is not an apprentice, but an engineer. After 3 years, grew up to the senior engineer Bureau. So began "cosmic" head of the biography of Valery Ryumin.

Cosmonaut Valery Ryumin

The engineer developed mechanisms for electrical testing of the aircraft designed to fly to the moon. In the early 1970s, Valeria Ryumin was appointed deputy chief designer of Salute orbital stations and the head of flights. In 1973, the 34-year-old designer was enrolled in the cosmonaut detachment. Ryumin and his colleagues were preparing for flights on the Soyuz ships and orbital stations of the same series.

Valery V. Viktorovich first went on October 9, 1977 together with the partner Vladimir Kovalenk. Pilots were detained in orbit for 3 days - such a short time was due to the malfunction of the Soyuz-25 ship, which failed to docile with the station due to problems. Cancellation of the docking led to the termination of the flight.

Valery Ryumin and Vladimir Kovanynok

The second time the pilot went to extraterrestrial orbit in February 1979, when he was 40 years old. The commander of the ship "Soyuz-32" was appointed Vladimir Lyakhov. The flight lasted 175 days. In mid-August, the partners were unscheduled into open space in order to eliminate the malfunction - a closer radio telescopic antenna.

August 19, after returning to Earth, Soyuz-32 pilots received the title of Heroes of the USSR. For courage and heroism, Rumin and Lyakhov were presented by the Order of Lenin and the "Golden Star" medal.

Valery Ryumin and Leonid Popov

A year later, Valery Ryubin went to orbit for the third time and stayed on board 185 days. The crew "Union-35" and the research complex "Salyut-6" adopted 4 expeditions, of which 3 international. In the piggy bank, Valery Viktorovich was added another medal - the second "Golden Star".

After three flights, the Ryumin space was prescribed by the deputy, and soon the head of the complex on the toilet tests. Later, Valery Ryubin worked at the PC (Central Flight Management). At first, I replaced the manager, and then led the tests.

Valery Ryumin and Vladimir Kovanynok

Seven years since 1982, Ryubin was led by ships and stations that developed the Scientific and Production Association "Energy" in the queen. Valery Viktorovich and the team headed by the team entrusted to the development of Salute orbital stations and the world, a reusable Space Ship "Buran". NGOs gave life and sent cosmic "trucks" series "Progress" to the orbit.

In the fall of 1987, Valery Ryubin retired and left the cosmonaut detachment, focusing the forces on the development of ships and stations.

Monument Valery Rumin in Komsomolsk-on-Amur

In 1994, Ryumin appointed from Russia the head of the World-Nasa and Mir-Shattl programs. In position, he worked for 4 years. And in the 1997 58-year-old Valery Viktorovich, having passed the medical examination, got into the crew of the American Shuttle Discovery. Preparation for the flight was carried out in the United States, in the Space Center. Johnson. In the carriage crew there was a place to two pilot women.

The fourth flight lasted 10 days, started on June 2, 1998. In orbit, American shuttle successfully docked with the Russian Station "Peace". In total, Valery Ryumin stayed in orbit 371 days.

Personal life

Valery Ryumin was married twice. For the first time married to the employees of the RKK "Energia" Natalia. The spouses had two children - in 1965, Victoria's daughter, in the 1972th son Vadim. In 1985, Ryumin married the second time. With Elena Kondakova, younger for 18 years, he met when he led the plot. Elena - Then the young specialist was answered for abnormal situations.

First Family Valery Ryumin

The Ryumin offer followed after a 2-day acquaintance and became for the Kondakaya full surprise. Consent to become a wife Valery Ryumin woman gave a year later. In the mid-1980s, the daughter of Eugene was born in marriage.

Valery Ryubin was a categorical opponent of departure of women pilots. Therefore, the desire of the spouse to fly into orbit took the bayonets. In the political correct United States, feminists were outraged loudly, having heard the performance of the Ryumin, who did not hide a negative attitude towards women on ships.

Vladimir Kovalenok and Valery Ryumin with children

But the spouse managed to break the resistance: Kondakova twice flew into space and became the hero of the Soviet Union. The medical commission woman passed when the daughter's wife turned 3 years old. 5 years later, Elena went to orbit, spending six months in the first flight. Her husband was waiting for her husband Valery Ryumin with 8-year-old Zhenya.

At the site of landing in Kazakhstan, the husband expects a spouse with a spruce of roses and a short "hello!". Valery Ryubin perfectly remembered how the crew of three Soviet pilots died in the Kazakh steppes, and worried terribly. Children did not follow the footsteps of their parents and chose professions, far from the space industry.

Valery Ryumin and his wife Elena Kondakova

In his free time, Valery Ryumin loves to go fishing, wander through the forest in search of mushrooms and berries. Watch out for sports achievements of Russian football players and hockey players, reads historical books and celebrity memoirs.

For the crew Valery Ryumin Sergey Nikitin and Yuri Vizbor composed a series of songs, united by the "Ryminiad" name, which Rumin was presented with a birthday in August 1980 during a teleteption.

Valery Ryumin now

In the fall of 1998, after the fourth flight and the completion of the carriage pilot career, Valery Ryumin continued to work on Earth. He works on the leadership posts of Energia Corporation in the queen and heads the ISS program.

Valery Ryumin in 2017

Valery Ryumin wrote the book "Year outside the Earth" and in the co-authorship "RKK" Energia "them. S. P. Queen. "


  • Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (August 19, 1979, October 11, 1980)
  • Three Order of Lenin (August 19, 1979, 1979, October 11, 1980)
  • Order "For merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (July 1, 1999)
  • Order 2 degree (Kazakhstan, 2001)
  • Medal "For merit in the development of space" (April 12, 2011)
  • Herger Hungarian People's Republic
  • Labor hero of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
  • Order Ho Chi Minh (SRV)
  • Hero Cuba
  • Order "Playa Hiron" (Cuba)

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